July 2, 2024
Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand万骨催沙(Wan Gu Cui Sha) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次

Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand万骨催沙(Wan Gu Cui Sha) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand万骨催沙(Wan Gu Cui Sha) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次

Info/About “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”

Song NameTen Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand万骨催沙(Wan Gu Cui Sha)
Artist Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次
LyricistMing Huang
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”

This song was a character theme song and an interlude (theater version) of the TV Series “Love Me Love My Voice很想很想你“, and it was released on November 24, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”

xún biàn wàn lǐ shān hé huā hǎi qiān shān wǒ tà guò
寻 遍 万 里 山 河 花 海 千 山 我 踏 过
I have travelled all over the world, walked through the sea of flowers and a thousand mountains

huí shēn fāng huá yǐ luò shuí rěn tīng qiāng dí shēng xiāo suǒ
回 身 芳 华 已 落 谁 忍 听 羌 笛 声 萧 索
When I look back, the glory of my youth has faded, who can stand the melancholy sound of the Qiang flute

bēi zhōng jiǔ xiàng tiān pō jiāo bú miè lián tiān de fēng huǒ
杯 中 酒 向 天 泼 浇 不 灭 连 天 的 烽 火
The wine in my glass pours skyward, but it cannot quench the flames of war

xiào wǒ bǎi zhàn gōng chéng nán dǐ zhè huáng tǔ yī póu
笑 我 百 战 功 成 难 抵 这 黄 土 一 抔
I laugh at my success in a hundred battles, knowing that it will be buried by a handful of this yellow earth

yún hé yuè bàn wǒ cè mǎ yòu fù dà mò
云 和 月 伴 我 策 马 又 赴 大 漠
The clouds and the moon are with me as I ride into the desert again

lí huā qiāng tiāo pò mìng lǐ yào shí me rú guǒ
梨 花 枪 挑 破 命 里 要 什 么 如 果
A long spear breaks through, what does destiny mean in life

ài hèn táo bú guò fēi shā zhī xià wàn gǔ miáo mó
爱 恨 逃 不 过 飞 沙 之 下 万 骨 描 摹
Neither love nor hate can be avoided, and beneath the flying sands myriads of bones outline the scene

tiān yào wǒ
天 要 我
Heaven has destined me

jīn shēng jì rù xiū luó chéng bài zhōng yào yī mò
今 生 既 入 修 罗 成 败 终 要 一 殁
to be a bloodthirsty warrior, success or failure ultimately ends in death

yáng méi sǎo jìn xīn zhōng huò
扬 眉 扫 尽 心 中 惑
I raise my eyebrows to sweep away all doubts

bú wǎng wǒ
不 枉 我
It’s worth

nián shǎo piān ài diān bò bǎi zhàn rén jiān jì mò
年 少 偏 爱 颠 簸 百 战 人 间 寂 寞
my youth’s love for hardships, fighting countless battles, alone in this world

yī shì wú shuāng shuí néng duó
一 世 无 双 谁 能 夺
I have no equal, who can outshine me

wàn gǔ shān chuān rú zuó
万 古 山 川 如 昨
The mountains and rivers are as old as yesterday

mèng zhōng yǒu shuí lái guò
梦 中 有 谁 来 过
Who has been here in dreams

zhè yī shēn tiě yī bān bó
这 一 身 铁 衣 斑 驳
This tarnished armor

jǐ céng bèi chuán shuō yǐn méi
几 曾 被 传 说 隐 没
has been hidden in legends

xún biàn wàn lǐ shān hé què zhī wén luàn shì piāo lí gē
寻 遍 万 里 山 河 却 只 闻 乱 世 飘 骊 歌
I have searched the whole land, yet I have heard only the songs of chaos in this troubled world

tuì què xiāo sè gàn gē tuì bú qù zhè yī shēn dǎn sè
退 却 萧 瑟 干 戈 褪 不 去 这 一 身 胆 色
In retreat, the devastating war fades away, but my courageous spirit remains unshaken

bēi zhōng jiǔ hái tàng zhe děng bú dào jiù suì de guò kè
杯 中 酒 还 烫 着 等 不 到 旧 岁 的 过 客
The wine in my glass is still warm, waiting for the return of the passers-by of yesteryear

tā men mái gǔ tā xiāng hòu lái gù shì shuí jì dé
他 们 埋 骨 他 乡 后 来 故 事 谁 记 得
Their bones are buried far from home, but who remembers the rest of the story

yún hé yuè bàn wǒ cè mǎ yòu fù dà mò
云 和 月 伴 我 策 马 又 赴 大 漠
The clouds and the moon are with me as I ride into the desert again

lí huā qiāng tiāo pò mìng lǐ yào shí me rú guǒ
梨 花 枪 挑 破 命 里 要 什 么 如 果
A long spear breaks through, what does destiny mean in life

ài hèn táo bú guò fēi shā zhī xià wàn gǔ miáo mó
爱 恨 逃 不 过 飞 沙 之 下 万 骨 描 摹
Neither love nor hate can be avoided, and beneath the flying sands myriads of bones outline the scene

tiān yào wǒ
天 要 我
Heaven has destined me

jīn shēng jì rù xiū luó chéng bài zhōng yào yī mò
今 生 既 入 修 罗 成 败 终 要 一 殁
to be a bloodthirsty warrior, success or failure ultimately ends in death

yáng méi sǎo jìn xīn zhōng huò
扬 眉 扫 尽 心 中 惑
I raise my eyebrows to sweep away all doubts

bú wǎng wǒ
不 枉 我
It’s worth

nián shǎo piān ài diān bò bǎi zhàn rén jiān jì mò
年 少 偏 爱 颠 簸 百 战 人 间 寂 寞
my youth’s love for hardships, fighting countless battles, alone in this world

yī shì wú shuāng shuí néng duó
一 世 无 双 谁 能 夺
I have no equal, who can outshine me

wàn gǔ shān chuān rú zuó
万 古 山 川 如 昨
The mountains and rivers are as old as yesterday

mèng zhōng yǒu shuí lái guò
梦 中 有 谁 来 过
Who has been here in dreams

zhè yī shēn tiě yī bān bó
这 一 身 铁 衣 斑 驳
This tarnished armor

jǐ céng bèi chuán shuō yǐn méi
几 曾 被 传 说 隐 没
has been hidden in legends

tiān yào wǒ
天 要 我
Heaven has destined me

jīn shēng jì rù xiū luó chéng bài zhōng yào yī mò
今 生 既 入 修 罗 成 败 终 要 一 殁
to be a bloodthirsty warrior, success or failure ultimately ends in death

yáng méi sǎo jìn xīn zhōng huò
扬 眉 扫 尽 心 中 惑
I raise my eyebrows to sweep away all doubts

bú wǎng wǒ
不 枉 我
It’s worth

nián shǎo piān ài diān bò bǎi zhàn rén jiān jì mò
年 少 偏 爱 颠 簸 百 战 人 间 寂 寞
my youth’s love for hardships, fighting countless battles, alone in this world

yī shì wú shuāng shuí néng duó
一 世 无 双 谁 能 夺
I have no equal, who can outshine me

wàn gǔ shān chuān rú zuó
万 古 山 川 如 昨
The mountains and rivers are as old as yesterday

mèng zhōng yǒu shuí lái guò
梦 中 有 谁 来 过
Who has been here in dreams

zhè yī shēn tiě yī bān bó
这 一 身 铁 衣 斑 驳
This tarnished armor

jǐ céng bèi chuán shuō yǐn méi
几 曾 被 传 说 隐 没
has been hidden in legends

Spoken parts

shí chéng zhàn huǒ
十 城 战 火
Ten cities ablaze in warfare

wàn gǔ cuī shā
万 骨 催 沙
Ten thousand bones crushing the sand

jiāng hé gù tǔ wú rén zàng
江 河 故 土 无 人 葬
Rivers and homeland, remains unburied

guān shān fēi xuě
关 山 飞 雪
Mountains and passes covered in flying snow

lù chéng wú yān
戮 城 无 烟
Cities subdued, without a trace of smoke

shān huí lù zhuǎn rén bú guī
山 回 路 转 人 不 归
The winding road leads back, but people do not return

Covers & Versions of “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Studio Recording Version

Chords of “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”


Download/MP3 of “Ten Thousand Bones Crushing The Sand”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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