June 21, 2024
Ordinary Song寻常歌(Xun Chang Ge) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Ordinary Song寻常歌(Xun Chang Ge) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Ordinary Song寻常歌(Xun Chang Ge) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Info/About “Ordinary Song寻常歌”

Song NameOrdinary Song寻常歌(Xun Chang Ge)
Artist Bu Cai不才
LyricistHuai Xiu
ComposerYou Jun
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Ordinary Song寻常歌”

This song was an interlude of the period drama “Till the end of the moon” (长月烬明) and was released on January 23, 2023.

“Till the End of the Moon长月烬明” Soundtrack Listing

The World I Love我爱的这个世界Liu Yuning刘宇宁Opening Song
The Black Moonlight黑月光Zhang Bichen张碧晨 & Mao Buyi毛不易Ending Song
Love Never Changes不逾Ye Xuanqing叶炫清 & Zhang Yuan张远Interlude
First Time Lover第一次爱人Zhang Lei张磊Interlude
Sending the Long Moon寄长月Bu Cai不才Interlude
Boundary界Tia Ray袁娅维Interlude
Mysterious Bird玄鸟Sagel/SAJI萨吉Interlude
Ordinary Song寻常歌Bu Cai不才Interlude
Or, Forever要不然我们就这样一万年Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude
Silent Moon月烬无声Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Interlude
Holding On To A Thought执一念Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄Interlude
Only You只你Shuang Sheng双笙Interlude
With My Body以我之躯Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Ordinary Song寻常歌”

shū zhì gù xiāng rén ,shí èr nián chūn yǐ guò
书 致 故 乡 人 ,十 二 年 春 已 过
The letter to the people of my hometown, the spring of the twelfth year has passed

wàn shì zhú liú qù ,yě shùn suí yě cuō tuó
万 事 逐 流 去 ,也 顺 遂 也 蹉 跎
Everything flows away, some were smooth and some were waste of time

lù bǐ suì yuè zhǎng ,xīn shì gèng wú cóng shuō
路 比 岁 月 长 ,心 事 更 无 从 说
The road is longer than the yers, there’s no way to speak out the worries on my mind

zhōng shēng xī yáng wài ,luò bǐ jìng wú cuò ,
钟 声 夕 阳 外 ,落 笔 竟 无 措 ,
When the bell is ringing and the sun is setting, I’m at a loss for what to write

zhī gǎn wèn chūn fēng rú hé
只 敢 问 春 风 如 何
I only dare to ask how the spring breeze is

zuó yè mèng huí zhōng ,tuī chuāng jiàn xiǎo cūn luò
昨 夜 梦 回 中 ,推 窗 见 小 村 落
In my dream last night, I opened the window and saw a small village

tóng yán shuō wú jì ,yōng shēn zuò kàn tiān hé
童 言 说 无 忌 ,拥 身 坐 看 天 河
The children’s words are nonsense, I sit myself down while watching the Milky Way

kū róng qīng cǎo dì ,gù rén yīn róng zài cè
枯 荣 青 草 地 ,故 人 音 容 在 侧
Withered and flourished green grass land, the voice of an old acquaintance is still by my ears

luò mù xiāo xiāo xià ,hé yǎn jiàn shén fó ,
落 木 萧 萧 下 ,合 眼 见 神 佛 ,
Fallen wood is rustling, I close my eyes and see gods and buddhas

tòng kuài tòng hèn dōu zhào chè
痛 快 痛 恨 都 照 彻
Either pleasure or pain are all thorough

táo huā dōu chuī luò ,chūn qiū dōu chuī luò
桃 花 都 吹 落 ,春 秋 都 吹 落
Peach flowers blown down, spring and autumns also blown down

zuì dǒng jìng shì mèng zhōng nà yī kè
最 懂 竟 是 梦 中 那 一 刻
What I understand the best is that moment in the dream

zhǎng shēng zhǎng piāo bó ,fù xǐng fù zuò kè
长 生 长 漂 泊 ,复 醒 复 作 客
Long life has been spent in long wandering, waking up again and be the guest again

nián tóu nián wěi gè zì huó
年 头 年 尾 各 自 活
Live on my own from beginning to end of year

biàn dì yòu rú hé ,chūn guāng yòu rú hé
遍 地 又 如 何 ,春 光 又 如 何
So what if it’s everywhere, so what if there’s spring light

fēn fēn qiú bú dé
纷 纷 求 不 得
I can’t ask for any of it

“suǒ xìng ”bú guò shì ,xún cháng rén jiān shì
“所 幸 ”不 过 是 ,寻 常 人 间 事
Being fortunate is just about ordinary mortal affairs

zuò shǒu xún cháng gē
作 首 寻 常 歌
so I will make an ordinary song

rú jīn tài píng shì ,fán huá lǐ kōng xiāo mó
如 今 太 平 世 ,繁 华 里 空 消 磨
Now in the peaceful era, I doze my hours way in prosperity

shuō dào tóu hái shì ,jiù hóng chén kàn bú pò
说 到 头 还 是 ,旧 红 尘 看 不 破
In the end, it’s still the mundane world that can’t be seen through

fēng yǔ shēn shǒu zhē ,yǒng bié rú hé ái guò
风 雨 伸 手 遮 ,永 别 如 何 捱 过
I reach out my hands to shield the wind and rain, how can I survive the eternal farewell

zǒu mǎ qù lán tái ,dēng huǒ lián tiān kuò ,
走 马 去 兰 台 ,灯 火 连 天 阔 ,
I ride a horse to the Orchid Terrace, the lights are so bright that

kàn bú jiàn bēi huān lí hé
看 不 见 悲 欢 离 合
I can’t see all the joys and sorrows

táo huā dōu chuī luò ,chūn qiū dōu chuī luò
桃 花 都 吹 落 ,春 秋 都 吹 落
Peach flowers blown down, spring and autumns also blown down

zuì dǒng jìng shì mèng zhōng nà yī kè
最 懂 竟 是 梦 中 那 一 刻
What I understand the best is that moment in the dream

zhǎng shēng zhǎng piāo bó ,fù xǐng fù zuò kè
长 生 长 漂 泊 ,复 醒 复 作 客
Long life has been spent in long wandering, waking up again and be the guest again

nián tóu nián wěi gè zì huó
年 头 年 尾 各 自 活
Live on my own from beginning to end of year

biàn dì yòu rú hé ,chūn guāng yòu rú hé
遍 地 又 如 何 ,春 光 又 如 何
So what if it’s everywhere, so what if there’s spring light

fēn fēn qiú bú dé
纷 纷 求 不 得
I can’t ask for any of it

“suǒ xìng ”bú guò shì ,xún cháng rén jiān shì
“所 幸 ”不 过 是 ,寻 常 人 间 事
Being fortunate is just about ordinary mortal affairs

zuò shǒu xún cháng gē
作 首 寻 常 歌
so I will make an ordinary song

yě zhī néng dǒng dé ,yǒng bú huì dǒng dé
也 只 能 懂 得 ,永 不 会 懂 得
I can only understand or I will never understand

liú lí shī suǒ què bú dòng shēng sè
流 离 失 所 却 不 动 声 色
I am displaced but I remain silent

suǒ yǐ duō shǎo rén ,mǎn táng huān shēng lǐ
所 以 多 少 人 ,满 堂 欢 声 里
So how many people, amidst the cheers of the hall,

níng wàng zhe jiǔ bēi chén mò
凝 望 着 酒 杯 沉 默
stared at the wine glasses and remained silent

biàn dì yòu rú hé ,chūn guāng yòu rú hé
遍 地 又 如 何 ,春 光 又 如 何
So what if it’s everywhere, so what if there’s spring light

fēn fēn qiú bú dé
纷 纷 求 不 得
I can’t ask for any of it

“suǒ xìng ”bú guò shì ,xún cháng rén jiān shì
“所 幸 ”不 过 是 ,寻 常 人 间 事
Being fortunate is just about ordinary mortal affairs

zuò shǒu xún cháng gē
作 首 寻 常 歌
so I will make an ordinary song

Covers & Versions of “Ordinary Song寻常歌”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Vietsub version

Instrumental version

Piano Tutorial Version

Chords of “Ordinary Song寻常歌”


Download/MP3 of “Ordinary Song寻常歌”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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