June 30, 2024
Lydia (The Outsiders OST) By Faye詹雯婷

Lydia (The Outsiders OST) By Faye詹雯婷

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Lydia (The Outsiders OST) By Faye詹雯婷

Info/About “Lydia”

Song NameLydia
Artist Faye詹雯婷
LyricistF.I.R; Xie Youhui
Released 2004
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Lydia”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “The Outsiders斗鱼“, and it was released on April 23, 2004.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Lydia”

(Por los momentos dif ciles

Ya entend que la flor m s bella

Ser a siempre para mi)

Lydia mí lí de yǎn kuàng
Lydia 迷 离 的 眼 眶
Lydia, those dreamy eyes

wéi hé liú làng xīn suì de hǎi yáng
为 何 流 浪 心 碎 的 海 洋
Why do you wander in an ocean of broken hearts

shòu le shāng lián wēi xiào dōu páng huáng
受 了 伤 连 微 笑 都 彷 徨
You were hurt, and even your smile was hesitant

Gypsynǚ láng wéi shuí ér chàng
Gypsy女 郎 为 谁 而 唱
Gypsy girl, who will you sing for

nǐ huì kàn jiàn wù kàn jiàn yún kàn jiàn tài yáng
你 会 看 见 雾 看 见 云 看 见 太 阳
You will see fog, clouds, and the sun

guī liè de dà dì zhòng fù zhe bēi shāng
龟 裂 的 大 地 重 复 着 悲 伤
The cracked earth echoes with sorrow

tā zǒu le dài bú zǒu nǐ de tiān táng
他 走 了 带 不 走 你 的 天 堂
He left but he can’t take away your paradise

fēng gàn hòu huì liú xià cǎi hóng lèi guāng
风 干 后 会 留 下 彩 虹 泪 光
After drying, the rainbow’s glistening teardrops will remain

tā zǒu le nǐ kě yǐ bǎ mèng liú xià
他 走 了 你 可 以 把 梦 留 下
He left, now you can keep your dreams

zǒng huì yǒu gè dì fāng děng dài ài fēi xiáng
总 会 有 个 地 方 等 待 爱 飞 翔
There will always be a place waiting for love to soar

Lydia xìng fú bú zài yuǎn fāng
Lydia 幸 福 不 在 远 方
Lydia, happiness isn’t at a distant place

kāi yī shàn chuāng xǔ xià yuàn wàng
开 一 扇 窗 许 下 愿 望
Open a window and make a wish

nǐ huì gǎn shòu ài gǎn shòu hèn gǎn shòu yuán liàng
你 会 感 受 爱 感 受 恨 感 受 原 谅
You’ll feel love, hatred, and forgiveness

shēng mìng zǒng bú huì zhī chōng mǎn bēi shāng
生 命 总 不 会 只 充 满 悲 伤
Life will not always be full of grief

tā zǒu le dài bú zǒu nǐ de tiān táng
他 走 了 带 不 走 你 的 天 堂
He left but he can’t take away your paradise

fēng gàn hòu huì liú xià cǎi hóng lèi guāng
风 干 后 会 留 下 彩 虹 泪 光
After drying, the rainbow’s glistening teardrops will remain

tā zǒu le nǐ kě yǐ bǎ mèng liú xià
他 走 了 你 可 以 把 梦 留 下
He left, now you can keep your dreams

zǒng huì yǒu gè dì fāng děng dài ài fēi xiáng
总 会 有 个 地 方 等 待 爱 飞 翔
There will always be a place waiting for love to soar

tā zǒu le dài bú zǒu nǐ de tiān táng
他 走 了 带 不 走 你 的 天 堂
He left but he can’t take away your paradise

fēng gàn hòu huì liú xià cǎi hóng lèi guāng
风 干 后 会 留 下 彩 虹 泪 光
After drying, the rainbow’s glistening teardrops will remain

tā zǒu le nǐ kě yǐ bǎ mèng liú xià
他 走 了 你 可 以 把 梦 留 下
He left, now you can keep your dreams

zǒng huì yǒu gè dì fāng děng dài ài fēi xiáng
总 会 有 个 地 方 等 待 爱 飞 翔
There will always be a place waiting for love to soar

cǎi hóng lèi guāng
彩 虹 泪 光
The rainbow’s glistening teardrops


Covers & Versions of “Lydia”

MV Version

Newly Recomposed Version

Live performance version

Live performance in Hong Kong in 2016

Comparison between former lead singer Faye and new lead singer Lydia of F.I.R

Cover by Rainie Yang Chenglin杨丞琳(Live)

Live performance in 2023

Live performance at a music contest show

Cover by Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Chords of “Lydia”


Download/MP3 of “Lydia”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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