July 3, 2024
Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光(Yong Ye Tian Guang) Moonlight Blade OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光(Yong Ye Tian Guang) Moonlight Blade OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光(Yong Ye Tian Guang) Moonlight Blade OST By Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君

Info/About “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”

Song NameSky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光(Yong Ye Tian Guang)
Artist Sara Liu Xijun刘惜君
LyricistChi Yi
ComposerJin Dongxuan, Chen Minyi, Li Zhonghao
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”

This song was a theme song of the Online Game “Moonlight Blade天涯明月刀“, and it was released on December 7, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”

zhè yuè liàng bú jì dé huì wàng
这 月 亮 不 记 得 晦 望
This moon doesn’t remember the Lunar Calendar

qún shān bú jiē huán yǔ
群 山 不 接 寰 宇
The mountains don’t connect with the universe

liú shuǐ bú dào gù xiāng
流 水 不 到 故 乡
The river doesn’t flow to my hometown

zhī yǒu wǒ hé wǒ de dāo guāng
只 有 我 和 我 的 刀 光
Only me and my blade

gé zhe míng miè
隔 着 明 灭
Across the wink

yī hū xiōng yì
一 呼 胸 臆
Express my feelings directly

jǔ shì xiǎng liàng
举 世 响 亮
So loud that amazed the world

wǒ yǒu zhe zuì chì rè háo cháng
我 有 着 最 炽 热 豪 肠
I have the hottest ambition

bǐ jiāo yáng gǔn tàng
比 骄 阳 滚 烫
Hotter than the sun

cóng lóng zhī gōng bú zài huáng jīn bǎng
从 龙 之 功 不 在 黄 金 榜
The achievement of supporting the emperor is uncomparable to getting on the list of imperial exam

gèng tiān shēng zuì jiān dìng lǐ xiǎng
更 天 生 最 坚 定 理 想
The most resolute ideal was born naturally

bú xī bǎi sǐ gǎn fù tāng
不 惜 百 死 敢 赴 汤
Never hesitate to risk my life

wéi rén jiān dǒu sǒu hǎo qīng lǎng
为 人 间 抖 擞 好 清 朗
Uphold the justice for the mortal world

wǒ yuàn téng lóng dú dòu tiān gāng
我 愿 腾 龙 独 斗 天 罡
I’m willing to ride the dragon and fight the Gods alone

yě qiān fān gòng jī wāng yáng
也 千 帆 共 击 汪 洋
and mobilize a thousand ships to battle in the ocean

cǐ jiān hài làng yóu wǒ zì yì kuáng
此 间 骇 浪 由 我 恣 意 狂
I can be free and crazy when fighting in the raging waves

wǒ yuàn bú wéi tiān zǐ miào táng
我 愿 不 为 天 子 庙 堂
I don’t wish to be high-ranking official in the Emperor’s palace

wéi zhī wéi wàn rén suǒ xiàng
为 只 为 万 人 所 向
but fight for the millions of common people

chuān guò yǒng yè pò tiān guāng
穿 过 永 夜 破 天 光
Pass though the eternal night and break the sky light

bǎ qīng fēng dōu hái gěi shān gǎng
把 清 风 都 还 给 山 岗
Return all the breeze to the hills

shǎo nián hái gěi ài rén
少 年 还 给 爱 人
Return the young people to their loved ones

ér nǚ hái gěi gāo táng
儿 女 还 给 高 堂
Return the children to their parents

hái shèng xià wèi jìn de qiān shāng
还 剩 下 未 尽 的 千 觞
There is stil unfinished wine

hái gěi tiān xià hé dà qiān zhōng wú yōu wàn xiàng
还 给 天 下 和 大 千 中 无 忧 万 象
Return them to the free spirits under the heaven and in the universe

wǒ yǒu zhe zuì chì rè háo cháng
我 有 着 最 炽 热 豪 肠
I have the hottest ambition

bǐ jiāo yáng gǔn tàng
比 骄 阳 滚 烫
Hotter than the sun

cóng lóng zhī gōng bú zài huáng jīn bǎng
从 龙 之 功 不 在 黄 金 榜
The achievement of supporting the emperor is uncomparable to getting on the list of imperial exam

gèng tiān shēng zuì jiān dìng lǐ xiǎng
更 天 生 最 坚 定 理 想
The most resolute ideal was born naturally

bú xī bǎi sǐ gǎn fù tāng
不 惜 百 死 敢 赴 汤
Never hesitate to risk my life

wéi rén jiān dǒu sǒu hǎo qīng lǎng
为 人 间 抖 擞 好 清 朗
Uphold the justice for the mortal world

wǒ yuàn téng lóng dú dòu tiān gāng
我 愿 腾 龙 独 斗 天 罡
I’m willing to ride the dragon and fight the Gods alone

yě qiān fān gòng jī wāng yáng
也 千 帆 共 击 汪 洋
and mobilize a thousand ships to battle in the ocean

cǐ jiān hài làng yóu wǒ zì yì kuáng
此 间 骇 浪 由 我 恣 意 狂
I can be free and crazy when fighting in the raging waves

wǒ yuàn bú wéi tiān zǐ miào táng
我 愿 不 为 天 子 庙 堂
I don’t wish to be high-ranking official in the Emperor’s palace

wéi zhī wéi wàn rén suǒ xiàng
为 只 为 万 人 所 向
but fight for the millions of common people

chuān guò yǒng yè pò tiān guāng
穿 过 永 夜 破 天 光
Pass though the eternal night and break the sky light

tiān dì xuán huáng wú wèi wáng hóu jiāng xiàng
天 地 玄 黄 无 谓 王 侯 将 相
In this vast heaven and earth, there’s no such thing as eternal nobility

yǔ zhòu hóng huāng shuí jì bǎi dài xìng wáng
宇 宙 洪 荒 谁 记 百 代 兴 亡
In this vast universe, who still remember the rise and fall of powers in history

jiāng hú chuán qí jì rán qǐng wǒ shǎng guāng
江 湖 传 奇 既 然 请 我 赏 光
For the legend of Wuxia world, since you have invited me

jiù tiāo gè jué chù dēng chǎng
就 挑 个 绝 处 登 场
Then pick a great place to make a debut

zhǎng yè hòu wǒ xián zhú lái pī wǎng liǎng
长 夜 候 我 衔 烛 来 批 魍 魉
Wait in the long night for me to bring a candle and crash the ghosts

shì xiàng hòu wǒ chū shǒu qíng zhù fú sāng
世 相 候 我 出 手 擎 住 扶 桑
I will save the world all by myself

kàn wǒ míng huì péi chūn qiū diē dàng
看 我 名 讳 陪 春 秋 跌 宕
Remember my name, watch how I make history

wǒ yuàn zì fù àn yè luó wǎng
我 愿 自 缚 暗 夜 罗 网
I’m willing to have myself tied in the dark night

píng rè xuè bú gǎi jī áng wǒ yuàn
凭 热 血 不 改 激 昂 我 愿
Never change my boiling ambition with hot blood

wǒ yuàn téng lóng dú dòu tiān gāng
我 愿 腾 龙 独 斗 天 罡
I’m willing to ride the dragon and fight the Gods alone

yě qiān fān gòng jī wāng yáng
也 千 帆 共 击 汪 洋
and mobilize a thousand ships to battle in the ocean

cǐ jiān hài làng yóu wǒ zì yì kuáng
此 间 骇 浪 由 我 恣 意 狂
I can be free and crazy when fighting in the raging waves

wǒ yuàn bú wéi tiān zǐ miào táng
我 愿 不 为 天 子 庙 堂
I don’t wish to be high-ranking official in the Emperor’s palace

wéi zhī wéi wàn rén suǒ xiàng
为 只 为 万 人 所 向
but fight for the millions of common people

yǒng yè pò tiān guāng
永 夜 破 天 光
Pass though the eternal night and break the sky light


Covers & Versions of “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”

MV Version


Vietsub version

Chords of “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”


Download/MP3 of “Sky Light in Eternal Night永夜天光”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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