June 27, 2024
Until That Day直到那一天(Zhi Dao Na Yi Tian) The Imperial Doctress OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Until That Day直到那一天(Zhi Dao Na Yi Tian) The Imperial Doctress OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Until That Day直到那一天(Zhi Dao Na Yi Tian) The Imperial Doctress OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Info/About “Until That Day直到那一天”

Song NameUntil That Day直到那一天(Zhi Dao Na Yi Tian)
Artist Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君
LyricistGong Shujun
ComposerYi Rui
Released 2016
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Until That Day直到那一天”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “The Imperial Doctress女医·明妃传“, and it was released on February 1, 2016.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Until That Day直到那一天”

céng yǐ wéi zhī shì yī piān bú zhǎng de shū juàn
曾 以 为 只 是 一 篇 不 长 的 书 卷
I thought it’s just a short book

jì mǎn de wú fēi shì sī niàn
记 满 的 无 非 是 思 念
Recording nothing more than yearning between lovers

sī niàn dào yí wàng qíng jiē
思 念 到 遗 忘 情 节
Yearning to the point where the plot is forgotten

hū rán tái tóu xiàng qián
忽 然 抬 头 向 前
Suddenly raise the head and look forward

què fā xiàn lèi tài qiǎn
却 发 现 泪 太 浅
Only found that the tears were too shallow

fēng yǐ cì tòng le shuāng yǎn
风 已 刺 痛 了 双 眼
The wind has pierced my eyes

céng yǐ wéi zhī shì hán lěng rú cháng de dōng tiān
曾 以 为 只 是 寒 冷 如 常 的 冬 天
I thought it’s just a winter cold as usual

bú guān wǒ juè qiáng de zhí niàn
不 关 我 倔 强 的 执 念
Nothing to do with my stubborn obsession

rú guǒ bīng lěng de dà xuě bīng dòng le yī qiē
如 果 冰 冷 的 大 雪 冰 冻 了 一 切
If the icy snow freezes everything

wǒ huì děng zài yuán diǎn děng nǐ chū xiàn
我 会 等 在 原 点 等 你 出 现
I will wait at the original point for you to show up

yě xǔ shì yán huì gǎi biàn
也 许 誓 言 会 改 变
Maybe the vow will change

suì yuè huì shí guò jìng qiān
岁 月 会 时 过 境 迁
Time will change everything

bú duàn de shàng yǎn bú duàn de tuì biàn
不 断 的 上 演 不 断 的 蜕 变
Constantly new performance, constantly new transformation

nǎ pà cāng hǎi sāng tián
哪 怕 沧 海 桑 田
Even time brings great changes to the world

shí jiān lǎo qù le róng yán
时 间 老 去 了 容 颜
and time makes the face old

yī jiù bái yī piān piān
依 旧 白 衣 翩 翩
You are still that handsome young man in white

zhí dào nà yī tiān
直 到 那 一 天
Until that day

zài huí lái yǔ nǐ xiàng jiàn
再 回 来 与 你 相 见
Come back to meet you again

céng yǐ wéi zhī shì hán lěng rú cháng de dōng tiān
曾 以 为 只 是 寒 冷 如 常 的 冬 天
I thought it’s just a winter cold as usual

bú guān wǒ juè qiáng de zhí niàn
不 关 我 倔 强 的 执 念
Nothing to do with my stubborn obsession

rú guǒ bīng lěng de dà xuě bīng dòng le yī qiē
如 果 冰 冷 的 大 雪 冰 冻 了 一 切
If the icy snow freezes everything

wǒ huì děng zài yuán diǎn děng nǐ chū xiàn
我 会 等 在 原 点 等 你 出 现
I will wait at the original point for you to show up

yě xǔ shì yán huì gǎi biàn
也 许 誓 言 会 改 变
Maybe the vow will change

suì yuè huì shí guò jìng qiān
岁 月 会 时 过 境 迁
Time will change everything

bú duàn de shàng yǎn bú duàn de tuì biàn
不 断 的 上 演 不 断 的 蜕 变
Constantly new performance, constantly new transformation

nǎ pà cāng hǎi sāng tián
哪 怕 沧 海 桑 田
Even time brings great changes to the world

shí jiān lǎo qù le róng yán
时 间 老 去 了 容 颜
and time makes the face old

yī jiù bái yī piān piān
依 旧 白 衣 翩 翩
You are still that handsome young man in white

zhí dào nà yī tiān
直 到 那 一 天
Until that day

zài huí lái yǔ nǐ xiàng jiàn
再 回 来 与 你 相 见
Come back to meet you again

dào nà tiān yī qǐ huí dào shú xī de dì diǎn
到 那 天 一 起 回 到 熟 悉 的 地 点
Until that day, back to that familiar place together

kàn wǔ cǎi de shì jiè
看 五 彩 的 世 界
Look at the colorful world

kàn dēng huǒ yìng zhe nǐ de liǎn
看 灯 火 映 着 你 的 脸
Look at your face lighted up by lamps

dào nà tiān yī qǐ huí dào zuì chū de dà xuě
到 那 天 一 起 回 到 最 初 的 大 雪
Until that day, back to the original big snow together

wàng le zhí niàn hé diū shī de yǐ qián
忘 了 执 念 和 丢 失 的 以 前
Forget about the obession and the lost past

yě xǔ shì yán huì gǎi biàn
也 许 誓 言 会 改 变
Maybe the vow will change

suì yuè huì shí guò jìng qiān
岁 月 会 时 过 境 迁
Time will change everything

bú duàn de shàng yǎn bú duàn de tuì biàn
不 断 的 上 演 不 断 的 蜕 变
Constantly new performance, constantly new transformation

nǎ pà cāng hǎi sāng tián
哪 怕 沧 海 桑 田
Even time brings great changes to the world

shí jiān lǎo qù le róng yán
时 间 老 去 了 容 颜
and time makes the face old

yī jiù bái yī piān piān
依 旧 白 衣 翩 翩
You are still that handsome young man in white

zhí dào nà yī tiān
直 到 那 一 天
Until that day

zài huí lái yǔ nǐ xiàng jiàn
再 回 来 与 你 相 见
Come back to meet you again


Covers & Versions of “Until That Day直到那一天”

MV Version

Live version by Sara Liu Xijun

Another live version by Sara Liu Xijun

Piano Cover

Chords of “Until That Day直到那一天”


Download/MP3 of “Until That Day直到那一天”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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