June 27, 2024
Unworthy Mortal World人间不值得(Ren Jian Bu Zhi De) By Huang Shifu黄诗扶

Unworthy Mortal World人间不值得(Ren Jian Bu Zhi De) By Huang Shifu黄诗扶

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Unworthy Mortal World人间不值得(Ren Jian Bu Zhi De) By Huang Shifu黄诗扶

Info/About “Unworthy Mortal World”

Song NameUnworthy Mortal World人间不值得(Ren Jian Bu Zhi De)
Artist Huang Shifu黄诗扶
LyricistChi Yi
ComposerHuang Shifu
Released 2019
Genre Pop

Background Story of “Unworthy Mortal World”

This song was released on January 18, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Unworthy Mortal World”

dù kǒu ài shàng shēn shān báo xuě zhōng yì wǎn lián
渡 口 爱 上 深 山 薄 雪 中 意 晚 莲
Ferry crossing fall in love with mountain, thin snow fancy evening lotus

xī yáng áo hóng shuāng yǎn xiǎng děng lái chén zhōng liáo liáo tiān
夕 阳 熬 红 双 眼 想 等 来 晨 钟 聊 聊 天
Fatigued by sunset, waiting for the morning bell to ring

xīn shàng rén zài méi biān liǔ biān piān bú zài shēn biān
心 上 人 在 梅 边 柳 边 偏 不 在 身 边
One’s beloved is forever somewhere else and not together with her

xiǎo bái shé jiāo tòu lín ān xǔ xiān què méi dài sǎn
小 白 蛇 浇 透 临 安 许 仙 却 没 带 伞
Snake bride rained “Lin An” yet the groom did not brought umbrella

shǎo nǚ yā huài qiū qiān shū shēng shí nián luò xuǎn
少 女 压 坏 秋 千 书 生 十 年 落 选
Young girl spoiled the swing, scholar failed exam for ten years

mìng yùn zǒng shì tiāo tiāo jiǎn jiǎn zhū shì bú chéng quán
命 运 总 是 挑 挑 拣 拣 诸 事 不 成 全
Fate is always picky, nothing ever goes as wished

xiǎo hé shàng méi huà dào yuán yòu lù guò shāo yā diàn
小 和 尚 没 化 到 缘 又 路 过 烧 鸭 店
Little monk failed to beg alms, yet again passed by a roasted duck shop

niān bēi jiǔ mī zhe yǎn shuō zhuān xīn kàn rén jiān
拈 杯 酒 眯 着 眼 说 专 心 看 人 间
Grabbing a cup of wine and observe the mortal world

kàn zhǎng ān jiàn ān yǔ pān ān dōu xiǎng zhān yī zhān
看 长 安 建 安 与 潘 安 都 想 沾 一 沾
Dreamed to have everything in the mortal world

shén xiān qiā zhǐ suàn cǐ qù shǎo yuán mǎn
神 仙 掐 指 算 此 去 少 圆 满
Predicted a failed adventure

dé lái shī jù le sàn qiān wàn mò qiú quán
得 来 失 聚 了 散 千 万 莫 求 全
Nothing will be perfect and complete

jiè ní lú shāo wǎn fàn zài yán shàng zhǒng chuī yān
借 泥 炉 烧 碗 饭 在 檐 上 种 炊 烟
Trying to cook, end up burning the kitchen

guǎn xiǎo hán dà hán yǔ xīn hán dōu lái nuǎn yī nuǎn
管 小 寒 大 寒 与 心 寒 都 来 暖 一 暖
Don’t care about the disappointment

hǎo tí dǎn chuǎng rén hǎi zài kòu fēng yuè guān
好 提 胆 闯 人 海 再 叩 风 月 关
Doing what you are best at, before continuing on others

dōu dōu zhuǎn zhuǎn bā shí yī nán wǒ men zǒu zhe kàn
兜 兜 转 转 八 十 一 难 我 们 走 着 看
We shall see how I will overcome those difficulty

zhú mǎ qù xún zhú mǎ qīng méi yì xìng lán shān
竹 马 去 寻 竹 马 青 梅 意 兴 阑 珊
Childhood friends are all history

bó yá qín xián shuāi duàn shū yè gāng jué jiāo shān jù yuán
伯 牙 琴 弦 摔 断 叔 夜 刚 绝 交 山 巨 源
Close friends ended up leaving one another

zhī jǐ bàn lù jiù sàn jié fā zǒng lìng jié xīn huān
知 己 半 路 就 散 结 发 总 另 结 新 欢
Confidant do not last long, spouse find their new love

xiǎo qíng lǚ qià hǎo yù jiàn xǐ què méi lái shàng bān
小 情 侣 恰 好 遇 见 喜 鹊 没 来 上 班
Young couple destined to meet but not fated to be together

zhǎng shēng qǐ néng rú yuàn gǔ xī shàng kào chuí lián
长 生 岂 能 如 愿 古 稀 尚 靠 垂 怜
All wishes cannot be fulfilled in this lifetime

lǎo bìng dǎo bǐ yīng yīng yàn yàn duō péi èr shí nián
老 病 倒 比 莺 莺 燕 燕 多 陪 二 十 年
More time is spent on old age and illness than golden age

xiǎo cháng é tōu chī líng yào què fǎn ér xiàn rén jiān
小 嫦 娥 偷 吃 灵 药 却 反 而 羡 人 间
Moon goddess illegitimately become a goddess yet regretted in the end

niān bēi jiǔ mī zhe yǎn shuō zhuān xīn kàn rén jiān
拈 杯 酒 眯 着 眼 说 专 心 看 人 间
Grabbing a cup of wine and observe the mortal world

kàn zhǎng ān jiàn ān yǔ pān ān dōu xiǎng zhān yī zhān
看 长 安 建 安 与 潘 安 都 想 沾 一 沾
Dreamed to have everything in the mortal world

shén xiān qiā zhǐ suàn cǐ qù shǎo yuán mǎn
神 仙 掐 指 算 此 去 少 圆 满
Predicted a failed adventure

dé lái shī jù le sàn qiān wàn mò qiú quán
得 来 失 聚 了 散 千 万 莫 求 全
Nothing will be perfect and complete

jiè ní lú shāo wǎn fàn zài yán shàng zhǒng chuī yān
借 泥 炉 烧 碗 饭 在 檐 上 种 炊 烟
Trying to cook, end up burning the kitchen

guǎn xiǎo hán dà hán yǔ xīn hán dōu lái nuǎn yī nuǎn
管 小 寒 大 寒 与 心 寒 都 来 暖 一 暖
Don’t care about the disappointment

hǎo tí dǎn chuǎng rén hǎi zài kòu fēng yuè guān
好 提 胆 闯 人 海 再 叩 风 月 关
Doing what you are best at, before continuing on others

dōu dōu zhuǎn zhuǎn bā shí yī nán wǒ men zǒu zhe kàn
兜 兜 转 转 八 十 一 难 我 们 走 着 看
We shall see how I will overcome those difficulty

rén shēng zài shì bú chēng yì ya shī mián huò shī liàn
人 生 在 世 不 称 意 呀 失 眠 或 失 恋
Human are forever not satisfied, can’t let go of everything

zhī quàn nǐ lái bǎ gè zhǎn kǎn ya me kǎn dà shān
只 劝 你 来 把 个 盏 侃 呀 么 侃 大 山
I wish you could say out everything

hē wán dà jiǔ chēng tiáo chuán shuō jīn shēng bú kào àn
喝 完 大 酒 撑 条 船 说 今 生 不 靠 岸
Giving up after failing

qù tiān yá hǎi jiǎo làng gè biàn shī yì dāng cháng xiān
去 天 涯 海 角 浪 个 遍 失 意 当 尝 鲜
Learning to experience all pain is not always needed

zhè yī lù shǒu wò jiàn shēn cè yǒu qiān fān
这 一 路 手 握 剑 身 侧 有 千 帆
Having too much pressure will cause one to lose its direction

shí bú shí ~huí tóu kàn kàn bǎi wèi shì rén jiān
时 不 时 ~回 头 看 看 百 味 是 人 间
Once in a while, think back those memory and experience once again

shí bú shí ~yě shuì gè lǎn jiào xǐng lái duō jiā cān !
时 不 时 ~也 睡 个 懒 觉 醒 来 多 加 餐 !
Once in a while, sleep peacefully and ready for a big feast

Covers & Versions of “Unworthy Mortal World”

MV Version

English sub version

Live performance version

Duet version by Huang Shifu & Ban Zhang班长

FMV Version

Instrumental version

Thai sub version

Cover by Cheng Jiamin程嘉敏

Male Cover by Hua Qiancheng花千诚

Cover by Da Ke大柯

Influencer Cover by Xiu Xiu Man咻咻满

Cover by Dorian朵璃安

Cover by Mou Mou Hui某某惠

Piano Cover

Male Cover by Sunny紫小鱼

Chorus Version

Cover by Linglan Lily李李鈴蘭

Cover by Isabelle Huang Ling黄龄

Pipa Cover

Festival Remix Version

Another live performance

Dance Cover

Chords of “Unworthy Mortal World”


Download/MP3 of “Unworthy Mortal World”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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