June 27, 2024
Return With You与君归(Yu Jun Gui) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Bu Cai不才 & Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次 & Le Xiaotao乐小桃

Return With You与君归(Yu Jun Gui) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Bu Cai不才 & Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次 & Le Xiaotao乐小桃

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Return With You与君归(Yu Jun Gui) Love Me Love My Voice OST By Bu Cai不才 & Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次 & Le Xiaotao乐小桃

Info/About “Return With You与君归”

Song NameReturn With You与君归(Yu Jun Gui)
Artist Bu Cai不才 & Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次 & Le Xiaotao乐小桃
LyricistHuo Huo
ComposerHuang Shifu
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Return With You与君归”

This song was the emotional theme song of the TV Series “Love Me Love My Voice很想很想你“, and it was released on November 24, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Return With You与君归”

jiāng suì yuè dù chéng yī yè piāo yáo de zhōu
将 岁 月 渡 成 一 叶 飘 摇 的 舟
Turning the years into a swaying boat

yóu yì guò xiōng yǒng yòu wān yán de lí chóu
游 弋 过 汹 涌 又 蜿 蜒 的 离 愁
Swimming through the turbulent and winding sorrows of separation

pà wǎng shì bèi yíng miàn ér lái de hán fēng chuī zhòu
怕 往 事 被 迎 面 而 来 的 寒 风 吹 皱
Afraid that the past will be wrinkled by the oncoming cold wind

jiǎo sàn chéng yī piàn jiāng shuǐ yōu yōu
搅 散 成 一 片 江 水 悠 悠
Stirring it into a section of the long river

yòng zhǐ jiān mó suō guò pò liè de quē kǒu
用 指 尖 摩 挲 过 破 裂 的 缺 口
As you use your fingertips to rub against the cracked gap

bú gǎn kàn jìng zhōng de cāng yán yǔ hào shǒu
不 敢 看 镜 中 的 苍 颜 与 皓 首
Daring not to look upon the pale face and white hair in the mirror

duō nián hòu sī niàn què yī rán hái fēng lì rú jiù
多 年 后 思 念 却 依 然 还 锋 利 如 旧
Years later, the yearning is still sharp as ever

qīng jiǎn le yī lù rén yǐng xiāo shòu
清 减 了 一 路 人 影 消 瘦
The figures along the way have been reduced and thinned out

jiāng huí yì yán chéng mò jì
将 回 忆 研 成 墨 迹
Grinding the memories into ink

xiě yī zhǐ lín lí
写 一 纸 淋 漓
and writing a paper dripping with tears

jìng yǔ rén jù qù
镜 与 人 俱 去
The mirror and people have all left

hé chù kě wèn guī qī
何 处 可 问 归 期
where can I ask of their return

tóng jìng pò suì le bié lí
铜 镜 破 碎 了 别 离
As the bronze mirror breaks with parting

xiàng sī zǒng nán jì
相 思 总 难 寄
Yearning is always hard to send

qiān wàn lǐ
千 万 里
thousands of miles away

xiào cǐ shēng míng lù róng huá
笑 此 生 名 禄 荣 华
Laughing that the fame, wealth and splendor of this life

huàn zuò jìng zhōng huā
幻 作 镜 中 花
is like an illusion of flowers in the mirror

nán dǐ nǐ shǒu zhōng yī zhǎn qīng chá
难 抵 你 手 中 一 盏 清 茶
And it’s hard to beat a cup of tea in your hand

ruò néng jǔ bēi
若 能 举 杯
If we can raise our glasses

gòng qí méi
共 齐 眉
with mutual respect

jiāng qián chén yǐn xià
将 前 尘 饮 下
then we can drink the past away

xiàng yī xiàng bàn bú shě cháo xī
相 依 相 伴 不 舍 朝 夕
Day and night, we reply upon and accompany each other

xiàng bàn gòng cháo xī
相 伴 共 朝 夕
reluctant to part

líng dīng zài shān hé tiān yá
伶 仃 在 山 河 天 涯
Alone at the end of the mountains and rivers

shuāng bái é qián fā
霜 白 额 前 发
with hair white with frost

fàng yǎn wàng rén jiān hé yǐ wéi jiā
放 眼 望 人 间 何 以 为 家
Looking upon the world, wherefore does one call home

yuàn qīng shuāng yìng míng yuè
愿 清 霜 映 明 月
May the clear frost reflect the bright moon

zhào jìng zhōng rén yǐng chéng shuāng
照 镜 中 人 影 成 双
as the figure in the mirror turns to pairs

yǔ jun1 guī qù
与 君 归 去
Returning with you

kuí kuò le bàn shēng fēng yǔ
暌 阔 了 半 生 风 雨
separated in a lifetime of rain and wind

lóu zhōng shù bǐ liú shàng lín quán fù
楼 中 数 笔 留 上 林 全 赋
Several brushstrokes within the building leaves behind completed compositions

yǎn juàn liǎng shēng shì yǔ jun1 tóng guī
掩 卷 两 生 誓 与 君 同 归
That covers two lifetimes, vowing to return with you

jiāng huí yì yán chéng mò jì
将 回 忆 研 成 墨 迹
Grinding the memories into ink

xiě yī zhǐ lín lí
写 一 纸 淋 漓
and writing a paper dripping with tears

jìng yǔ rén jù qù
镜 与 人 俱 去
The mirror and people have all left

hé chù kě wèn guī qī
何 处 可 问 归 期
where can I ask of their return

tóng jìng pò suì le bié lí
铜 镜 破 碎 了 别 离
As the bronze mirror breaks with parting

xiàng sī zǒng nán jì
相 思 总 难 寄
Yearning is always hard to send

qiān wàn lǐ
千 万 里
thousands of miles away

xiào cǐ shēng míng lù róng huá
笑 此 生 名 禄 荣 华
Laughing that the fame, wealth and splendor of this life

huàn zuò jìng zhōng huā
幻 作 镜 中 花
is like an illusion of flowers in the mirror

nán dǐ nǐ shǒu zhōng yī zhǎn qīng chá
难 抵 你 手 中 一 盏 清 茶
And it’s hard to beat a cup of tea in your hand

ruò néng jǔ bēi
若 能 举 杯
If we can raise our glasses

gòng qí méi
共 齐 眉
with mutual respect

jiāng qián chén yǐn xià
将 前 尘 饮 下
then we can drink the past away

xiàng yī xiàng bàn bú shě cháo xī
相 依 相 伴 不 舍 朝 夕
Day and night, we reply upon and accompany each other

xiàng bàn gòng cháo xī
相 伴 共 朝 夕
reluctant to part

líng dīng zài shān hé tiān yá
伶 仃 在 山 河 天 涯
Alone at the end of the mountains and rivers

shuāng bái é qián fā
霜 白 额 前 发
with hair white with frost

fàng yǎn wàng rén jiān hé yǐ wéi jiā
放 眼 望 人 间 何 以 为 家
Looking upon the world, wherefore does one call home

yuàn qīng shuāng yìng míng yuè
愿 清 霜 映 明 月
May the clear frost reflect the bright moon

zhào jìng zhōng rén yǐng chéng shuāng
照 镜 中 人 影 成 双
as the figure in the mirror turns to pairs

yǔ jun1 guī qù
与 君 归 去
Returning with you

kuí kuò le bàn shēng fēng yǔ
暌 阔 了 半 生 风 雨
separated in a lifetime of rain and wind

jiāng suì yuè dù chéng yī yè bú xì zhī zhōu
将 岁 月 渡 成 一 叶 不 系 之 舟
Turning the years into an untethered boat

yóu yì guò xiōng yǒng yòu wān yán de jiāng liú
游 弋 过 汹 涌 又 蜿 蜒 的 江 流
Swimming through the turbulent and winding rivers

wǎng shì bèi yī céng céng yàng kāi liàn yàn zài xīn tóu
往 事 被 一 层 层 漾 开 潋 滟 在 心 头
The past is unfolded layer by layer in the wind

míng miè de yuè sè yōu yōu
明 灭 的 月 色 幽 幽
As the flickering moonlight is dim and distant

míng miè de yuè sè yōu yōu
明 灭 的 月 色 幽 幽
As the flickering moonlight is dim and distant

shí fāng bú zài sì hǎi wú cún nǎi gǎn yǔ ěr jué
十 方 不 再 四 海 无 存 乃 敢 与 尔 绝
There’s no more corners of the earth and the world as I dare not break from you

Covers & Versions of “Return With You与君归”

English lyrics version

MV Version

Remix version by Bu Cai不才 & Tan Jianci (JC-T)檀健次 & Le Xiaotao乐小桃

Piano Cover

Vietsub version

Chords of “Return With You与君归”


Download/MP3 of “Return With You与君归”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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