July 3, 2024
Horse Step Ballad马步谣(Ma Bu Yao) A Dream of Jiang Hu OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Horse Step Ballad马步谣(Ma Bu Yao) A Dream of Jiang Hu OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Horse Step Ballad马步谣(Ma Bu Yao) A Dream of Jiang Hu OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Info/About “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”

Song NameHorse Step Ballad马步谣(Ma Bu Yao)
Artist Shuang Sheng双笙
LyricistWei Cai Zhi Yi
ComposerChun Bai P
Released 2018
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”

This song was a promotional song of the Mobile Game “A Dream of Jiang Hu一梦江湖“, and it was released on January 25, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”

rì mù xī shān xiàng wǎn
日 暮 西 山 向 晚
The sun is setting at the West Mountain

shuí jiā niǎo niǎo chuī yān
谁 家 袅 袅 炊 烟
Smoke arises from kitchen chimney

jīn tiān mǎ bù hái méi yǒu zhā wán
今 天 马 步 还 没 有 扎 完
I haven’t finished the horse steps for today

shī fù shuō
师 父 说
The Master said

jiāng hú jiù zài shēn biān
江 湖 就 在 身 边
The Wuxia World is right beside us

shuí huì tīng tā wàng yán
谁 会 听 他 妄 言
But who would listen to his crazy words

shēn biān suǒ suì pò shì rě rén fán
身 边 琐 碎 破 事 惹 人 烦
The trivial things around are annoying

cūn kǒu dà xiá háng zǒu jiāng hú fēi dé yǔ gǒu jié yuán
村 口 大 侠 行 走 江 湖 非 得 与 狗 结 缘
The “Hero” of this village boasts his heroic deeds in the world, but has to befriend dogs

shū shēng xiě fēng qíng shū zì jǐ bú sòng jiào wǒ qù bàn
书 生 写 封 情 书 自 己 不 送 叫 我 去 办
The scholar of this village wrote a love letter, but he’s too shy to deliver it, then asks me to do it

pǎo le bàn tiān zhī zuàn dào jǐ gè tóng bǎn
跑 了 半 天 只 赚 到 几 个 铜 板
Bustling half a day, but only earns several coins

ō zhè hái bú suàn
噢 这 还 不 算
Oh, that’s not all

xī cūn chú zǐ méi yǒu shí cái chóu dé pàng le yī quān
西 村 厨 子 没 有 食 材 愁 得 胖 了 一 圈
The cook from the west village worry about lack of food material, yet he keeps gaining weight

dōng tóu jiāng hú bā guà yìn chéng cè zǐ mài dé zhèng huān
东 头 江 湖 八 卦 印 成 册 子 卖 得 正 欢
The Wuxia gossip tabloid in the east vilalge sells like hot cake

jīn xiāo jiǔ sì yī mèng dé fú shēng yuǎn
今 宵 酒 肆 一 梦 得 浮 生 远
Just make myself drunk at eater tonight to forget everything happening in this world

mèng zhōng wǔ dāng jué bié qiān lǐ gū háng pǐn jiàn wèn huá shān
梦 中 武 当 诀 别 千 里 孤 行 品 剑 问 华 山
In the dream, Wudang bid farewell to thousands of miles and walks alone and asks Huashan with sword

xiǎo lái mǐng dǐng yī chǎng zuì wò zhōng shēng chán
晓 来 酩 酊 一 场 醉 卧 钟 声 禅
In the next morning, still drunk and listening to the bell from distant temple

yōu yōu àn xiāng qiāo rán qīng méi yíng xiù fú yáo yún mèng diān
悠 悠 暗 香 悄 然 青 梅 盈 袖 扶 摇 云 梦 巅
Reaching the peak in dream with the fragrance of plums

qià shì yī zūn jiāng hú hái yī zūn shǎo nián
恰 是 一 樽 江 湖 还 一 樽 少 年
It’s just a bottle of Wuxia or a bottle of youth

jiāng hú bìng bú yáo yuǎn
江 湖 并 不 遥 远
Wuxia World is not far away

shī fù shuō gè méi wán
师 父 说 个 没 完
Master talks endlessly

zhī shì jù jù lí bú kāi “dāng nián ”
只 是 句 句 离 不 开 “当 年 ”
It’s just he can’t shut up about “Back in my days”

dāng nián huáng chéng zhī shàng wǔ lín zhī xià shuí gǎn jiào bǎn
当 年 皇 城 之 上 武 林 之 下 谁 敢 叫 板
No one dares to challenge me in the imperial city and Wuxia World back in my days

dāng nián yòu hé duō shǎo shī mèi shī jiě yuè xià huā qián
当 年 又 和 多 少 师 妹 师 姐 月 下 花 前
and how many romantic episodes he had with different women

wǒ wèn rú jīn wéi hé liú luò zài xiāng jiān
我 问 如 今 为 何 流 落 在 乡 间
I ask him then why you end up here in the middle of nowhere

tā jiào wǒ gǔn dàn
他 叫 我 滚 蛋
He tells me to piss off

tīng shuō pī chái yě néng liàn chéng shén gōng shēn shǒu bú fán
听 说 劈 柴 也 能 练 成 神 功 身 手 不 凡
I heard that chopping wood can also practice magic skills

wǒ què zhī néng bì yǎn yī fǔ xià qù pī gè xī làn
我 却 只 能 闭 眼 一 斧 下 去 劈 个 稀 烂
But I can only close my eyes and smash it

máng lǐ tōu xián yī mèng dé fú shēng yuǎn
忙 里 偷 闲 一 梦 得 浮 生 远
Steal some time to dream a little and escape the busy life

yī zhěn huá xū rù mèng liú guāng huì shuò yī yǎn yī qiān nián
一 枕 华 胥 入 梦 流 光 晦 朔 一 眼 一 千 年
A pillow of Huaxu enters a dream, the stream of light is dark, then a thousand years have passed

sà tà yù xū jīn luán xiāo xiāo rù yún yān
飒 沓 玉 虚 金 銮 潇 潇 入 云 烟
Enter the smoke-like clouds and ride to the heaven palace

yù jiàn fēi yuè qiān shān xuě chuī xiāng àn liú yǐng bǎi huā lián
御 剑 飞 越 千 山 雪 吹 香 暗 流 影 百 花 莲
Fly over the thousand mountains by wearing sword

qià shì yī zūn jiāng hú hái yī zūn shǎo nián
恰 是 一 樽 江 湖 还 一 樽 少 年
It’s just a bottle of Wuxia or a bottle of youth

mèng zhōng wǔ dāng jué bié qiān lǐ gū háng pǐn jiàn wèn huá shān
梦 中 武 当 诀 别 千 里 孤 行 品 剑 问 华 山
In the dream, Wudang bid farewell to thousands of miles and walks alone and asks Huashan with sword

xiǎo lái mǐng dǐng yī chǎng zuì wò zhōng shēng chán
晓 来 酩 酊 一 场 醉 卧 钟 声 禅
In the next morning, still drunk and listening to the bell from distant temple

yōu yōu àn xiāng qiāo rán qīng méi yíng xiù fú yáo yún mèng diān
悠 悠 暗 香 悄 然 青 梅 盈 袖 扶 摇 云 梦 巅
Reaching the peak in dream with the fragrance of plums

qià shì yī zūn jiāng hú hái yī zūn shǎo nián
恰 是 一 樽 江 湖 还 一 樽 少 年
It’s just a bottle of Wuxia or a bottle of youth

yī zhěn huá xū rù mèng liú guāng huì shuò yī yǎn yī qiān nián
一 枕 华 胥 入 梦 流 光 晦 朔 一 眼 一 千 年
A pillow of Huaxu enters a dream, the stream of light is dark, then a thousand years have passed

sà tà yù xū jīn luán xiāo xiāo rù yún yān
飒 沓 玉 虚 金 銮 潇 潇 入 云 烟
Enter the smoke-like clouds and ride to the heaven palace

yù jiàn fēi yuè qiān shān xuě chuī xiāng àn liú yǐng bǎi huā lián
御 剑 飞 越 千 山 雪 吹 香 暗 流 影 百 花 莲
Fly over the thousand mountains by wearing sword

qià shì yī zūn jiāng hú hái yī zūn shǎo nián
恰 是 一 樽 江 湖 还 一 樽 少 年
It’s just a bottle of Wuxia or a bottle of youth


Covers & Versions of “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”

MV Version

Live version by Shuang Sheng (from 5:24)

Vietsub version

Cover by merry

Cover by Ziyan

Kalimba Cover

Remix version

Chords of “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”


Download/MP3 of “Horse Step Ballad马步谣”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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