June 27, 2024
Above The Peak巅峰之上 Mao Buyi毛不易

Above The Peak巅峰之上(Dian Feng Zhi Shang) The King’s Avatar OST By Mao Buyi毛不易

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Above The Peak巅峰之上(Dian Feng Zhi Shang) The King’s Avatar OST By Mao Buyi毛不易

Info/About “Above The Peak巅峰之上”

Song NameAbove The Peak巅峰之上
Artist Mao Buyi毛不易
LyricistQing Xiu
ComposerA Kun
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Above The Peak巅峰之上”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “The King’s Avatar全职高手“, and it was released on August 2, 2019.

The King's Avatar全职高手

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Above The Peak巅峰之上”

yī rú jì wǎng rú nǐ
一 如 既 往 如 你
As always, like you

nì jìng zhōng zǒu xiàng guāng róng
逆 境 中 走 向 光 荣
Glorious in the face of adversity

yī rú jì wǎng rú wǒ
一 如 既 往 如 我
As always, like me

guī lái cóng wèi biàn chū zhōng
归 来 从 未 变 初 衷
Return has never changed

yī rú jì wǎng rú nǐ
一 如 既 往 如 你
As always, like you

jiù suàn lí qù yě cóng róng
就 算 离 去 也 从 容
Even if you leave, you are calm

yī rú jì wǎng rú wǒ
一 如 既 往 如 我
As always, like me

wéi gù shì xiě zhe zuì zhōng
为 故 事 写 着 最 终
Writing the final for the story

píng yōng bú zhǐ yú píng yōng
平 庸 不 止 于 平 庸
Mediocreity is more than mediocrity

diān fēng bú gān yú diān fēng
巅 峰 不 甘 于 巅 峰
The peak is not willing to peak

yuē dìng xià lái rì nǐ wǒ zài xiàng féng
约 定 下 来 日 你 我 再 相 逢
I will meet you again on the date of the appointment

rú qī guī lái bǐ qù shí xiōng yǒng
如 期 归 来 比 去 时 汹 涌
returning as scheduled

chén méi rú huì fēng yǔ zhōng
沉 没 如 晦 风 雨 中
Sinking like a storm

zhàn zài xīng chén zuì dǐng fēng
站 在 星 辰 最 顶 峰
Standing at the top of the stars

nà shí de wǒ cái dǒng céng jīng de wǒ
那 时 的 我 才 懂 曾 经 的 我
I knew the past me at that time

yī zhí zài zuò zì jǐ de yīng xióng
一 直 在 做 自 己 的 英 雄
Always be your own hero

wǒ céng jiàn guò chuán shuō
我 曾 见 过 传 说
I have seen legends

yī rú jì wǎng rú nǐ
一 如 既 往 如 你
As always, like you

nì jìng zhōng zǒu xiàng guāng róng
逆 境 中 走 向 光 荣
Glorious in the face of adversity

yī rú jì wǎng rú wǒ
一 如 既 往 如 我
As always, like me

guī lái cóng wèi biàn chū zhōng
归 来 从 未 变 初 衷
Return has never changed

yī rú jì wǎng rú nǐ
一 如 既 往 如 你
As always, like you

jiù suàn lí qù yě cóng róng
就 算 离 去 也 从 容
Even if you leave, you are calm

yī rú jì wǎng rú wǒ
一 如 既 往 如 我
As always, like me

wéi gù shì xiě zhe zuì zhōng
为 故 事 写 着 最 终
Writing the final for the story

děng wǒ xiū xī bàn kè zhōng
等 我 休 息 半 刻 钟
Wait for me to rest for a while

zhè xuě luò de yǒu diǎn zhòng
这 雪 落 的 有 点 重
The snow is a bit heavy

wǒ yī zhí xiàng xìn yuè guò le ní nìng
我 一 直 相 信 越 过 了 泥 泞
I have always believed that I have crossed the mud

gū yǒng zhōng huì hé qí jì xiàng yōng
孤 勇 终 会 和 奇 迹 相 拥
Lonelines will eventually embrace the miracle

yī xī bān bó dēng yǐng zhōng
依 稀 斑 驳 灯 影 中
In vaguely mottled light

hái yǒu tóng bàn zài děng hòu
还 有 同 伴 在 等 候
There are still companions waiting

wǒ jiù zhī dào wǒ cóng wèi gū dú guò
我 就 知 道 我 从 未 孤 独 过
I know that I have never been alone

yī qǐ zài qù jiāng shì jiè jīng dòng
一 起 再 去 将 世 界 惊 动
Let’s go to the world together again

yī qǐ zǒu xiàng chuán shuō
一 起 走 向 传 说
Going together to legend

píng yōng bú zhǐ yú píng yōng
平 庸 不 止 于 平 庸
Mediocreity is more than mediocrity

diān fēng bú gān yú diān fēng
巅 峰 不 甘 于 巅 峰
The peak is not willing to peak

yuē dìng xià lái rì nǐ wǒ zài xiàng féng
约 定 下 来 日 你 我 再 相 逢
I will meet you again on the date of the appointment

rú qī guī lái bǐ qù shí xiōng yǒng
如 期 归 来 比 去 时 汹 涌
returning as scheduled

chén méi rú huì fēng yǔ zhōng
沉 没 如 晦 风 雨 中
Sinking like a storm

zhàn zài xīng chén zuì dǐng fēng
站 在 星 辰 最 顶 峰
Standing at the top of the stars

nà shí de wǒ cái dǒng céng jīng de wǒ
那 时 的 我 才 懂 曾 经 的 我
I knew the past me at that time

yī zhí zài zuò zì jǐ de yīng xióng
一 直 在 做 自 己 的 英 雄
Always be your own hero

wǒ céng jiàn guò chuán shuō
我 曾 见 过 传 说
I have seen legends

wǒ céng jiàn guò chuán shuō
我 曾 见 过 传 说
I have seen legends

Covers & Versions of “Above The Peak巅峰之上”

MV version

English sub version

Vietsub version

Chords of “Above The Peak巅峰之上”


Download/MP3 of “Above The Peak巅峰之上”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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