June 27, 2024
Love Like Dust情若尘埃(Qing Ruo Chen Ai) Blossom in Heart OST By Reno Wang Zhengliang王铮亮

Love Like Dust情若尘埃(Qing Ruo Chen Ai) Blossom in Heart OST By Reno Wang Zhengliang王铮亮

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Love Like Dust情若尘埃(Qing Ruo Chen Ai) Blossom in Heart OST By Reno Wang Zhengliang王铮亮

Info/About “Love Like Dust”

Song NameLove Like Dust情若尘埃(Qing Ruo Chen Ai)
Artist Reno Wang Zhengliang王铮亮
LyricistDai Min
ComposerTan Xuan
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Love Like Dust”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Blossom in Heart海棠经雨胭脂透“, and it was released on October 25, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Love Like Dust”

wǒ zhuǎn shēn bú ràng nǐ kàn dào lèi hén
我 转 身 不 让 你 看 到 泪 痕
I turn back so you won’t see my tears

nǎ pà wǒ de tòng zài shēn nǐ cóng bú dāng zhēn
哪 怕 我 的 痛 再 深 你 从 不 当 真
No matter how deep is my pain, you never take it seriously

wǔ yè mèng huí lèi shī le gū zhěn
午 夜 梦 回 泪 湿 了 孤 枕
Wake up in the middle of the night, pillow is wet with tears

chán ruò de xīn tú liú piàn kè wēn cún
孱 弱 的 心 徒 留 片 刻 温 存
A frail heart only leaves me a warm heart for a moment

wǒ huí shǒu zhī wéi nǐ shēn qíng de wěn
我 回 首 只 为 你 深 情 的 吻
I turn around only for you affectionate kiss

nǎ pà wǒ de xīn yì suì yě méi yǒu yuàn hèn
哪 怕 我 的 心 易 碎 也 没 有 怨 恨
Even if my heart is vulnerable, I won’t have resentment

qiān shé bǎi huí róu suì le qīng chūn
千 折 百 回 揉 碎 了 青 春
With indomitable spirit, my youth is crushed into pieces

ài yǔ bú ài hé bì zài wèn
爱 与 不 爱 何 必 再 问
Ask no more whether there’s love or not

sù liǎn zhū yán duì yuè dú zhào duō shǎo wú nài
素 脸 朱 颜 对 月 独 照 多 少 无 奈
A peach blossom beauty of a bare face, a helpless feeling facing the moonlight

qíng ruò chén āi xǐ nù āi lè suí fēng yáo bǎi
情 若 尘 埃 喜 怒 哀 乐 随 风 摇 摆
Love is like a dust, happiness and sadness sway long the wind

fén shēn fù ài shì shì fēi fēi nán fèn hēi bái
焚 身 赴 爱 是 是 非 非 难 分 黑 白
Burned by love, right or wrong is hard to tell

zhǐ chǐ tiān yá shuí hái bǎ shuí děng dài
咫 尺 天 涯 谁 还 把 谁 等 待
So near and yet so far, who is waiting for whom

huā luò huā kāi rén jiān néng jiàn jǐ huí chūn lái
花 落 花 开 人 间 能 见 几 回 春 来
Flower blooms and withers, how many springs could be there in mortal world

qíng ruò chén āi xiàng sī nán dǐ xiǔ mìng ān pái
情 若 尘 埃 相 思 难 抵 宿 命 安 排
Love is like a dust, yearning can’t beat the arrangement of fate

fén shēn fù ài xiāo mó yī shēng què bú huǐ gǎi
焚 身 赴 爱 消 磨 一 生 却 不 悔 改
Burned by love, I won’t regret for wasting for life

chén āi luò dìng hái bú wàng nà xīn zhōng zuì ài
尘 埃 落 定 还 不 忘 那 心 中 最 爱
Even the dust eventually settled down, I still can’t forget the love in my heart

wǒ huí shǒu zhī wéi nǐ shēn qíng de wěn
我 回 首 只 为 你 深 情 的 吻
I turn around only for you affectionate kiss

nǎ pà wǒ de xīn yì suì yě méi yǒu yuàn hèn
哪 怕 我 的 心 易 碎 也 没 有 怨 恨
Even if my heart is vulnerable, I won’t have resentment

qiān shé bǎi huí róu suì le qīng chūn
千 折 百 回 揉 碎 了 青 春
With indomitable spirit, my youth is crushed into pieces

ài yǔ bú ài hé bì zài wèn
爱 与 不 爱 何 必 再 问
Ask no more whether there’s love or not

sù liǎn zhū yán duì yuè dú zhào duō shǎo wú nài
素 脸 朱 颜 对 月 独 照 多 少 无 奈
A peach blossom beauty of a bare face, a helpless feeling facing the moonlight

qíng ruò chén āi xǐ nù āi lè suí fēng yáo bǎi
情 若 尘 埃 喜 怒 哀 乐 随 风 摇 摆
Love is like a dust, happiness and sadness sway long the wind

fén shēn fù ài shì shì fēi fēi nán fèn hēi bái
焚 身 赴 爱 是 是 非 非 难 分 黑 白
Burned by love, right or wrong is hard to tell

zhǐ chǐ tiān yá shuí hái bǎ shuí děng dài
咫 尺 天 涯 谁 还 把 谁 等 待
So near and yet so far, who is waiting for whom

huā luò huā kāi rén jiān néng jiàn jǐ huí chūn lái
花 落 花 开 人 间 能 见 几 回 春 来
Flower blooms and withers, how many springs could be there in mortal world

qíng ruò chén āi xiàng sī nán dǐ xiǔ mìng ān pái
情 若 尘 埃 相 思 难 抵 宿 命 安 排
Love is like a dust, yearning can’t beat the arrangement of fate

fén shēn fù ài xiāo mó yī shēng què bú huǐ gǎi
焚 身 赴 爱 消 磨 一 生 却 不 悔 改
Burned by love, I won’t regret for wasting for life

chén āi luò dìng hái bú wàng nà xīn zhōng zuì ài
尘 埃 落 定 还 不 忘 那 心 中 最 爱
Even the dust eventually settled down, I still can’t forget the love in my heart

sù liǎn zhū yán duì yuè dú zhào duō shǎo wú nài
素 脸 朱 颜 对 月 独 照 多 少 无 奈
A peach blossom beauty of a bare face, a helpless feeling facing the moonlight

qíng ruò chén āi xǐ nù āi lè suí fēng yáo bǎi
情 若 尘 埃 喜 怒 哀 乐 随 风 摇 摆
Love is like a dust, happiness and sadness sway long the wind

fén shēn fù ài shì shì fēi fēi nán fèn hēi bái
焚 身 赴 爱 是 是 非 非 难 分 黑 白
Burned by love, right or wrong is hard to tell

zhǐ chǐ tiān yá shuí hái bǎ shuí děng dài
咫 尺 天 涯 谁 还 把 谁 等 待
So near and yet so far, who is waiting for whom

huā luò huā kāi rén jiān néng jiàn jǐ huí chūn lái
花 落 花 开 人 间 能 见 几 回 春 来
Flower blooms and withers, how many springs could be there in mortal world

qíng ruò chén āi xiàng sī nán dǐ xiǔ mìng ān pái
情 若 尘 埃 相 思 难 抵 宿 命 安 排
Love is like a dust, yearning can’t beat the arrangement of fate

fén shēn fù ài xiāo mó yī shēng què bú huǐ gǎi
焚 身 赴 爱 消 磨 一 生 却 不 悔 改
Burned by love, I won’t regret for wasting for life

chén āi luò dìng hái bú wàng nà xīn zhōng zuì ài
尘 埃 落 定 还 不 忘 那 心 中 最 爱
Even the dust eventually settled down, I still can’t forget the love in my heart

Covers & Versions of “Love Like Dust”

English sub version

Vietsub version

Chords of “Love Like Dust”


Download/MP3 of “Love Like Dust”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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