July 2, 2024
Ask to Spirit问灵(Wen Ling) Justice OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Ask to Spirit问灵(Wen Ling) Justice OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Ask to Spirit问灵(Wen Ling) Justice OST By Sa Dingding萨顶顶

Info/About “Ask to Spirit”

Song NameAsk to Spirit问灵(Wen Ling)
Artist Sa Dingding萨顶顶
LyricistChen Huan
ComposerSa Dingding
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Ask to Spirit”

This song was a promotional song of the Mobile Game “Justice逆水寒“, and it was released on June 27, 2023.

“Justice逆水寒” Soundtrack Listing

Blood River血河Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Promotional Song
Ask to Spirit问灵Sa Dingding萨顶顶Promotional Song
Broken Dream碎梦Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Promotional Song
Resonant Sounds鸿音 Sa Dingding萨顶顶Promotional Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Ask to Spirit”

huà shēn yī zhī qīng yíng wú shēng xī de dié
化 身 一 只 轻 盈 无 声 息 的 蝶
Gentle and solitary butterfly incarnation

piān piān yī wǔ yáo yè
翩 翩 一 舞 摇 曳
Dance and sway

chuān suō zài luò xiá qiǎn shēng yín de huā jiān
穿 梭 在 落 霞 浅 声 吟 的 花 间
Swaying among the flowers and sunsets

líng tīng yōu gǔ qiǎn quǎn ā ā
聆 听 幽 谷 缱 绻 啊 啊
Listening to love in the valley, ah, ah

xiān xiān yù zhǐ fǔ shāng hén ò ò ò ò ò ò ò
纤 纤 玉 指 抚 伤 痕 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦
Caressing the scar with curled fingers, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

juān juān bái chóu shé fēng rèn ò ò ò ò ò ò ò
娟 娟 白 绸 折 锋 刃 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦
The white silk that was folded at the edges became sharp, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

yuàn wéi fán chén luò
愿 为 凡 尘 落
Sincerely spending all sorrow and destiny

sù xīn dù jìn rén jiān chóu hé yuán
素 心 渡 尽 人 间 愁 和 缘
for the sake of the mortal world

jiāng yuè bú kě zhuó
江 月 不 可 浊
The river and the moon must not be cloudy

wèn tiān yōu rán zì dé
问 天 悠 然 自 得
and ask the sky to be calm

gǎn yǔ wàn xiàng hé
敢 与 万 象 合
Dare to cooperate with all sentient beings

miàn shā líng xī yī yǎn
面 纱 灵 犀 一 眼
The fit of the veil evokes a glimpse of

huàn qǐ qīng yuān chán mián zhǐ jiān
唤 起 青 鸢 缠 绵 指 尖
the remaining place fingertips

diǎn liàng yōu dēng yī zhǎn huǒ
点 亮 幽 灯 一 盏 火
Light a hidden fire

hún yǒu suǒ tuō
魂 有 所 托
and the soul is surrendered

xiàng xìn wàn wù bú fèn shàn yǔ è
相 信 万 物 不 分 善 与 恶
Believe that there is no difference between good and evil

qīng xǐng zhī yú wǒ
清 醒 只 于 我
Get drunk just for me

ài hèn fèn míng bú zài bēi yǔ huò
爱 恨 分 明 不 再 悲 与 惑
Love and hate are clear, no need to be sad and confused anymore

shú shì shú fēi duì cuò
孰 是 孰 非 对 错
About what’s right and what’s wrong

yōu jì yào gǔ shēng chū qí yì huā yī duǒ
幽 寂 药 谷 生 出 奇 异 花 一 朵
Strange flowers appeared in the desolate medicinal valley

shuāng huā yǐ lì pán téng
双 花 旖 丽 盘 藤
A beautiful double flowering vine

chén xīng wēi guāng yíng rào jié bái de sù wèn
晨 星 微 光 萦 绕 洁 白 的 素 问
The morning star dusk lingers over the white plains

jiǔ líng àn yìng mù hūn èn èn
九 灵 暗 映 暮 昏 嗯 嗯
Nine spirits reflect the evening light, huh

luàn shì yǔ gòng bú rǎn chén ò ò
乱 世 与 共 不 染 尘 哦 哦
In hard times, we have lived together, oh, oh

wú kuì yú xīn zì wèn
无 愧 于 心 自 问
Don’t be shy to ask yourself

wǒ suī wú shù què qíng shēn ò ò
我 虽 无 束 却 情 深 哦 哦
I’m uncontrollable but loving, oh, oh

gān chén lún
甘 沉 沦
I’m honestly drowning

shuāng huā chéng yī duǒ
双 花 成 一 朵
Two flowers in one

rén xīn zhī qiú dé shèng shì ān wěn
仁 心 只 求 得 盛 世 安 稳
A good heart only seeks prosperity and tranquility

shě shēn zhī yī nuò
舍 身 只 一 诺
Sacrifice a promise

dōng qù chūn huā gèng shèng
冬 去 春 花 更 盛
From winter to spring and flowers have bloomed

xīn shì yuǎn háng de fēng zhēng ò ò
心 是 远 行 的 风 筝 哦 哦
The heart is like a kite that flies away, oh, oh

yuē dìng yī xiàn yǒng héng
约 定 一 线 永 恒
One promise forever

líng shì bú miè de hún dēng ò ò
灵 是 不 灭 的 魂 灯 哦 哦
Spirit is the eternal lamp of the soul, oh, oh

wéi shuí děng
为 谁 等
Who are you waiting for

shuāng huā chéng yī duǒ
双 花 成 一 朵
Two flowers in one

rén xīn zhī qiú dé shèng shì ān wěn
仁 心 只 求 得 盛 世 安 稳
A good heart only seeks prosperity and tranquility

shě shēn zhī yī nuò
舍 身 只 一 诺
Sacrifice a promise

dōng qù chūn huā gèng shèng
冬 去 春 花 更 盛
From winter to spring and flowers have bloomed

hù yòu wàn xiàng shēng
护 佑 万 象 生
Bless all sentient beings

Covers & Versions of “Ask to Spirit”

MV Version

Dance Cover by Tang Shiyi唐诗逸

English/Indo sub version

Live performance by Sa Dingding

Chords of “Ask to Spirit”


Download/MP3 of “Ask to Spirit”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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