July 2, 2024
Letter of Yearning思信(Si Xin) If You Are The One 3 OST By Mao Buyi毛不易

Letter of Yearning思信(Si Xin) If You Are The One 3 OST By Mao Buyi毛不易

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Letter of Yearning思信(Si Xin) If You Are The One 3 OST By Mao Buyi毛不易

Info/About “Letter of Yearning”

Song NameLetter of Yearning思信(Si Xin)
Artist Mao Buyi毛不易
LyricistLiang Mang
ComposerMa Shangyou
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Letter of Yearning”

This song was the ending song of the Fen Xiaogang Movie “If You Are The One 3非诚勿扰3“, and it was released on December 30, 2023.

“If You Are The One 3非诚勿扰3” Soundtrack Listing

If You Are The One非诚勿扰 Shan Yichun单依纯Theme Song
Letter of Yearning思信Mao Buyi毛不易Ending Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Letter of Yearning”

fēi yào fēi gè bú tíng
非 要 飞 个 不 停
Can’t stop flying constantly

liú xià děng dài de yǎn jīng
留 下 等 待 的 眼 睛
Leaving an eye to wait

mèng lǐ tiē dé nà me jìn
梦 里 贴 得 那 么 近
Getting so close in dreams

bú jiào bǎ zhěn tóu bào jǐn
不 觉 把 枕 头 抱 紧
Unknowingly hold the pillow tightly

shí me wǒ dōu bú xìn
什 么 我 都 不 信
I don’t believe in anything

wéi dú xiàng xìn le ài qíng
唯 独 相 信 了 爱 情
only believed in love

nǎ pà zhī yī tiān cún zài wǒ guāng yīn
哪 怕 只 一 天 存 在 我 光 阴
Even if I only have one day left

jù sàn lí hé zhī yào gōng píng
聚 散 离 合 只 要 公 平
I’ll accept the meetings and partings, as long as it’s fair

sī niàn bú yòng qǐng
思 念 不 用 请
Yearning doesn’t need to be invited

suí shí dōu huì jiàng lín
随 时 都 会 降 临
It will arrive at any time

fèn bié shì wéi xiàng jù pù diàn jù qíng
分 别 是 为 相 聚 铺 垫 剧 情
Parting is for foreshadowing the plot of reunion

nǐ shì wǒ qián shì de piāo liú píng
你 是 我 前 世 的 漂 流 瓶
You are the drifting bottle from my previous life

lǎn zài huái zhōng kào zhe wǒ xīn
揽 在 怀 中 靠 着 我 心
Sitting in my arms and leaning on my heart

nǐ duì fēi xiáng shàng yǐn
你 对 飞 翔 上 瘾
You’re addicted to flying

wǒ què duì fēng hé yún guò mǐn
我 却 对 风 和 云 过 敏
Yet I’m allergic to wind and cloud

zhuī zhe nǐ yǐng zǐ suàn bú suàn tóng háng
追 着 你 影 子 算 不 算 同 行
Does chasing your shadow count as companionship

chūn xià qiū dōng zhuǎn dé tóu yūn
春 夏 秋 冬 转 得 头 晕
The change of seasons made my head spin

xǔ yuàn líng bú líng qiān guà huí le fēng xìn
许 愿 灵 不 灵 牵 挂 回 了 封 信
Does wishing work, there’s a letter replied to yearning

ràng fēng zhēng zài tiān kōng liú xià zú yìn
让 风 筝 在 天 空 留 下 足 印
Let kite leave footprint in the sky

nǐ shì wǒ qián shì de piāo liú píng
你 是 我 前 世 的 漂 流 瓶
You’re the drifting bottle from my previous life

lǎn zài huái zhōng shuān zài wǒ xīn
揽 在 怀 中 拴 在 我 心
Holding in my arms, tied on my heart

nǐ jiù shì rén hǎi zhōng de piāo liú píng
你 就 是 人 海 中 的 漂 流 瓶
You’re the drifting bottle in the crowd

yòng wǒ yī shēng zhuā zài shǒu xīn
用 我 一 生 抓 在 手 心
Spend my lifetime holding it in my palm

hún qiān mèng yíng shà fèi kǔ xīn
魂 牵 梦 萦 煞 费 苦 心
Always in my dreams and took pains to do it

Covers & Versions of “Letter of Yearning”

MV Version

Chords of “Letter of Yearning”


Download/MP3 of “Letter of Yearning”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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