June 27, 2024
Silent Moon月烬无声(Yue Jin Wu Sheng) Till the End of the Moon OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Silent Moon月烬无声(Yue Jin Wu Sheng) Till the End of the Moon OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Silent Moon月烬无声(Yue Jin Wu Sheng) Till the End of the Moon OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Info/About “Silent Moon”

Song NameSilent Moon月烬无声(Yue Jin Wu Sheng)
Artist Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌
LyricistZhang Jingyi; Wang Yirong
ComposerLiu Xuandou
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Silent Moon”

This song was an interlude of the period drama “Till the end of the moon” (长月烬明) and was released on April 11, 2023.

“Till the End of the Moon长月烬明” Soundtrack Listing

The World I Love我爱的这个世界Liu Yuning刘宇宁Opening Song
The Black Moonlight黑月光Zhang Bichen张碧晨 & Mao Buyi毛不易Ending Song
Love Never Changes不逾Ye Xuanqing叶炫清 & Zhang Yuan张远Interlude
First Time Lover第一次爱人Zhang Lei张磊Interlude
Sending the Long Moon寄长月Bu Cai不才Interlude
Boundary界Tia Ray袁娅维Interlude
Mysterious Bird玄鸟Sagel/SAJI萨吉Interlude
Ordinary Song寻常歌Bu Cai不才Interlude
Or, Forever要不然我们就这样一万年Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude
Silent Moon月烬无声Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Interlude
Holding On To A Thought执一念Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄Interlude
Only You只你Shuang Sheng双笙Interlude
With My Body以我之躯Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Silent Moon”

měi yī duì cān chén
每 一 对 参 辰
Every pair of ginseng

běn shì gū dú de líng hún
本 是 孤 独 的 灵 魂
was originally a lonely soul

niǎn zhuǎn chén lún
辗 转 沉 沦
Tossing and sinking

bèi qíng sī qiú kùn
被 情 丝 囚 困
trapped by love threads

yīn guǒ tài shēn chén
因 果 太 深 沉
Karma is too deep

duì jù sàn chōng ěr bú wén
对 聚 散 充 耳 不 闻
turning a deaf ear to gathering and dissipating

cuò zài tiān yì
错 在 天 意
It’s heaven’s fault

pàn nǐ wǒ lí fèn
判 你 我 离 分
for sentencing you and me to separate

ài shì chéng wéi nǐ ài de rén
爱 是 成 为 你 爱 的 人
Love is to become the person you love

shì ài nǐ ài de cāng shēng
是 爱 你 爱 的 苍 生
to love the people you love

shì fēi fēn fēn bú guò wèn
是 非 纷 纷 不 过 问
Right and wrong, don’t ask

zhī jiāng xīn qiú kùn
只 将 心 囚 困
just keep your heart trapped

yuè jìn wú shēng
月 烬 无 声
The moon is silent

xiào shēn qíng chī chǔn
笑 深 情 痴 蠢
laughing that deep love is ridiculous

wǒ gū shēn biàn xún nǐ de cán hún
我 孤 身 遍 寻 你 的 残 魂
I look for your remaining soul alone

mí liú de wēn cún
弥 留 的 温 存
The dying tenderness

xiāo róng xǔ guò de yú shēng
消 融 许 过 的 余 生
dissolves the remaining promised life

xīn kǒu míng kè
心 口 铭 刻
The engraving in my heart

shì ài nǐ de téng
是 爱 你 的 疼
is the pain of loving you

yě quán yì quán shēn
也 全 意 全 身
I also wholeheartedly

wéi nǐ diān fù le xíng shén
为 你 颠 覆 了 形 神
subverted my form and spirit for you

luò xuě wú hén
落 雪 无 痕
Falling snow leaves no trace

wǒ bān bó zhòng shēng
我 斑 驳 重 生
I am mottled and reborn

suì gǔ fěn shēn
碎 骨 粉 身
My bones are broken into powder

huā luò yī shùn
花 落 一 瞬
the flowers fall in a moment

mèng bú gān liú wǒ yī rén
梦 不 甘 留 我 一 人
the dream is unwilling to leave me alone

xǐ nù āi jù è yù hèn
喜 怒 哀 惧 恶 欲 恨
Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, evil desire and hatred

jiē yóu ài yán shēn
皆 由 爱 延 伸
are all spread by love

yuè jìn wú shēng
月 烬 无 声
The moon is silent

qīng xǐng tài cán rěn
清 醒 太 残 忍
being sober is too cruel

nǐ kě céng liú liàn wǒ de shēn wěn
你 可 曾 留 恋 我 的 深 吻
Have you ever missed my deep kiss

nǐ kě céng dòng qíng nǎ pà yī fèn
你 可 曾 动 情 哪 怕 一 分
Have you ever felt moved for even a single moment

yōu míng dù duō shǎo zhí niàn jiē wǎng fù
幽 冥 渡 多 少 执 念 皆 枉 付
Crossing the nether, no amount of obsession is in vain

jiāng xīn nì zài shí hǎi huāng wú
将 心 溺 在 时 海 荒 芜
Drowing my heart in the desolation of the barren sea of time

suì gǔ fěn shēn
碎 骨 粉 身
My bones are broken into powder

huā luò yī shùn
花 落 一 瞬
the flowers fall in a moment

mèng bú gān liú wǒ yī rén
梦 不 甘 留 我 一 人
the dream is unwilling to leave me alone

xǐ nù āi jù è yù hèn
喜 怒 哀 惧 恶 欲 恨
Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, evil desire and hatred

jiē yóu ài yán shēn
皆 由 爱 延 伸
are all spread by love

yuè jìn wú shēng
月 烬 无 声
The moon is silent

qīng xǐng tài cán rěn
清 醒 太 残 忍
being sober is too cruel

nǐ kě céng liú liàn wǒ de shēn wěn
你 可 曾 留 恋 我 的 深 吻
Have you ever missed my deep kiss

nǐ kě céng dòng qíng nǎ pà yī fèn
你 可 曾 动 情 哪 怕 一 分
Have you ever felt moved for even a single moment

nǐ yī rén shēng dòng zhěng gè fán chén
你 一 人 生 动 整 个 凡 尘
You alone are vivid in the entire mortal world

Covers & Versions of “Silent Moon”

MV Version

English sub version

FMV Version

Indo sub version

Thaisub version

Chords of “Silent Moon”


Download/MP3 of “Silent Moon”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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