June 27, 2024
Only You只你(Zhi Ni) Till the End of the Moon OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Only You只你(Zhi Ni) Till the End of the Moon OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Only You只你(Zhi Ni) Till the End of the Moon OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Info/About “Only You只你”

Song NameOnly You只你(Zhi Ni)
Artist Shuang Sheng双笙
LyricistXiang Han; Gu Ruyuan
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Only You只你”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Till the End of the Moon长月烬明“, and it was released on April 18, 2023.

Till the End of the Moon长月烬明

“Till the End of the Moon长月烬明” Soundtrack Listing

The World I Love我爱的这个世界Liu Yuning刘宇宁Opening Song
The Black Moonlight黑月光Zhang Bichen张碧晨 & Mao Buyi毛不易Ending Song
Love Never Changes不逾Ye Xuanqing叶炫清 & Zhang Yuan张远Interlude
First Time Lover第一次爱人Zhang Lei张磊Interlude
Sending the Long Moon寄长月Bu Cai不才Interlude
Boundary界Tia Ray袁娅维Interlude
Mysterious Bird玄鸟Sagel/SAJI萨吉Interlude
Ordinary Song寻常歌Bu Cai不才Interlude
Or, Forever要不然我们就这样一万年Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude
Silent Moon月烬无声Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Interlude
Holding On To A Thought执一念Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄Interlude
Only You只你Shuang Sheng双笙Interlude
With My Body以我之躯Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Only You只你”

nǐ de yǎn shén zài jìn yī cùn
你 的 眼 神 再 近 一 寸
Your eyes are an inch closer

xīn dòng biàn chèn xū luò dì shēng gēn
心 动 便 趁 虚 落 地 生 根
and your heart will take advantage of the void to take root

màn tiān xīng chén
漫 天 星 辰
The sky is full of stars

qiāo luò shàng nǐ méi fēng
悄 落 上 你 眉 峰
quietly falling on the peak of your eyebrows

xīn yǒu suǒ xiàng rì jiǔ yuè shēn
心 有 所 向 日 久 月 深
The heart has a certain direction, the days are long and the moon is deep

yòng xīng hé zuò zhěn yuè liàng zuò wěn
用 星 河 作 枕 月 亮 作 吻
I use the galaxy as a pillow, and the moon as a kiss

xiǎng yào rù mèng
想 要 入 梦
I want to enter a dream

lái tàn nǐ yǎn zhōng chūn
来 探 你 眼 中 春
and come see the spring in your eyes

wǒ men qián chéng xuán dòng chǐ lún
我 们 虔 诚 旋 动 齿 轮
We are sincerely spinning the gears

yī shēng zhī wéi jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 为 见 一 个 人
living this life just to meet one person

cóng yī yǎn chì chén dào fēng yuè zhān shēn
从 一 眼 赤 忱 到 风 月 沾 身
From a glance of devotion to love and affection

yòng xīn shì lín mó nǐ zhǎng wén
用 心 事 临 摹 你 掌 纹
I copy your palm prints with my thoughts

wǒ men qián chéng kòu dòng xīn mén
我 们 虔 诚 扣 动 心 门
We are sincerely knocking on our hearts’ doors

yī shēng zhī yuàn jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 愿 见 一 个 人
living this life only willing to meet one person

wéi yuàn dòng xīn èr zì bú yǐ dǎn qiè xiàng chēng
唯 愿 动 心 二 字 不 以 胆 怯 相 称
I only hope that the word “moved” is not matched with cowardness

jiè wǎn fēng xiě nǐ wǒ huà běn
借 晚 风 写 你 我 话 本
I borrow the night wind to write our story

zhī dào gè hǎo yuán fèn
只 道 个 好 缘 分
The only way is good fate

nǐ de rèn zhēn zài shēn yī cùn
你 的 认 真 再 深 一 寸
Your seriousness is one inch deeper

kuī jiàn wǒ nán néng yán shù de kěn
窥 见 我 难 能 言 述 的 恳
you are able to see my indescribable earnestness

bú rú wǒ men
不 如 我 们
We might as well

rì mù tiān yá cǐ shēng
日 暮 天 涯 此 生
spend our lives in watching sunsets and going to the ends of the world

bú gāi chén lún bú zhǐ chén lún
不 该 沉 沦 不 止 沉 沦
We shouldn’t be sinking, not just sinking

kě shì jiān gǎn dòng běn gāi tiān zhēn
可 世 间 感 动 本 该 天 真
but the moving hearts in the world are supposed to be naive

bú rú wǒ men
不 如 我 们
We might as well

jiù zhè yàng guò yī shēng
就 这 样 过 一 生
spend our lives just like this

wǒ men qián chéng xuán dòng chǐ lún
我 们 虔 诚 旋 动 齿 轮
We are sincerely spinning the gears

yī shēng zhī wéi jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 为 见 一 个 人
living this life just to meet one person

cóng yī yǎn chì chén dào fēng yuè zhān shēn
从 一 眼 赤 忱 到 风 月 沾 身
From a glance of devotion to love and affection

yòng xīn shì lín mó nǐ zhǎng wén
用 心 事 临 摹 你 掌 纹
I copy your palm prints with my thoughts

wǒ men qián chéng kòu dòng xīn mén
我 们 虔 诚 扣 动 心 门
We are sincerely knocking on our hearts’ doors

yī shēng zhī yuàn jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 愿 见 一 个 人
living this life only willing to meet one person

wéi yuàn dòng xīn èr zì bú yǐ dǎn qiè xiàng chēng
唯 愿 动 心 二 字 不 以 胆 怯 相 称
I only hope that the word “moved” is not matched with cowardness

xīn jiān hén bié wèn néng bú néng
心 尖 痕 别 问 能 不 能
The scar on the tip of heart, don’t ask if you can

zhī dào shì hǎo shí chén
只 道 是 好 时 辰
I only know that it’s a good time

wǒ men qián chéng xuán dòng chǐ lún
我 们 虔 诚 旋 动 齿 轮
We are sincerely spinning the gears

yī shēng zhī wéi jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 为 见 一 个 人
living this life just to meet one person

cóng yī yǎn chì chén dào fēng yuè zhān shēn
从 一 眼 赤 忱 到 风 月 沾 身
From a glance of devotion to love and affection

yòng xīn shì lín mó nǐ zhǎng wén
用 心 事 临 摹 你 掌 纹
I copy your palm prints with my thoughts

wǒ men qián chéng kòu dòng xīn mén
我 们 虔 诚 扣 动 心 门
We are sincerely knocking on our hearts’ doors

yī shēng zhī yuàn jiàn yī gè rén
一 生 只 愿 见 一 个 人
living this life only willing to meet one person

wéi yuàn dòng xīn èr zì bú yǐ dǎn qiè xiàng chēng
唯 愿 动 心 二 字 不 以 胆 怯 相 称
I only hope that the word “moved” is not matched with cowardness

xīn jiān hén bié wèn néng bú néng
心 尖 痕 别 问 能 不 能
The scar on the tip of heart, don’t ask if you can

zhī dào shì hǎo shí chén
只 道 是 好 时 辰
I only know that it’s a good time

zhī dào shì hǎo shí chén
只 道 是 好 时 辰
I only know that it’s a good time

Covers & Versions of “Only You只你”

MV Version

Live version by Shuang Sheng

English sub version

Thaisub version

Piano Cover

Vietsub version (1 hour loop)

Chords of “Only You只你”


Download/MP3 of “Only You只你”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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