May 19, 2024
Walk In The Snow踏雪(Ta Xue) By Deng Shen Me Jun等什么君 & FOX胡天渝

Walk In The Snow踏雪(Ta Xue) By Deng Shen Me Jun等什么君 & FOX胡天渝

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Walk In The Snow踏雪(Ta Xue) By Deng Shen Me Jun等什么君 & FOX胡天渝

Info/About “Walk In The Snow”

Song NameWalk In The Snow踏雪(Ta Xue)
Artist Deng Shen Me Jun等什么君 & FOX胡天渝
LyricistYe Xiaomo; FOX; Babycloth
ComposerBabycloth; FOX
Released 2021
Genre Pop

Background Story of “Walk In The Snow”

This song was released on December 4, 2021.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Walk In The Snow”

fēi hóng qǐ tà pò yún yān wàn shuǐ qiān shān zhī jiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 破 云 烟 万 水 千 山 之 间
A flag painted with a swan appeared, passing through the clouds and mist, among thousands of rivers and mountains

cān shuāng yǐn xuě zhù shí nián mó yī jiàn
餐 霜 饮 雪 铸 十 年 磨 一 剑
In a very difficult life, I spent ten years sharpening a sword

qiě kàn wǒ yī qí dāng guān gǎn jiāo wàn fū mò kāi yán
且 看 我 一 骑 当 关 敢 教 万 夫 莫 开 颜
Look at me riding alone guarding the gate, daring to prevent ten thousands of enemies from entering

fēi hóng qǐ tà guò bīng chuān fēng máng huá pò jiǔ tiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 过 冰 川 锋 芒 划 破 九 天
A flag painted with a swan crosses the icy river, the edge of sword piercing the highest sky

líng shuāng ào xuě jun1 bú jiàn gāo chù hán
凌 霜 傲 雪 君 不 见 高 处 寒
Not afraid of cold and blizzards, even though don’t know how high the mountains are

qiě suí wǒ yī lì dāng xiān fēng qǐ dōng fāng qí zhèng yàn
且 随 我 一 力 当 先 风 起 东 方 旗 正 艳
Come forward with me, the wind blows raising the shines of eastern flag

chū zhè tiān shān huáng hé héng dù
出 这 天 山 黄 河 横 渡
Beyond the Tian Shan Mountains, the Yellow River stretches wide

dēng tài háng pī yún zhǎn wù
登 太 行 劈 云 斩 雾
Climbing Mount Tai Hang splits the clouds and disperses the fog

yì wú fǎn gù dì tiāo yī tiáo zuì nán zǒu de lù
义 无 反 顾 地 挑 一 条 最 难 走 的 路
I chose the hardest path without the slightest hesitation

jiù suàn biàn bù zhe jīng jí
就 算 遍 布 着 荆 棘
Even if there are many difficulties

yě bú zài yōng jǐ de jié jìng lǐ
也 不 在 拥 挤 的 捷 径 里
will not be hindered in achieving my goals

yī shēng yōng yōng lù lù
一 生 庸 庸 碌 碌
Years pass quickly, in this ordinary life

mò děng xián chūn qù le qiū lái
莫 等 闲 春 去 了 秋 来
don’t just sit back and wait

zhù yī jiàn sān nián wǔ zǎi
铸 一 剑 三 年 五 载
Just forge a sword for years

cǐ qù shì jiāng hú shì cāng hǎi
此 去 是 江 湖 是 沧 海
The world goes on and never ends

wǒ jué bú yán bài
我 决 不 言 败
I still don’t admit defeat

bǎo jiàn fēng cóng mó lì chū
宝 剑 锋 从 磨 砺 出
the sharp edge of the sword is produced from continuous forging

ér méi huā xiāng zì kǔ hán lái
而 梅 花 香 自 苦 寒 来
But to get the best quality results, no matter how hard it is

chén zhōu pò fǔ
沉 舟 破 釜
Don’t ever give up

shì xī wàng mìng yùn bú huì bèi cuàn gǎi
是 希 望 命 运 不 会 被 篡 改
I hope my destiny can’t be changed

zài xīn kǔ zhōng mó lì
在 辛 苦 中 磨 砺
Forged with hard work

shuāng rèn huì dé yǐ suí nián yuè biàn fēng lì
霜 刃 会 得 以 随 年 月 变 锋 利
a sharp sword will be sharpened more and more over the years

fēng xuě de xǐ lǐ
风 雪 的 洗 礼
Through severe trials in the snowstorm

àn rán le rì yuè xīng chén
黯 然 了 日 月 星 辰
has dimmed the light of the sun, moon and stars

yòng jiān rèn de xīn shēng
用 坚 韧 的 心 声
With tenacity and determination

shì yào yíng dé nà miàn zhuó yuè de jīng qí
誓 要 赢 得 那 面 卓 越 的 旌 旗
I vow to win back the glorious flag

wàng qián lù ái ái qiān lǐ
望 前 路 皑 皑 千 里
Looking thousands of miles ahead

róng huà zhè bīng tiān xuě dì
融 化 这 冰 天 雪 地
the world of ice and snow under the sky had melted

qiě tīng fēng shēng hè lì
且 听 风 声 鹤 唳
Hearing the sound of the wind and the cries of the cranes (enemy soldiers)

gǎn áng shǒu zòng shēn yī yuè ér qǐ
敢 昂 首 纵 身 一 跃 而 起
dare to force to get up and lunge at the enemy

qiān fān jìng hǎi dào wú biān tiān zuò àn
千 帆 竞 海 到 无 边 天 作 岸
Thousands of ships race across the sea to reach the horizon, the boundless sky as the shore

tà yuè háng shān dēng jué dǐng wǒ wéi diān
踏 月 行 山 登 绝 顶 我 为 巅
Walking under the moonlight reaching to the peak of the mountain, I am the highest

bīng dòng sān chǐ yào duō shǎo shuāng hán
冰 冻 三 尺 要 多 少 霜 寒
How many sacrifices were needed for this achievement

jīng hóng yī piē yào duō shǎo mó nán
惊 鸿 一 瞥 要 多 少 磨 难
How much suffering was needed to see the glimpse this beauty

cǐ qù bú wàng lái shí lù
此 去 不 忘 来 时 路
I’ll never forget how the way I came

jǐn huā kāi mǎn le guī tú mò chóu chú
锦 花 开 满 了 归 途 莫 踌 躇
Don’t hesitate, the silk cloth embroidered with gold thread has fully fluttered leading the way home

fēi hóng qǐ tà pò yún yān wàn shuǐ qiān shān zhī jiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 破 云 烟 万 水 千 山 之 间
A flag painted with a swan appeared, passing through the clouds and mist, among thousands of rivers and mountains

cān shuāng yǐn xuě zhù shí nián mó yī jiàn
餐 霜 饮 雪 铸 十 年 磨 一 剑
In a very difficult life, I spent ten years sharpening a sword

qiě kàn wǒ yī qí dāng guān gǎn jiāo wàn fū mò kāi yán
且 看 我 一 骑 当 关 敢 教 万 夫 莫 开 颜
Look at me riding alone guarding the gate, daring to prevent ten thousands of enemies from entering

fēi hóng qǐ tà guò bīng chuān fēng máng huá pò jiǔ tiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 过 冰 川 锋 芒 划 破 九 天
A flag painted with a swan crosses the icy river, the edge of sword piercing the highest sky

líng shuāng ào xuě jun1 bú jiàn gāo chù hán
凌 霜 傲 雪 君 不 见 高 处 寒
Not afraid of cold and blizzards, even though don’t know how high the mountains are

qiě suí wǒ yī lì dāng xiān fēng qǐ dōng fāng qí zhèng yàn
且 随 我 一 力 当 先 风 起 东 方 旗 正 艳
Come forward with me, the wind blows raising the shines of eastern flag

piān piān ruò jīng hóng
翩 翩 若 惊 鸿
Graceful like a swan flying in the sky

qián háng rú yóu lóng
潜 行 如 游 龙
mysterious like a dragon swimming on the seabed

wǒ wú xiá gù jí yán tú yī xīn zhuī fēng
我 无 暇 顾 及 沿 途 一 心 追 风
I don’t care anymore, with all my heart I follow the wind all the way

tà guò gōu gōu kǎn kǎn
踏 过 沟 沟 坎 坎
Ever stumbled through

kē kē bàn bàn
磕 磕 绊 绊
various obstacles

yǔ zì jǐ duì zhì de wǒ
与 自 己 对 峙 的 我
and experienced inner conflicts

lín shēn yuān lǚ báo bīng
临 深 渊 履 薄 冰
Also pass over the edge of the abyss, walking on a think layer of ice

dēng gāo tái yú yuè zhǎng kōng
登 高 台 逾 越 长 空
And climbing the Tiantai Mountain, beyond the vast boundless sky

fēi hóng qǐ tà pò yún yān wàn shuǐ qiān shān zhī jiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 破 云 烟 万 水 千 山 之 间
A flag painted with a swan appeared, passing through the clouds and mist, among thousands of rivers and mountains

cān shuāng yǐn xuě zhù shí nián mó yī jiàn
餐 霜 饮 雪 铸 十 年 磨 一 剑
In a very difficult life, I spent ten years sharpening a sword

qiě kàn wǒ yī qí dāng guān gǎn jiāo wàn fū mò kāi yán
且 看 我 一 骑 当 关 敢 教 万 夫 莫 开 颜
Look at me riding alone guarding the gate, daring to prevent ten thousands of enemies from entering

fēi hóng qǐ tà guò bīng chuān fēng máng huá pò jiǔ tiān
飞 鸿 起 踏 过 冰 川 锋 芒 划 破 九 天
A flag painted with a swan crosses the icy river, the edge of sword piercing the highest sky

líng shuāng ào xuě jun1 bú jiàn gāo chù hán
凌 霜 傲 雪 君 不 见 高 处 寒
Not afraid of cold and blizzards, even though don’t know how high the mountains are

qiě suí wǒ yī lì dāng xiān fēng qǐ dōng fāng qí zhèng yàn
且 随 我 一 力 当 先 风 起 东 方 旗 正 艳
Come forward with me, the wind blows raising the shines of eastern flag

Covers & Versions of “Walk In The Snow”

FMV Version

English/Indo sub version

Live performance version

Another live performance version

Live performance with children’s choir Stone & Children小石头和孩子们

Remix Version

1 hour loop version

DJ A Zhuo阿卓 Version

Fan Covers Compilation Version

Influencer Cover by BLING鱼闪闪

Female Solo Version

Chords of “Walk In The Snow”

Download/MP3 of “Walk In The Snow”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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