July 1, 2024
Word In Art画中有话(Hua Zhong You Hua) Cry Me A River of Stars OST By Finn Liu Fengyao刘凤瑶

Word In Art画中有话(Hua Zhong You Hua) Cry Me A River of Stars OST By Finn Liu Fengyao刘凤瑶

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Word In Art画中有话(Hua Zhong You Hua) Cry Me A River of Stars OST By Finn Liu Fengyao刘凤瑶

Info/About “Word In Art画中有话”

Song NameWord In Art画中有话(Hua Zhong You Hua)
Artist Finn Liu Fengyao刘凤瑶
LyricistJiang Xi
ComposerFinn Liu Fengyao
Released 2021
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Word In Art画中有话”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Cry Me A River of Stars春来枕星河“, and it was released on September 7, 2021.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Word In Art画中有话”

yún àn xiāo xiāo mì yǔ chuí
云 暗 萧 萧 密 雨 垂
The clouds were dark and rain falls down

luò luò guī yàn luàn fēn fēi
落 落 归 燕 乱 纷 飞
Falling back to the swallows that are flying in chaos

nán nán yǔ yuàn jiāng hé qīn cén xiàng duì
喃 喃 语 怨 江 河 嶔 岑 相 对
Muttered about the relativeness of the mountains and rivers

jǔ zūn duì yuè jiǔ jǐ bēi
举 樽 对 月 酒 几 杯
Raise a few glasses of wine with the moon

sì rén zuì rén gèng mèi
似 人 醉 人 更 魅
It seems like intoxicating people are more charming

qù shí wú yuán lái shí zēng suì
去 时 无 缘 来 时 增 岁
When I go, I get older when I have no chance to come

zhí jiào rén ér gèng qiáo cuì
直 叫 人 儿 更 憔 悴
Makes people more haggard

xián tíng zhù mǎ xīn bú huǐ
闲 庭 驻 马 心 不 悔
The heart has no repentance in the idle court

luò huā huā luò dōng liú shuǐ
落 花 花 落 东 流 水
The falling flowers fall to the east-flowing water

shì shì néng liào nán xiū wù shì rén fēi
世 事 能 料 难 休 物 是 人 非
The world is very unpredictable and unstoppable

suí shǒu huà xià jǐ cù méi
随 手 画 下 几 簇 梅
Drawing a few clusters of plums with your hand

bǎ jiǔ cuī rén gèng měi
把 酒 催 人 更 美
Raised a few more wines it makes people more beautiful

zhú lín xī yáng wēi wēi nǐ de xiāng wèi
竹 林 夕 阳 微 微 你 的 香 味
The setting sun in the bamboo forest faintly smells of you

suì yuè zhǎng kōng wǎn zhù le qīng sī wǎn lún huí
岁 月 长 空 挽 住 了 青 丝 挽 轮 回
Time and sky have saved the black hair that has not been reincarnated

bù yáo rén xiù shēng shēng huàn jīn yè mèng shì fēi
步 摇 人 秀 声 声 唤 今 夜 梦 是 非
Step by step people shows the sound of the call of tonight’s dream is right or wrong

zhī huà shì jīn cháo yǒu jiǔ bú rú jīn cháo zuì
只 话 是 今 朝 有 酒 不 如 今 朝 醉
It’s just that there are many words to say and I have wine, but for now, it would be better to not be intoxicated

wǎng shì nán zhuī wú yuán wú huǐ kàn dàn sì jìn yì sì tuì
往 事 难 追 无 缘 无 悔 看 淡 似 进 亦 似 退
The past is so difficult to catch up with no luck, no regrets, it seems indifferent but it seems to retreat

chán chán xī shuǐ liú zhuǎn le xīn shì luàn xīng huī
潺 潺 溪 水 流 转 了 心 事 乱 星 辉
The gurgling brooks followed in a chaotic mind like a bright star

zhǎng fā yǐng bèi rǎo chuāng wéi huā zhú gèng jiāo mèi
长 发 影 背 扰 窗 帷 花 烛 更 娇 媚
The long hair shadow back, it disturbs the window curtains, it is more coquettish than the flowers and candles

jiǎo jiǎo zì fēng liú xīn xǔ hóng yán dòng xīn fēi
皎 皎 自 风 流 心 许 红 颜 动 心 扉
The whispering wind sincerely praising the beauty & moves the heart to fall in love once again

bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí qián shēng yù jiàn jǐ huí
百 转 千 回 前 生 遇 见 几 回
A hundred truns a thousand, back to the previous life met a few times

xián tíng zhù mǎ xīn bú huǐ
闲 庭 驻 马 心 不 悔
The heart has no repentance in the idle court

luò huā huā luò dōng liú shuǐ
落 花 花 落 东 流 水
The falling flowers fall to the east-flowing water

shì shì néng liào nán xiū wù shì rén fēi
世 事 能 料 难 休 物 是 人 非
The world is very unpredictable and unstoppable

suí shǒu huà xià jǐ cù méi
随 手 画 下 几 簇 梅
Drawing a few clusters of plums with your hand

bǎ jiǔ cuī rén gèng měi
把 酒 催 人 更 美
Raised a few more wines it makes people more beautiful

zhú lín xī yáng wēi wēi nǐ de xiāng wèi
竹 林 夕 阳 微 微 你 的 香 味
The setting sun in the bamboo forest faintly smells of you

suì yuè zhǎng kōng wǎn zhù le qīng sī wǎn lún huí
岁 月 长 空 挽 住 了 青 丝 挽 轮 回
Time and sky have saved the black hair that has not been reincarnated

bù yáo rén xiù shēng shēng huàn jīn yè mèng shì fēi
步 摇 人 秀 声 声 唤 今 夜 梦 是 非
Step by step people shows the sound of the call of tonight’s dream is right or wrong

zhī huà shì jīn cháo yǒu jiǔ bú rú jīn cháo zuì
只 话 是 今 朝 有 酒 不 如 今 朝 醉
It’s just that there are many words to say and I have wine, but for now, it would be better to not be intoxicated

wǎng shì nán zhuī wú yuán wú huǐ kàn dàn sì jìn yì sì tuì
往 事 难 追 无 缘 无 悔 看 淡 似 进 亦 似 退
The past is so difficult to catch up with no luck, no regrets, it seems indifferent but it seems to retreat

chán chán xī shuǐ liú zhuǎn le xīn shì luàn xīng huī
潺 潺 溪 水 流 转 了 心 事 乱 星 辉
The gurgling brooks followed in a chaotic mind like a bright star

zhǎng fā yǐng bèi rǎo chuāng wéi huā zhú gèng jiāo mèi
长 发 影 背 扰 窗 帷 花 烛 更 娇 媚
The long hair shadow back, it disturbs the window curtains, it is more coquettish than the flowers and candles

jiǎo jiǎo zì fēng liú xīn xǔ hóng yán dòng xīn fēi
皎 皎 自 风 流 心 许 红 颜 动 心 扉
The whispering wind sincerely praising the beauty & moves the heart to fall in love once again

bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí qián shēng yù jiàn jǐ huí
百 转 千 回 前 生 遇 见 几 回
A hundred truns a thousand, back to the previous life met a few times

suì yuè zhǎng kōng wǎn zhù le qīng sī wǎn lún huí
岁 月 长 空 挽 住 了 青 丝 挽 轮 回
Time and sky have saved the black hair that has not been reincarnated

bù yáo rén xiù shēng shēng huàn jīn yè mèng shì fēi
步 摇 人 秀 声 声 唤 今 夜 梦 是 非
Step by step people shows the sound of the call of tonight’s dream is right or wrong

zhī huà shì jīn cháo yǒu jiǔ bú rú jīn cháo zuì
只 话 是 今 朝 有 酒 不 如 今 朝 醉
It’s just that there are many words to say and I have wine, but for now, it would be better to not be intoxicated

wǎng shì nán zhuī wú yuán wú huǐ kàn dàn sì jìn yì sì tuì
往 事 难 追 无 缘 无 悔 看 淡 似 进 亦 似 退
The past is so difficult to catch up with no luck, no regrets, it seems indifferent but it seems to retreat

chán chán xī shuǐ liú zhuǎn le xīn shì luàn xīng huī
潺 潺 溪 水 流 转 了 心 事 乱 星 辉
The gurgling brooks followed in a chaotic mind like a bright star

zhǎng fā yǐng bèi rǎo chuāng wéi huā zhú gèng jiāo mèi
长 发 影 背 扰 窗 帷 花 烛 更 娇 媚
The long hair shadow back, it disturbs the window curtains, it is more coquettish than the flowers and candles

jiǎo jiǎo zì fēng liú xīn xǔ hóng yán dòng xīn fēi
皎 皎 自 风 流 心 许 红 颜 动 心 扉
The whispering wind sincerely praising the beauty & moves the heart to fall in love once again

bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí qián shēng yù jiàn jǐ huí
百 转 千 回 前 生 遇 见 几 回
A hundred truns a thousand, back to the previous life met a few times

bǎi zhuǎn qiān huí qián shēng yù jiàn jǐ huí
百 转 千 回 前 生 遇 见 几 回
A hundred truns a thousand, back to the previous life met a few times

Covers & Versions of “Word In Art画中有话”

English sub version

Vietsub/Pinyin sub version

Thaisub version

Chords of “Word In Art画中有话”


Download/MP3 of “Word In Art画中有话”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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