June 29, 2024
My Only•Thought唯我•念(Wei Wo•Nian) A Will Eternal OST By Curley G希林娜依·高

My Only•Thought唯我•念(Wei Wo•Nian) A Will Eternal OST By Curley G希林娜依·高

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of My Only•Thought唯我•念(Wei Wo•Nian) A Will Eternal OST By Curley G希林娜依·高

Info/About “My Only•Thought”

Song NameMy Only•Thought唯我•念(Wei Wo•Nian)
Artist Curley G希林娜依·高
LyricistWen Pengpeng; Zhan Yijun; Zheng Zhaoling
ComposerHuang Yutian
Released 2022
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “My Only•Thought”

This song was the ending song of the Inheritance Chapter of the Animation Series “A Will Eternal一念永恒“, and it was released on July 20, 2022.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “My Only•Thought”

yī huā yī diāo xiè yī shì jiè
一 花 一 凋 谢 一 世 界
A flower, a wither, a world

yī guāng yī míng miè yī zhuǎn yǎn
一 光 一 明 灭 一 转 眼
A light, a flicker, a blink of an eye

yī rén yī niàn jiān bìn rǎn xuě
一 人 一 念 间 鬓 染 雪
A person, a thought, the sideburns turn white

guò wǎng yǐ shì shèng dāng nián míng yuè
过 往 已 逝 剩 当 年 明 月
The past is gone, only the bright moon of that year remains

mò wèn qián lù mò xiào tān chēn jiē ài hèn
莫 问 前 路 莫 笑 贪 嗔 皆 爱 恨
Don’t ask the way ahead, don’t laugh at greed and hatred, it’s all love and hate

qíng shēn yuán qiǎn shí jìng qiān
情 深 缘 浅 时 境 迁
Deep love with a shallow fate, and time changes

ruò shāng bú xī ruò xīn lián yī zěn píng xiē
若 殇 不 熄 若 心 涟 漪 怎 平 歇
If the sorrow does not stop, if the heart ripples, how can it be calmed down

yù fēng huī jiàn zhǎn jié nán
御 风 挥 剑 斩 劫 难
Ride the wind and wield the sword to cut the catastrophe

tàn shì jiān yǒng héng wéi wǒ suǒ niàn
叹 世 间 永 恒 唯 我 所 念
Sighing that eternity in the world is only what I think

guò cāng hǎi huàn huà sāng tián cǐ xīn bú biàn
过 沧 海 幻 化 桑 田 此 心 不 变
Even time brings great changes to the world, but this heart doesn’t change

luàn dào jiān zhēn qíng niǎn zhuǎn cuì liàn
乱 道 间 真 情 辗 转 淬 炼
The true feelings between the chaos are being repeatedly honed

zhū qiān mó tà biàn wàn jiè zhī xún yī niàn
诛 千 魔 踏 遍 万 界 只 寻 一 念
Kill thousands of demons, walk all over the world, just looking for one thought

yī yè yī kū wěi yī rì yè
一 叶 一 枯 萎 一 日 夜
A leaf, a wilt, a day and a night

yī jiàn yī chū qiào yī lí bié
一 剑 一 出 鞘 一 离 别
A sword, an unsheathe, a parting

yī rén yī niàn jiān ēn yǔ yuàn
一 人 一 念 间 恩 与 怨
A person, a thought, grace and grudge

bù lǚ cōng cōng jiāng shēng sǐ kàn biàn
步 履 匆 匆 将 生 死 看 遍
Walk in a hurry, see through life and death

mò wèn qián lù mò xiào tān chēn jiē ài hèn
莫 问 前 路 莫 笑 贪 嗔 皆 爱 恨
Don’t ask the way ahead, don’t laugh at greed and hatred, it’s all love and hate

qíng shēn yuán qiǎn shí jìng qiān
情 深 缘 浅 时 境 迁
Deep love with a shallow fate, and time changes

ruò shāng bú xī ruò xīn lián yī zěn píng xiē
若 殇 不 熄 若 心 涟 漪 怎 平 歇
If the sorrow does not stop, if the heart ripples, how can it be calmed down

yù fēng huī jiàn zhǎn jié nán
御 风 挥 剑 斩 劫 难
Ride the wind and wield the sword to cut the catastrophe

tàn shì jiān yǒng héng wéi wǒ suǒ niàn
叹 世 间 永 恒 唯 我 所 念
Sighing that eternity in the world is only what I think

guò cāng hǎi huàn huà sāng tián cǐ xīn bú biàn
过 沧 海 幻 化 桑 田 此 心 不 变
Even time brings great changes to the world, but this heart doesn’t change

luàn dào jiān zhēn qíng niǎn zhuǎn cuì liàn
乱 道 间 真 情 辗 转 淬 炼
The true feelings between the chaos are being repeatedly honed

zhū qiān mó tà biàn wàn jiè zhī xún yī niàn
诛 千 魔 踏 遍 万 界 只 寻 一 念
Kill thousands of demons, walk all over the world, just looking for one thought

cān wù cāng qióng zhōng yīn guǒ sù yuàn
参 悟 苍 穹 中 因 果 夙 愿
Understand the long-cherished wish of cause and effect in the world

shùn wéi fán nì zé chéng xiān nán táo mó nán
顺 为 凡 逆 则 成 仙 难 逃 磨 难
Conform to being a mortal, and disobey to become an immortal, it’s hard to escape suffering

tiān dì hái xū jīng duō shǎo lí bié
天 地 还 需 经 多 少 离 别
How much parting does the world have to go through

tà yún tiān hào hàn zhī jiān yǒng héng wéi wǒ niàn
踏 云 天 浩 瀚 之 间 永 恒 唯 我 念
Treading the sky, between the vastness, eternity is my only thought

Covers & Versions of “My Only•Thought”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Chords of “My Only•Thought”


Download/MP3 of “My Only•Thought”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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