June 28, 2024
Dream of the West Land吹梦到西洲(Chui Meng Dao Xi Zhou) The Blessed Girl OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Dream of the West Land吹梦到西洲(Chui Meng Dao Xi Zhou) The Blessed Girl OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Dream of the West Land吹梦到西洲(Chui Meng Dao Xi Zhou) The Blessed Girl OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Info/About “Dream of the West Land”

Song NameDream of the West Land吹梦到西洲(Chui Meng Dao Xi Zhou)
Artist Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵 & Lian Lian Gu Ren Nan恋恋故人难 & Huang Shifu黄诗扶 & Yao Yang妖扬
LyricistQi An
ComposerLing Mu Hang Hai
Released 2021
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Dream of the West Land”

This song was forerunner song and an interlude of the TV Series “The Blessed Girl玲珑“, and it was released on February 20, 2021. This is a cover of the original version performed by Lian Lian Gu Ren Nan恋恋故人难 & Huang Shifu黄诗扶 & Yao Yang妖扬.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Dream of the West Land”

wú hé huà yǒu gǎn wù zhī chūn qiū
无 何 化 有 感 物 知 春 秋
From teh void sprang out a land on the west, where lives thrived with time

qiū háo rú mò yù chóu miù nuò guǎn xiàng liú
秋 毫 濡 沫 欲 绸 缪 搦 管 相 留
My ink drenched pen left its image abandoned on my painting

liú gǔ zǎn fēng liú róng yìng shuǐ xiù
留 骨 攒 峰 留 容 映 水 秀
I had drawn high ranges with sunshine reflecting lakes at forth

liú guān sì shí céng xiè hòu jiā rén xī zhōu
留 观 四 时 曾 邂 逅 佳 人 西 洲
to expel scenery of the four seasons, where I dreamt of meeting my beauty strolling alone

xī zhōu hé yǒu yuǎn shù píng gāo qiū
西 洲 何 有 远 树 平 高 丘
Where was the west land? On those hills where dense forest grew

yún xián fāng wài yǔ bú shōu zhì zǐ qiān niú
云 闲 方 外 雨 不 收 稚 子 牵 牛
with clouds sailing high above, in the drizzle was a lad with his grazing cow

nào shì wú shēng bǎi tài yīn qíng xǔ xǔ móu
闹 市 无 声 百 态 阴 晴 栩 栩 侔
In this peaceful land, people lead a life of harmony

téng yī bàn juàn tái yī zhòu suì yuè zì wú yōu
藤 衣 半 卷 苔 衣 皱 岁 月 自 无 忧
simple clothes, mossy wall and bliss

jià mǎ qū chē shàng jǐ chéng fú yáo rù huà zhōng zhǐ chǐ
驾 马 驱 车 尚 几 程 扶 摇 入 画 中 咫 尺
Once you float into the painting within a sprint on the carriage

jìng qǔ qiáo héng jīng chéng nán tōng pàn nǐ dù kǒu dài nǐ qiáo tóu
径 曲 桥 横 精 诚 难 通 盼 你 渡 口 待 你 桥 头
Now between us are winding paths and dazzling bridges. My longings can’t a way. I can only await for you on my ferry by the bridge

sōng xiāng jiē dì zǒu
松 香 接 地 走
With the ground ink, I went on drawing lines

huī qú lóng xiù hǔ chū huái xiù
挥 癯 龙 绣 虎 出 怀 袖
on the paper similar to slim dragons and tigers

qǐ wēi shí luò hǎi lián bō dòng
起 微 石 落 海 连 波 动
Like lingering ripples caused by a stone falling into the sea

miáo shù qǔ kōng hóu xiàn tóng zhóu
描 数 曲 箜 篌 线 同 轴
and the parallel strings of konghou (a plucked stringed instrument)

lè bǐ yān zhí dà mò cāng làng pán qiú
勒 笔 烟 直 大 漠 沧 浪 盘 虬
When I stopped my pen, there was an endless desert of rising smoke and rolling waves which looks like flood dragons

yī zhǐ lín lí màn diǎn fāng yuán tòu
一 纸 淋 漓 漫 点 方 圆 透
I drew them in a swift, the whole paper was filled with inked scenery

jì wǒ zhǎng fēng wàn lǐ rào zhǐ wèi xiàng gōu
记 我 长 风 万 里 绕 指 未 相 勾
It was thousand miles away from me and I couldn’t keep my promise to thee

xíng shēng yì chéng cǐ yì xiāo yáo bú yóu
形 生 意 成 此 意 逍 遥 不 游
With our hearts attached, my longings for you will not change no matter how I live

rì yuè hé shòu jiāng hǎi dī gèng lòu
日 月 何 寿 江 海 滴 更 漏
As long as the sun and the moon exist in this world. Till the sea spills its last drop

ài xiàng rén jiān jiè cháo mù bēi xǐ wéi chóu
爱 向 人 间 借 朝 暮 悲 喜 为 酬
Love take away people’s life time filled with emotions as return

zhǒng liǔ chūn yīng zhī tā fēng chén bú kě jiù
种 柳 春 莺 知 它 风 尘 不 可 救
Waiting to see you, I grew int a willow, old enough for the orioles

mián mián gèng zài sān shēng hòu shuí gé shì dú guān jiū
绵 绵 更 在 三 生 后 谁 隔 世 读 关 鸠
Yet, shall I never lose belief on this poem of love

shī shuō hóng dòu biàn nán guó wèi jiàn rén zhǎng jiǔ jiàn duō shǎo
诗 说 红 豆 遍 南 国 未 见 人 长 久 见 多 少
Red bean that symbolize eternal love had been abundant in southern region. Hence, I didn’t see people there stay together for long

lái shí fāng huá qù shí bái tóu wàng nǐ bú shě xún nǐ bú xiū
来 时 芳 华 去 时 白 头 忘 你 不 舍 寻 你 不 休
In their youth they came and went away with white-hairs. I can’t forget you, I won’t stop searching for you

huà wài rén yì xiǔ
画 外 人 易 朽
In reality we age quickly

sì nóng dàn xiàng jiān sè xiàng gòu
似 浓 淡 相 间 色 相 构
Like destiny runs this world so does the colours of the painting

rǎn bīng xuě xiān pī liú lí zhòu
染 冰 雪 先 披 琉 璃 胄
Destiny can cover people with crystal snow making them look like vagabonds

zhàn zhū zǐ jiāng dēng jīn yín lóu
蘸 朱 紫 将 登 金 银 楼
or dress them up in fingeries only for them to stand on a tower of silver-gold overlooking the world

tiān mìng bì chéng huī tǔ dāo gōng hè xiù
天 命 碧 城 灰 土 刀 弓 褐 锈
It can also turn a vivid city into grey dust, and rust the iron weapons

jǔ shǒu yè gǔ pō duàn qīng lán yòu
举 手 夜 古 泼 断 青 蓝 右
But between every rise of my arm, I leave an impression on my art

zhào wǒ yíng dēng jià zhòu zhī yǐng guī hóng liú
照 我 萤 灯 嫁 昼 只 影 归 洪 流
I am just a dim ray of sunlight

shēn hún rú jì cǐ shì xiāo yáo bú yóu
身 魂 如 寄 此 世 逍 遥 不 游
with my body and soul entraped in this world

qíng yī wù wú mù chéng lín wú shuǐ háng zhōu
情 一 物 无 木 成 林 无 水 行 舟
Love is as unreasonable as a forest without trees and a boat floating in air

qíng yī shì wèi suàn cáng móu zhēn hái miù
情 一 事 未 算 藏 谋 真 还 谬
Love is like a mirage

qíng yī rén jī shēn bú hòu jī nián bú jiù
情 一 人 积 深 不 厚 积 年 不 旧
Love is that, someone who never feels enough to give or change one’s heart with time

qíng yī niàn mò jìn fēi kōng bǎi dài fēi bái zhòu huá dì wéi qiú
情 一 念 墨 尽 非 空 百 代 飞 白 骤 划 地 为 囚
Love is an emotion that can write words without ink, it can glue two souls even after 100 generations

lán tián xū jí jiǔ wéi qióng jiāng néng jiāo měi yù shòu
蓝 田 需 汲 酒 惟 琼 浆 能 浇 美 玉 瘦
Only good wine can polish their Jade vessels

zhì gāo zhě qīng nán gòu zhì guì zhě rùn yīn chóu
至 高 者 清 难 垢 至 贵 者 润 因 愁
Wine can definitely remind the rich of their sorrows, but will never affect a noble-mind

chī jié huǒ zhī tā bú néng qiú
痴 竭 火 知 她 不 能 求
After the fire of love extinguished, she knew she can’t wait for him

zuì féng gē zhī tā bú bì hòu
醉 逢 歌 知 他 不 必 候
And after hearing a song being drunk, he knew it was useless to wait for her

zhī yuē líng xī guò xì líng guāng àn xiàng tóu
只 约 灵 犀 过 隙 灵 光 暗 相 投
Just wishing a dim possibility in destiny could enable them to meet

wàn lài tíng chuī zòu
万 籁 停 吹 奏
As the silence of nature welcomes the night

zhī yí tīng qiū shuǐ wèn fú yóu
支 颐 听 秋 水 问 蜉 蝣
With chin on my hand, I listened to the sounds of the autumn river while asking the mayfly

jì xuán míng bú kě liàng běi dòu
既 玄 冥 不 可 量 北 斗
While even immortals can’t predict own destiny with the Big Dippen

què hé xìn xiàng sī zuì wēn róu
却 何 信 相 思 最 温 柔
How can I believe in meeting my distant love

gù pàn huā fā hóng méng pēng rán ér mèng
顾 盼 花 发 鸿 蒙 怦 然 而 梦
Looking back on how the flower of my love bloomed from nothing, I suddenly dream of

nǐ yǔ èr shí bā xiǔ jiē huí móu
你 与 二 十 八 宿 皆 回 眸
You looking back at me from among the 28 Lunar Mansions, likely to dissapear soon

xì wǒ cǎi yì jīng wěi hóng sī tiān dì zhōu
系 我 彩 翼 鲸 尾 红 丝 天 地 周
I want to tie red silk to own hearts and fly together to every corner of the world

qíng zhī suǒ zhì cǐ xīn xiāo yáo bú yóu
情 之 所 至 此 心 逍 遥 不 游
My heart will never change no matter where I travel

Covers & Versions of “Dream of the West Land”

MV Version

English Lyrics Version

Original version by Huang Shifu黄诗扶 & Yao Yang妖扬

Cover by 小金碧碧

Japanese version by Mochi芝麻

Cover by 葱茏瑶 & 橘猫烧鲷鱼 (VerDAWNt and TEA & R)

Chords of “Dream of the West Land”


Download/MP3 of “Dream of the West Land”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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