June 27, 2024
Sending the Long Moon寄长月(Ji Chang Yue) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Sending the Long Moon寄长月(Ji Chang Yue) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Sending the Long Moon寄长月(Ji Chang Yue) Till the End of the Moon OST By Bu Cai不才

Info/About “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”

Song NameSending the Long Moon寄长月(Ji Chang Yue)
Artist Bu Cai不才
LyricistZhang Jingyi
ComposerZhang Jingyi
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”

This song was an interlude of the of the period drama “Till the end of the moon” (长月烬明) and was released on May 10, 2023.

“Till the End of the Moon长月烬明” Soundtrack Listing

The World I Love我爱的这个世界Liu Yuning刘宇宁Opening Song
The Black Moonlight黑月光Zhang Bichen张碧晨 & Mao Buyi毛不易Ending Song
Love Never Changes不逾Ye Xuanqing叶炫清 & Zhang Yuan张远Interlude
First Time Lover第一次爱人Zhang Lei张磊Interlude
Sending the Long Moon寄长月Bu Cai不才Interlude
Boundary界Tia Ray袁娅维Interlude
Mysterious Bird玄鸟Sagel/SAJI萨吉Interlude
Ordinary Song寻常歌Bu Cai不才Interlude
Or, Forever要不然我们就这样一万年Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude
Silent Moon月烬无声Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Interlude
Holding On To A Thought执一念Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄Interlude
Only You只你Shuang Sheng双笙Interlude
With My Body以我之躯Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”

kàn yī biàn nǐ wǒ liú liàn de rén jiān
看 一 遍 你 我 留 恋 的 人 间
Look at the world we long for

fān yuè céng shū xiě de huá nián
翻 阅 曾 书 写 的 华 年
Tracing the years that have passed

mèng yī quān fú huá shēng dòng de cán niàn
梦 一 圈 浮 华 生 动 的 残 念
I dream beautiful and real things that don’t come true

níng yuàn rén bú xǐng mèng yě bú miè
宁 愿 人 不 醒 梦 也 不 灭
Hoping I don’t wake up so this dream doesn’t disappear

yīn yuán qiǎn quǎn jìn shù qiān nián
姻 缘 缱 绻 尽 数 千 年
Matchmaking ties have lasted for thousands of years

fǔ píng qīng kuáng de liǎn
抚 平 轻 狂 的 脸
My expression is always calm and doesn’t care about anything

zǎo yǐ yàn juàn yī yī xī bié
早 已 厌 倦 依 依 惜 别
Because it’s tired of having to part with a heavy heart

qiě jiāng jìn yǔ míng jì zhǎng yuè
且 将 烬 与 明 寄 长 月
Send burning coals and light to the moon

báo qíng yě chūn qiū
薄 情 也 春 秋
Tenderness in spring and autumn

dòng qíng yě chūn qiū
动 情 也 春 秋
Falling in love is only temporary

cháng bú jìn bǎi zhuǎn qiān chóu
尝 不 尽 百 转 千 愁
Can’t feel all the sadness

zhū yán piān bú jù bèi lèi jìn tòu
朱 颜 偏 不 惧 被 泪 浸 透
Not afraid that the tears will run down the face

zhī yuàn yòng cǐ shēng huàn yǒng jiǔ
只 愿 用 此 生 换 永 久
I just want to exchange this life for immortality

xū qíng yě zú gòu
虚 情 也 足 够
Hypocrisy is enough

zhēn xīn nán fēng liú
真 心 难 风 流
It’s hard to be romantic

hái xiàng xìn nǐ gěi de gǎn dòng
还 相 信 你 给 的 感 动
I still believe in the touch that you give

yān huǒ suī duǎn què róng yì xiāo shòu
烟 火 虽 短 却 容 易 消 受
We always enjoy firworks even though it doesn’t last long

zhī shì zhè cì yòu huàn le shuí kǔ kǔ děng hòu
只 是 这 次 又 换 了 谁 苦 苦 等 候
But this time who will be waiting sadly

céng yǐ wéi xū yú xǐ lè yǔ bēi huān
曾 以 为 须 臾 喜 乐 与 悲 欢
Ever thought of the ups and downs

zhī shì wèi wán jié de qián yán
只 是 未 完 结 的 前 言
Only words left unspoken

jiù fàng rèn zì jǐ zài guāng yīn xiāo sàn
就 放 任 自 己 在 光 阴 消 散
Let yourself fade away in time

gān yuàn zhī yǔ nǐ yī shì qīng huān
甘 愿 只 与 你 一 世 清 欢
Willing to be happy only with you all my life

yǐ bèi mìng yùn shù cì tuī yuǎn
已 被 命 运 数 次 推 远
Has been pushed several times by fate

xìng jìn guī qù piān rán
兴 尽 归 去 翩 然
Excited to be back home

zǎo yǐ kàn dàn xīng yún liú zhuǎn
早 已 看 淡 星 云 流 转
Haven’t seen the stars and clouds in a long time

què bú wàng nǐ nà jù wú hàn
却 不 忘 你 那 句 无 憾
But I don’t forget your words without regret

báo qíng yě chūn qiū
薄 情 也 春 秋
Tenderness in spring and autumn

dòng qíng yě chūn qiū
动 情 也 春 秋
Falling in love is only temporary

cháng bú jìn bǎi zhuǎn qiān chóu
尝 不 尽 百 转 千 愁
Can’t feel all the sadness

zhū yán piān bú jù bèi lèi jìn tòu
朱 颜 偏 不 惧 被 泪 浸 透
Not afraid that the tears will run down the face

zhī yuàn yòng cǐ shēng huàn yǒng jiǔ
只 愿 用 此 生 换 永 久
I just want to exchange this life for immortality

xū qíng yě zú gòu
虚 情 也 足 够
Hypocrisy is enough

zhēn xīn nán fēng liú
真 心 难 风 流
It’s hard to be romantic

hái xiàng xìn nǐ gěi de gǎn dòng
还 相 信 你 给 的 感 动
I still believe in the touch that you give

yān huǒ suī duǎn què róng yì xiāo shòu
烟 火 虽 短 却 容 易 消 受
We always enjoy firworks even though it doesn’t last long

zhī shì zhè cì yòu huàn le shuí kǔ kǔ děng hòu
只 是 这 次 又 换 了 谁 苦 苦 等 候
But this time who will be waiting sadly

shuí bú gān fàng shǒu
谁 不 甘 放 手
Who is not willing to let go

shuí bú gǎn qiáng qiú
谁 不 敢 强 求
Who doesn’t dare to force

huí yì zuì pà bèi pīn còu
回 忆 最 怕 被 拼 凑
The most dreaded memories put together

dài dào yún lóu sàn dài dào bái shǒu
待 到 云 楼 散 待 到 白 首
Until the clouds disappear, until the hair turns white

zài huí wàng ēn chóu jiē yōu yōu
再 回 望 恩 仇 皆 悠 悠
Looking back at the past and present

bié shuō qù yǔ liú
别 说 去 与 留
Don’t say stay or go

chén mò zuì wēn róu
沉 默 最 温 柔
Silence is the most gentle

zì zuì zhī rén hé xū jiǔ
自 醉 之 人 何 须 酒
One who is drunk himself doesn’t need wine

dàn wèn yī jù shān hǎi kě yī jiù
但 问 一 句 山 海 可 依 旧
But ask if the mountains and sea are still the same

bú huàn tiān dì zhī huàn yī xīn niàn niàn bú xiǔ
不 换 天 地 只 换 一 心 念 念 不 朽
Don’t change the world, just change your heart and mind to be eternal


Covers & Versions of “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”

MV Version

English sub version

1 hour loop version

Terjemahan sub version

Vietsub version

FMV Version

Piano Cover

Instrumental version

Chords of “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”


Download/MP3 of “Sending the Long Moon寄长月”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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