June 3, 2024
New Rain and Old Dream新雨旧梦(Xin Yu Jiu Meng) True and False Monkey King OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

New Rain and Old Dream新雨旧梦(Xin Yu Jiu Meng) True and False Monkey King OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of New Rain and Old Dream新雨旧梦(Xin Yu Jiu Meng) True and False Monkey King OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Info/About “New Rain and Old Dream”

Song NameNew Rain and Old Dream新雨旧梦(Xin Yu Jiu Meng)
Artist A YueYue阿YueYue
LyricistXin Mu
ComposerWu Pengfei
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “New Rain and Old Dream”

This song was the promotional song of the Movie “True and False Monkey King真假美猴王之大圣无双“, and it was released on December 5, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “New Rain and Old Dream”

xīn yǔ zhōng tán jiù mèng
新 雨 中 谈 旧 梦
Talking about old dreams in new rain

yǒu gè dì fāng
有 个 地 方
There’s a place

cáng zhe nǐ zuì jìn qíng kuàng
藏 着 你 最 近 情 况
hiding your latest situation

bié le qiū yòu shì dōng
别 了 秋 又 是 冬
Leaving the autumn and then it’s another winter

yǒu xiē cōng máng
有 些 匆 忙
It’s a bit hasty

liú xià nǐ què wàng le wàng
留 下 你 却 忘 了 忘
Leaving you here but forget

wèn ài qíng de fāng xiàng
问 爱 情 的 方 向
to ask the direction of love

zuì zuì míng liàng de yuè guāng
最 最 明 亮 的 月 光
The brightest moonlight

zhí jiāo rén shēng sǐ xiàng wàng
直 教 人 生 死 相 望
Making people gaze on each other regardless of life or death

shuí zhī le qíng de wǎng
谁 织 了 情 的 网
Who weaved this net of love

niàn niàn bú wàng zěn me chuǎng
念 念 不 忘 怎 么 闯
Making people linger in it, how to break out

zhōng nán táo wéi ài chī kuáng
终 难 逃 为 爱 痴 狂
Eventually it’s hard to escape going crazy for love

fēn fēn rǎo rǎo de shì jiè wǒ jiǎ zhuāng zài máng
纷 纷 扰 扰 的 世 界 我 假 装 在 忙
In this hustling and bustling world, I pretend to be busy

yǎn lǐ shì nǐ de mó yàng
眼 里 是 你 的 模 样
Your appearance is everywhere in my mind

rì rì yè yè de sī niàn wǒ zhòng bō shí guāng
日 日 夜 夜 的 思 念 我 重 播 时 光
Yearning day and night, I keep replaying the time we spent together

zhòng fù zhe kuài lè xiǎng xiàng
重 复 着 快 乐 想 象
Repeating the happy imagination

zhuī ya zhuī ya zhuī dào tiān huāng
追 呀 追 呀 追 到 天 荒
Chase and chase to the end of time

zhī wéi dào nǐ de shēn páng
只 为 到 你 的 身 旁
Just for coming to your side

fēi ya fēi ya fēi guò cāng hǎi
飞 呀 飞 呀 飞 过 沧 海
Fly and fly to cross the vast ocean

yuán lái nǐ jiù zài xīn shàng
原 来 你 就 在 心 上
Turns out you are living in my heart

xīn yǔ zhōng tán jiù mèng
新 雨 中 谈 旧 梦
Talking about old dreams in new rain

yǒu gè dì fāng
有 个 地 方
There’s a place

cáng zhe nǐ zuì jìn qíng kuàng
藏 着 你 最 近 情 况
hiding your latest situation

bié le qiū yòu shì dōng
别 了 秋 又 是 冬
Leaving the autumn and then it’s another winter

yǒu xiē cōng máng
有 些 匆 忙
It’s a bit hasty

liú xià nǐ què wàng le wàng
留 下 你 却 忘 了 忘
Leaving you here but forget

wèn ài qíng de fāng xiàng
问 爱 情 的 方 向
to ask the direction of love

zuì zuì míng liàng de yuè guāng
最 最 明 亮 的 月 光
The brightest moonlight

zhí jiāo rén shēng sǐ xiàng wàng
直 教 人 生 死 相 望
Making people gaze on each other regardless of life or death

shuí zhī le qíng de wǎng
谁 织 了 情 的 网
Who weaved this net of love

niàn niàn bú wàng zěn me chuǎng
念 念 不 忘 怎 么 闯
Making people linger in it, how to break out

zhōng nán táo wéi ài chī kuáng
终 难 逃 为 爱 痴 狂
Eventually it’s hard to escape going crazy for love

fēn fēn rǎo rǎo de shì jiè wǒ jiǎ zhuāng zài máng
纷 纷 扰 扰 的 世 界 我 假 装 在 忙
In this hustling and bustling world, I pretend to be busy

yǎn lǐ shì nǐ de mó yàng
眼 里 是 你 的 模 样
Your appearance is everywhere in my mind

rì rì yè yè de sī niàn wǒ zhòng bō shí guāng
日 日 夜 夜 的 思 念 我 重 播 时 光
Yearning day and night, I keep replaying the time we spent together

zhòng fù zhe kuài lè xiǎng xiàng
重 复 着 快 乐 想 象
Repeating the happy imagination

zhuī ya zhuī ya zhuī dào tiān huāng
追 呀 追 呀 追 到 天 荒
Chase and chase to the end of time

zhī wéi dào nǐ de shēn páng
只 为 到 你 的 身 旁
Just for coming to your side

fēi ya fēi ya fēi guò cāng hǎi
飞 呀 飞 呀 飞 过 沧 海
Fly and fly to cross the vast ocean

yuán lái nǐ jiù zài xīn shàng
原 来 你 就 在 心 上
Turns out you are living in my heart


Covers & Versions of “New Rain and Old Dream”

FMV Version

Vietsub Version

Chords of “New Rain and Old Dream”


Download/MP3 of “New Rain and Old Dream”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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