July 1, 2024
Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂(Ling Yun Ji) Heroes OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂(Ling Yun Ji) Heroes OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂(Ling Yun Ji) Heroes OST By Liu Yuning刘宇宁

Info/About “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”

Song NameSilent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂(Ling Yun Ji)
Artist Liu Yuning刘宇宁
LyricistWoon Swee Oan; Chen Kexin
ComposerLi Fangrui
Released 2022
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”

This song was a theme song of the TV Series “Heroes说英雄谁是英雄” in which Liu Yuning starred, and it was released on May 27, 2022.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”

wǒ yuán yào áng yáng dú bù tiān xià
我 原 要 昂 扬 独 步 天 下
I was going to be the only one to stand out in the world

nài hé què rěn rǔ cáng yú wū ní
奈 何 却 忍 辱 藏 于 污 泥
But why do I put up with humiliation and hide in the sludge

wǒ mèng zài chì zhà fēng yún
我 梦 在 叱 咤 风 云
My dream is to shake the whole world

què wú nài kǔ hòu shí jī
却 无 奈 苦 候 时 机
But I am struggling to wait for the right time

nán dào dēng fēng zào jí
难 道 登 峰 造 极
Do you think I’ll make it to the top

tú zhōng biàn shì jīng jí
途 中 遍 是 荆 棘
But there are so many thorns on the way

wǒ běn xiǎng dàn bó tuì chū jiāng hú
我 本 想 淡 泊 退 出 江 湖
My thoughts were to live a simple life and leave the Wuxia world

nài hé què bú gān wǎng cǐ yī shēng
奈 何 却 不 甘 枉 此 一 生
But I don’t want to waste my life

yī niàn xiǎng zì zài zì dé
一 念 想 自 在 自 得
I want to be free and pleased with myself

yī niàn tān lì gōng lì yè
一 念 贪 立 功 立 业
Then I want to make a name for myself

huī shǒu zhē yún bì tiān yìng gǔ ào lì shì jiān
挥 手 遮 云 蔽 天 硬 骨 傲 立 世 间
I want to cover the clouds with my hand and stand proudly in the world with my hard bones

wǒ ruò yào hóng hú jué yì chēng háo
我 若 要 鸿 鹄 决 意 称 豪
If I want to be a great man, I will be determined to be proud

hé fáng piāo yáo yǔ zhòng shēng guò zhāo
何 妨 飘 摇 与 众 生 过 招
Why do I not want to fight with all people

wǒ huī jiàn biàn yào jiāng shān dàng qǐ wàn zhàng jīng tāo
我 挥 剑 便 要 江 山 荡 起 万 丈 惊 涛
I’ll wield my sword to make the mountain and river rise up to a thousand waves

wǒ zì mìng jié ào zhī zhēng tiān gāo
我 自 命 桀 骜 只 争 天 高
I’m an ambitious man who strives to reach the heavens

luàn shì fēng bào nán rǎo wǒ fèn háo
乱 世 风 暴 难 扰 我 分 毫
The storm of troubled times doesn’t bother me at all

xiān xuè huá luò zuǐ jiǎo yě zhī qīng miè yī xiào
鲜 血 滑 落 嘴 角 也 只 轻 蔑 一 笑
The blood slips down the corner of my mouth, but I only smile contemptuously

xì qiāng :
戏 腔 :
(Theatrical tune):

zuì céng lóu yǎng tiān xiào fēng yuè liáo cǎo
醉 层 楼 仰 天 笑 风 月 潦 草
Drunken floor, laughing up at the sky, scrawling in the beautiful scenery

wǒ zhōng wú rén bú xiǎo
我 终 无 人 不 晓
In the end, no one knows me

yún zhāo zhāo xīn xiāo xiāo qiě míng jīn cháo
云 昭 昭 心 萧 萧 且 鸣 今 朝
The clouds are bright, my heart is sorrowful, and I am crying today

shuí jiào xiāo mò guài wǒ dāo
谁 叫 嚣 莫 怪 我 刀
Nobody can blame me for the hoot of my sword

wǒ běn xiǎng dàn bó tuì chū jiāng hú
我 本 想 淡 泊 退 出 江 湖
My thoughts were to live a simple life and leave the Wuxia world

nài hé què bú gān wǎng cǐ yī shēng
奈 何 却 不 甘 枉 此 一 生
But I don’t want to waste my life

yī niàn xiǎng zì zài zì dé
一 念 想 自 在 自 得
I want to be free and pleased with myself

yī niàn tān lì gōng lì yè
一 念 贪 立 功 立 业
Then I want to make a name for myself

huī shǒu zhē yún bì tiān yìng gǔ ào lì shì jiān
挥 手 遮 云 蔽 天 硬 骨 傲 立 世 间
I want to cover the clouds with my hand and stand proudly in the world with my hard bones

wǒ ruò yào hóng hú jué yì chēng háo
我 若 要 鸿 鹄 决 意 称 豪
If I want to be a great man, I will be determined to be proud

hé fáng piāo yáo yǔ zhòng shēng guò zhāo
何 妨 飘 摇 与 众 生 过 招
Why do I not want to fight with all people

wǒ huī jiàn biàn yào jiāng shān dàng qǐ wàn zhàng jīng tāo
我 挥 剑 便 要 江 山 荡 起 万 丈 惊 涛
I’ll wield my sword to make the mountain and river rise up to a thousand waves

wǒ zì mìng jié ào zhī zhēng tiān gāo
我 自 命 桀 骜 只 争 天 高
I’m an ambitious man who strives to reach the heavens

luàn shì fēng bào nán rǎo wǒ fèn háo
乱 世 风 暴 难 扰 我 分 毫
The storm of troubled times doesn’t bother me at all

xiān xuè huá luò zuǐ jiǎo yě zhī qīng miè yī xiào
鲜 血 滑 落 嘴 角 也 只 轻 蔑 一 笑
The blood slips down the corner of my mouth, but I only smile contemptuously

zěn gān xīn kùn yú fán shēn gǒu yán cán chuǎn
怎 甘 心 困 于 凡 身 苟 延 残 喘
How can I willingly be trapped in my mortal body and stay alive

hé bú qù tòng yǐn kuáng huān shě mìng yī zhàn
何 不 去 痛 饮 狂 欢 舍 命 一 战
Why not drink and enjoy and sacrifice my life to fight

shèng míng xiǎng chè tiān dì jiān
盛 名 响 彻 天 地 间
My fame will be heard among the heavens and the earth

yǐn zhòng shēng fǔ shǒu xiàng chuán cái wú hàn
引 众 生 俯 首 相 传 才 无 憾
I have no regrets if I make people bow down to me

wǒ zhì zài yī míng jīng tiān bú dú bēi tàn
我 志 在 一 鸣 惊 天 不 独 悲 叹
My aim is to be astonishing, not just to lament

bú wéi ài hèn shì jiū chán kuài yì jiāng shān
不 为 爱 恨 事 纠 缠 快 意 江 山
I will not be entangled in loe and hate, but I will be happy with the country

què wú nài zhōng nán táo xiǔ mìng zhī bàn dú yǐng lán shān
却 无 奈 终 难 逃 宿 命 之 绊 独 影 阑 珊
But I cannot escape from the fate of my destiny and the silhouette of my own

wǒ ruò yào hóng hú jué yì chēng háo
我 若 要 鸿 鹄 决 意 称 豪
If I want to be a great man, I will be determined to be proud

nǎ pà wú wèi yǔ zhòng shēng guò zhāo
哪 怕 无 畏 与 众 生 过 招
Even if I’m not afraid to fight against all the beings

kě jǐ rén néng dìng jiāng shān bú bèi fēng yān zhuó shāo
可 几 人 能 定 江 山 不 被 烽 烟 灼 烧
But how many people can determine the country and not be burned by the smoke of beacons

yī shēng xiǎng rú yīng líng yún jiǔ xiāo
一 生 想 如 鹰 凌 云 九 霄
All my life I wanted to be an eagle flying in the nine skies

què wàng tiān gāo yǒu bú jìn fēng bào
却 忘 天 高 有 不 尽 风 暴
But I forget that the sky is high and there are endless storms

kě chēn niàn yǐ chéng láo fú shēng bú dé guī cháo
可 嗔 念 已 成 牢 浮 生 不 得 归 巢
But hatred has become a prison, and I can’t return to my nest

Covers & Versions of “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”

MV Version

Live streaming version by Liu Yuning

Another live streaming version by Liu Yuning

English sub version

Piano Cover

Chords of “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”


Download/MP3 of “Silent Clouds In The Sky凌云寂”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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