July 2, 2024
Sky Light天光(Tian Guang) The Journey of Chong Zi OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Sky Light天光(Tian Guang) The Journey of Chong Zi OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Sky Light天光(Tian Guang) The Journey of Chong Zi OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Info/About “Sky Light天光”

Song NameSky Light天光(Tian Guang)
Artist Liu Yuning刘宇宁
LyricistQing Yan
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Sky Light天光”

This song was the opening theme song of the TV Series “The Journey of Chong Zi重紫“, and it was released on February 9, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Sky Light天光”

lái ba chōng pò mìng yùn de wǎng
来 吧 冲 破 命 运 的 网
Come on, break the net of destiny

xiàng fēng de fāng xiàng
向 风 的 方 向
follow the direction of the wind

jiāng yuè guāng mái zàng
将 月 光 埋 葬
and bury the moonlight

lái ba fèn bú gù shēn yī chǎng
来 吧 奋 不 顾 身 一 场
Come on, run forward risking your life

yòng jìn suǒ yǒu xìn yǎng
用 尽 所 有 信 仰
until exhausting all belief

lái ba zhǎn xiàn nǐ de fēng máng
来 吧 展 现 你 的 锋 芒
Come on, show your talent

bié hài pà shòu shāng
别 害 怕 受 伤
don’t be afraid of getting hurt

tiān dì jiān áo xiáng
天 地 间 翱 翔
and fly between heaven and earth

ào lì yú yún xiāo zhī shàng
傲 立 于 云 霄 之 上
Stand proudly among the skies

xuè yī diǎn yī diǎn
血 一 点 一 点
The blood little by little

huá luò zài zhǐ jiān
滑 落 在 指 尖
slides through the tips of your fingers

kuài cā gàn yǎn lèi
快 擦 干 眼 泪
Quickly dry your tears

zài fēng yǔ lái lín qián
在 风 雨 来 临 前
before the storm approaches

wú jìn de hēi yè
无 尽 的 黑 夜
Endless nights

mèng lián mián bú jué
梦 连 绵 不 绝
dreams don’t fade away

shì yào shǒu hù de xiào yán
誓 要 守 护 的 笑 颜
A smile you vow to protect

zhēng kāi yǎn nì lún zhī jiàn zhòng xiàn
睁 开 眼 逆 轮 之 剑 重 现
You open your eyes and the legendary sword reappears

yī shùn jiān wū yún guǒ jiā léi diàn
一 瞬 间 乌 云 裹 挟 雷 电
In an instant, dark clouds were engulfed in thunder and lightning

mò wèn tiān zhèng xié rú hé lái jiàn
莫 问 天 正 邪 如 何 来 鉴
Don’t ask the sky how to distinguish between good and eveil

shàn yǔ è zuì shì rén xīn nán biàn
善 与 恶 最 是 人 心 难 辨
they are the most difficult to distinguish in the human heart

lái ba shí qǐ yǒu qíng de jiàn zhǎn xiàng nà wú qíng huā
来 吧 拾 起 有 情 的 剑 斩 向 那 无 情 花
Come on, grab your sensitive sword adn decapitate that ruthless flower

fēng juàn luò chén shā huí shǒu tiān dì jiān yī piàn xiāo shā
风 卷 落 尘 沙 回 首 天 地 间 一 片 萧 杀
The wind blows the dust and sand, looking back, the world is in a state of desolation

wǒ tīng wén shì shì duō wú cháng
我 听 闻 世 事 多 无 常
I have heard that the affairs of the world have changed

yuè xià diǎn rán yī lǚ chén xiāng
月 下 点 燃 一 缕 沉 香
I light a wisp of incense under the moon

huí yì zài xīng hé zhōng liú tǎng
回 忆 在 星 河 中 流 淌
and memories flow in the river of stars

shén míng yě nán táo wáng
神 明 也 难 逃 亡
Even the gods cannot escape

róu ruǎn le xīn cháng
柔 软 了 心 肠
having their hearts softened

shēng lái zhù dìng de jiū gě huì dào dì lǎo tiān huāng
生 来 注 定 的 纠 葛 会 到 地 老 天 荒
The entanglements that are destined from birth can last until the end of time

ài wéi qiú lóng hèn wéi jiā suǒ hóng chén zhōng liú làng
爱 为 囚 笼 恨 为 枷 锁 红 尘 中 流 浪
Love is a cage, hate is a shackle, wandering in the world of mortals

yòu yù guò duō shǎo chī mèi wǎng liǎng
又 遇 过 多 少 魑 魅 魍 魉
How many demons and monsters have you encountered

yǐ shàn zhī míng guàn chuān xīn zāng
以 善 之 名 贯 穿 心 脏
in the name of the goodness that runs through your heart

lái ba chōng pò mìng yùn de wǎng
来 吧 冲 破 命 运 的 网
Come on, break the net of destiny

xiàng fēng de fāng xiàng
向 风 的 方 向
follow the direction of the wind

jiāng yuè guāng mái zàng
将 月 光 埋 葬
and bury the moonlight

lái ba fèn bú gù shēn yī chǎng
来 吧 奋 不 顾 身 一 场
Come on, run forward risking your life

yòng jìn suǒ yǒu xìn yǎng
用 尽 所 有 信 仰
until exhausting all belief

lái ba zhǎn xiàn nǐ de fēng máng
来 吧 展 现 你 的 锋 芒
Come on, show your talent

bié hài pà shòu shāng
别 害 怕 受 伤
don’t be afraid of getting hurt

tiān dì jiān áo xiáng
天 地 间 翱 翔
and fly between heaven and earth

ào lì yú yún xiāo zhī shàng
傲 立 于 云 霄 之 上
Stand proudly among the skies

wǒ tīng wén shì shì duō wú cháng
我 听 闻 世 事 多 无 常
I have heard that the affairs of the world have changed

yuè xià diǎn rán yī lǚ chén xiāng
月 下 点 燃 一 缕 沉 香
I light a wisp of incense under the moon

huí yì zài xīng hé zhōng liú tǎng
回 忆 在 星 河 中 流 淌
and memories flow in the river of stars

shén míng yě nán táo wáng
神 明 也 难 逃 亡
Even the gods cannot escape

róu ruǎn le xīn cháng
柔 软 了 心 肠
having their hearts softened

shēng lái zhù dìng de jiū gě huì dào dì lǎo tiān huāng
生 来 注 定 的 纠 葛 会 到 地 老 天 荒
The entanglements that are destined from birth can last until the end of time

ài wéi qiú lóng hèn wéi jiā suǒ hóng chén zhōng liú làng
爱 为 囚 笼 恨 为 枷 锁 红 尘 中 流 浪
Love is a cage, hate is a shackle, wandering in the world of mortals

yòu yù guò duō shǎo chī mèi wǎng liǎng
又 遇 过 多 少 魑 魅 魍 魉
How many demons and monsters have you encountered

yǐ shàn zhī míng guàn chuān xīn zāng
以 善 之 名 贯 穿 心 脏
in the name of the goodness that runs through your heart

lái ba chōng pò mìng yùn de wǎng
来 吧 冲 破 命 运 的 网
Come on, break the net of destiny

xiàng fēng de fāng xiàng
向 风 的 方 向
follow the direction of the wind

jiāng yuè guāng mái zàng
将 月 光 埋 葬
and bury the moonlight

lái ba fèn bú gù shēn yī chǎng
来 吧 奋 不 顾 身 一 场
Come on, run forward risking your life

yòng jìn suǒ yǒu xìn yǎng
用 尽 所 有 信 仰
until exhausting all belief

lái ba zhǎn xiàn nǐ de fēng máng
来 吧 展 现 你 的 锋 芒
Come on, show your talent

bié hài pà shòu shāng
别 害 怕 受 伤
don’t be afraid of getting hurt

tiān dì jiān áo xiáng
天 地 间 翱 翔
and fly between heaven and earth

ào lì yú yún xiāo zhī shàng
傲 立 于 云 霄 之 上
Stand proudly among the skies

lái ba nǎ pà yǔ shì duì kàng
来 吧 哪 怕 与 世 对 抗
Come on, even if you fight against the world

biàn tǐ lín shāng
遍 体 鳞 伤
and your body is covered in wounds

yě bú néng zǔ dǎng
也 不 能 阻 挡
you can’t stop

lái ba nǎ pà zhuì luò shēn yuān
来 吧 哪 怕 坠 落 深 渊
Come on, even if you fall into the abyss

zài bú néng duì wàng
再 不 能 对 望
you can no longer look at each other

lái ba shí qǐ suì liè de jiàn
来 吧 拾 起 碎 裂 的 剑
Come on, wield the shattered sword

píng yī shēn tǎn dàng
凭 一 身 坦 荡
with a magnanimous posture

xiàng hào hào qióng cāng
向 浩 浩 穹 苍
towards the vast firmament

zhōng yǒu rì
终 有 日

dé jiàn tiān guāng
得 见 天 光
you’ll see the sky light

Covers & Versions of “Sky Light天光”

MV Version

Live streaming version

English sub version

Thaisub version

Chords of “Sky Light天光”


Download/MP3 of “Sky Light天光”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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