June 28, 2024
Peach Blossom桃夭(Tao Yao) Serenade of Peaceful Joy OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Peach Blossom桃夭(Tao Yao) Serenade of Peaceful Joy OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Peach Blossom桃夭(Tao Yao) Serenade of Peaceful Joy OST By Shuang Sheng双笙

Info/About “Peach Blossom桃夭”

Song NamePeach Blossom桃夭(Tao Yao)
Artist Shuang Sheng双笙
LyricistZhang Jingyi
ComposerLiu Xuandou
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Peach Blossom桃夭”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Serenade of Peaceful Joy清平乐“, and it was released on April 15, 2020.

“Serenade of Peaceful Joy清平乐” Soundtrack Listing

A Song of Wishes愿歌行Hu Xia胡夏Opening Song
Searching for Light寻光Zheng Yunlong郑云龙Ending Song
Together双飞燕Queena Cui Zige崔子格Ending Song
Peach Blossom桃夭 Shuang Sheng双笙Interlude
Ride Wind As Horse以风为马Ye Xuanqing叶炫清Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Peach Blossom桃夭”

jì yì shì shēn shuì de qì xī
记 忆 是 深 睡 的 气 息
Memory is a dormant of breath

fān yǒng zài měi gè féng xì lǐ
翻 涌 在 每 个 缝 隙 里
Swirling in every gap of my feeling

qiǎn mèng xiàng yán xià de tóng líng
浅 梦 像 檐 下 的 铜 铃
A fragile dream that is like a wind chimes under the eaves

fēng yī chuī jiù bèi huàn xǐng
风 一 吹 就 被 唤 醒
Once the wind blows, I will immediately wake up

mìng yùn shì shēng lái jiù zhù dìng
命 运 是 生 来 就 注 定
This destiny has been arranged from birth

zhèng zhā hái yǐ wéi néng táo lí
挣 扎 还 以 为 能 逃 离
Thought that I could escape this by struggling

shì shuí yuàn péi wǒ nì tiān ér háng
是 谁 愿 陪 我 逆 天 而 行
Who will be willing to accompany me against the destiny

jìng gǎn bú zài hū jié jú
竟 敢 不 在 乎 结 局
Dare to not care about the ending

táo zhī jiāo jiāo chūn hé lǐ
桃 枝 姣 姣 春 和 里
A graceful branch of peach under the springtime

hóng qiáng yóu tàn fēng yǔ xì
红 墙 尤 叹 风 语 细
Red wall softly sighs with the wind

qiáng xià méng tóng bú zhī qíng
墙 下 蒙 童 不 知 情
A naive kid who doesn’t understand what’s happening

zhù ér xī xiào dié dú zhuó yī huā mì
驻 而 嬉 笑 蝶 独 酌 一 花 蜜
Playing around butterflies that are seeking for nectar

táo zhī yāo yāo qín yù yǔ
桃 之 夭 夭 秦 喻 语
A poem reminds of the airy peach branch

yí jiā yí shì yì fū qī
宜 家 宜 室 逸 夫 妻
A peaceful family where there is a harmonious couple

nài hé qiǎn yuán jì shēn qíng
奈 何 浅 缘 寄 深 情
How can a fragile dream be granted to this deep love

wéi tiān mìng qiě zé qiū rì huì shuāng xǐ
惟 天 命 且 择 秋 日 绘 双 喜
Ignoring fate, choosing a fall day to draw a pair of sparrow

mìng yùn shì shēng lái jiù zhù dìng
命 运 是 生 来 就 注 定
This destiny has been arranged from birth

zhèng zhā hái yǐ wéi néng táo lí
挣 扎 还 以 为 能 逃 离
Thought that I could escape this by struggling

shì shuí yuàn péi wǒ nì tiān ér háng
是 谁 愿 陪 我 逆 天 而 行
Who will be willing to accompany me against the destiny

jìng gǎn bú zài hū jié jú
竟 敢 不 在 乎 结 局
Dare to not care about the ending

táo zhī jiāo jiāo chūn hé lǐ
桃 枝 姣 姣 春 和 里
A graceful branch of peach under the springtime

hóng qiáng yóu tàn fēng yǔ xì
红 墙 尤 叹 风 语 细
Red wall softly sighs with the wind

qiáng xià méng tóng bú zhī qíng
墙 下 蒙 童 不 知 情
A naive kid who doesn’t understand what’s happening

zhù ér xī xiào dié dú zhuó yī huā mì
驻 而 嬉 笑 蝶 独 酌 一 花 蜜
Playing around butterflies that are seeking for nectar

táo zhī yāo yāo qín yù yǔ
桃 之 夭 夭 秦 喻 语
A poem reminds of the airy peach branch

yí jiā yí shì yì fū qī
宜 家 宜 室 逸 夫 妻
A peaceful family where there is a harmonious couple

nài hé qiǎn yuán jì shēn qíng
奈 何 浅 缘 寄 深 情
How can a fragile dream be granted to this deep love

wéi tiān mìng qiě zé qiū rì huì shuāng xǐ
惟 天 命 且 择 秋 日 绘 双 喜
Ignoring fate, choosing a fall day to draw a pair of sparrow

táo zhī jiāo jiāo chūn hé lǐ
桃 枝 姣 姣 春 和 里
A graceful branch of peach under the springtime

hóng qiáng yóu tàn fēng yǔ xì
红 墙 尤 叹 风 语 细
Red wall softly sighs with the wind

qiáng xià méng tóng bú zhī qíng
墙 下 蒙 童 不 知 情
A naive kid who doesn’t understand what’s happening

zhù ér xī xiào dié dú zhuó yī huā mì
驻 而 嬉 笑 蝶 独 酌 一 花 蜜
Playing around butterflies that are seeking for nectar

táo zhī yāo yāo qín yù yǔ
桃 之 夭 夭 秦 喻 语
A poem reminds of the airy peach branch

yí jiā yí shì yì fū qī
宜 家 宜 室 逸 夫 妻
A peaceful family where there is a harmonious couple

nài hé qiǎn yuán jì shēn qíng
奈 何 浅 缘 寄 深 情
How can a fragile dream be granted to this deep love

wéi tiān mìng qiě zé qiū rì huì shuāng xǐ
惟 天 命 且 择 秋 日 绘 双 喜
Ignoring fate, choosing a fall day to draw a pair of sparrow

Covers & Versions of “Peach Blossom桃夭”

Live version by Shuang Sheng

English sub version

Vietsub version

Piano Cover

Piano Tutorial version

Violin sheet version

Chords of “Peach Blossom桃夭”


Download/MP3 of “Peach Blossom桃夭”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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