June 27, 2024
Live Up To The Mortal World不负人间(Bu Fu Ren Jian) Fantasy Westward Journey OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Live Up To The Mortal World不负人间(Bu Fu Ren Jian) Fantasy Westward Journey OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Live Up To The Mortal World不负人间(Bu Fu Ren Jian) Fantasy Westward Journey OST By Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌

Info/About “Live Up To The Mortal World”

Song NameLive Up To The Mortal World不负人间(Bu Fu Ren Jian)
Artist Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌
LyricistZhou Ren
ComposerLu Ke
Released 2022
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Live Up To The Mortal World”

This song was a theme song of the Online Game “Fantasy Westward Journey梦幻西游“, and it was released on March 1, 2022. This is a cover from the original version by 阿YueYue A YueYue.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Live Up To The Mortal World”

xié yáng lǐ chán zhōng xiǎng le yī shēng yī shēng
斜 阳 里 禅 钟 响 了 一 声 一 声
The Zen Bell sounds over and over again in the sunset

wú biān fó fǎ jìn xiào kàn chī chēn
无 边 佛 法 尽 笑 看 痴 嗔
The endless power of Buddha laugh at the foolish and the angry

yè fēng miào zhǐ fú xiāng tà yān chén
夜 风 妙 指 拂 香 踏 烟 尘

rù fán shì pǔ dù zhòng shēng
入 凡 世 普 渡 众 生
Enter the mortal world to deliver all living creatures from torment

wǒ pá guò sān qiān tái jiē de yī piàn xīn qián chéng
我 爬 过 三 千 台 阶 的 一 片 心 虔 诚
I climbed one of the three thousands steps with a devoted heart

bài guò le pú sà fén xiāng dú shàn qí shēn
拜 过 了 菩 萨 焚 香 独 善 其 身
I bowed to the Bodhisattva and burnt the incense to focus on my own moral uplift

mò wèn mò fèn mò zài miáo yīn yáng zhào qián kūn
莫 问 莫 分 莫 再 描 阴 阳 照 乾 坤
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t describe the Yin and Yang, let the light shine on the world

wǒ yì jiàn guāng lǐ sòng jīng wén
我 亦 剑 光 里 诵 经 文
I also recite passages from scriptures under the light of sword

wǒ níng wàng wàn zhàng hóng chén de yī gè píng fán rén
我 凝 望 万 丈 红 尘 的 一 个 平 凡 人
I gaze upon every ordinary person in this vast mundane world

zhí yī zhǎn gū dēng zhào liàng qīng jìng liù gēn
执 一 盏 孤 灯 照 亮 清 净 六 根
I hold a lonely lamp to light up and clean the six roots

mò jìn mò rèn mò zài jì cuò wǒ bú rǎn fú chén
莫 近 莫 认 莫 再 记 错 我 不 染 浮 尘
Don’t get closer, don’t acquaint, don’t mistake that I won’t touch the mundane world again

qiān zǎi hòu fó qián yín sòng zhǎng ān de chéng
千 载 后 佛 前 吟 诵 长 安 的 城
A thousand years later, I’ll chant the city of Chang An before the Buddha

céng luán dié zhàng xì yǔ xǐ fēng chén
层 峦 叠 嶂 细 雨 洗 风 尘
Wash off the dusts of mortal world with drizzle in the layers of mountains

sǐ shēng liú zhuǎn yī xiàng féng tiān dì huí chūn
死 生 流 转 一 相 逢 天 地 回 春
Meet in this recycling of life and death, the heaven and earth return to spring

bú fù rén jiān yuàn wéi zhòng shēng chuán dēng
不 负 人 间 愿 为 众 生 传 灯
I’ll live up to the mortal world and I’m willing to pass on the lamp for the mass

wǒ pá guò sān qiān tái jiē de yī piàn xīn qián chéng
我 爬 过 三 千 台 阶 的 一 片 心 虔 诚
I climbed one of the three thousands steps with a devoted heart

bài guò le pú sà fén xiāng dú shàn qí shēn
拜 过 了 菩 萨 焚 香 独 善 其 身
I bowed to the Bodhisattva and burnt the incense to focus on my own moral uplift

mò wèn mò fèn mò zài miáo yīn yáng zhào qián kūn
莫 问 莫 分 莫 再 描 阴 阳 照 乾 坤
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t describe the Yin and Yang, let the light shine on the world

wǒ yì jiàn guāng lǐ sòng jīng wén
我 亦 剑 光 里 诵 经 文
I also recite passages from scriptures under the light of sword

wǒ níng wàng wàn zhàng hóng chén de yī gè píng fán rén
我 凝 望 万 丈 红 尘 的 一 个 平 凡 人
I gaze upon every ordinary person in this vast mundane world

zhí yī zhǎn gū dēng zhào liàng qīng jìng liù gēn
执 一 盏 孤 灯 照 亮 清 净 六 根
I hold a lonely lamp to light up and clean the six roots

mò jìn mò rèn mò zài jì cuò wǒ bú rǎn fú chén
莫 近 莫 认 莫 再 记 错 我 不 染 浮 尘
Don’t get closer, don’t acquaint, don’t mistake that I won’t touch the mundane world again

wǒ pá guò sān qiān tái jiē de yī piàn xīn qián chéng
我 爬 过 三 千 台 阶 的 一 片 心 虔 诚
I climbed one of the three thousands steps with a devoted heart

bài guò le pú sà fén xiāng dú shàn qí shēn
拜 过 了 菩 萨 焚 香 独 善 其 身
I bowed to the Bodhisattva and burnt the incense to focus on my own moral uplift

mò wèn mò fèn mò zài miáo yīn yáng zhào qián kūn
莫 问 莫 分 莫 再 描 阴 阳 照 乾 坤
Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t describe the Yin and Yang, let the light shine on the world

wǒ yì jiàn guāng lǐ sòng jīng wén
我 亦 剑 光 里 诵 经 文
I also recite passages from scriptures under the light of sword

wǒ níng wàng wàn zhàng hóng chén de yī gè píng fán rén
我 凝 望 万 丈 红 尘 的 一 个 平 凡 人
I gaze upon every ordinary person in this vast mundane world

zhí yī zhǎn gū dēng zhào liàng qīng jìng liù gēn
执 一 盏 孤 灯 照 亮 清 净 六 根
I hold a lonely lamp to light up and clean the six roots

mò jìn mò rèn mò zài jì cuò wǒ bú rǎn fú chén
莫 近 莫 认 莫 再 记 错 我 不 染 浮 尘
Don’t get closer, don’t acquaint, don’t mistake that I won’t touch the mundane world again


Covers & Versions of “Live Up To The Mortal World”

MV Version

Vietsub version

Original version by 阿YueYue

Chords of “Live Up To The Mortal World”


Download/MP3 of “Live Up To The Mortal World”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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