June 26, 2024
I Choose to Like You我选择喜欢你(Wo Xuan Ze Xi Huan Ni) Legend of Zu Mountain OST By Bibi Zhou周笔畅

I Choose to Like You我选择喜欢你(Wo Xuan Ze Xi Huan Ni) Legend of Zu Mountain OST By Bibi Zhou周笔畅

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of I Choose to Like You我选择喜欢你(Wo Xuan Ze Xi Huan Ni) Legend of Zu Mountain OST By Bibi Zhou周笔畅

Info/About “I Choose to Like You”

Song NameI Choose to Like You我选择喜欢你(Wo Xuan Ze Xi Huan Ni)
Artist Bibi Zhou周笔畅
LyricistZhen Jianqiang
ComposerYang Zhenbang
Released 2015
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “I Choose to Like You”

This song was the opening song of the Season II of the TV Series “Legend of Zu Mountain蜀山战纪“, and it was released on October 9, 2015.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “I Choose to Like You”

yù wàng de xià chǎng jiù shì zhēng duó
欲 望 的 下 场 就 是 争 夺
The outcome of desire is fighting and contention

běn xìng de cuì ruò jiāo wǒ men yī cuò zài cuò
本 性 的 脆 弱 教 我 们 一 错 再 错
The weakness of human nature makes us to make mistakes time and time again

shèng xià bàn diǎn cí bēi dōu bāo luò
剩 下 半 点 慈 悲 都 剥 落
Even the half drop of compassion remaining is lost

chén sú de yòu huò qiān qiū wàn dài nán zhèng tuō
尘 俗 的 诱 惑 千 秋 万 代 难 挣 脱
For thousands of generations, worldly temptations are hard to break free from

zuì hǎo chéng rèn shuí dōu néng biàn dé cán kù
最 好 承 认 谁 都 能 变 得 残 酷
It’s best for you to admit, anyone can become cruel

guǎn bú zhe cāng shēng de kǔ
管 不 着 苍 生 的 苦
I can’t be bothered by the pains of the masses

bú zài mí xìn suǒ wèi wěi dà de fù chū
不 再 迷 信 所 谓 伟 大 的 付 出
I won’t be fooled by the so-called heroic sacrifices anymore

yīng xióng de míng zì cóng lái shì gè bāo fú
英 雄 的 名 字 从 来 是 个 包 袱
The name of the hero has always been a burden

wǒ xuǎn zé xǐ huān nǐ zhī bú guò shì qǔ yuè zì jǐ
我 选 择 喜 欢 你 只 不 过 是 取 悦 自 己
I choose to like you merely to amuse myself

shǒu hù nǐ kě néng wéi le gǎn dòng zì jǐ
守 护 你 可 能 为 了 感 动 自 己
Maybe protecting you was to make myself feel touched

hǎo hǎo zhēn xī nǐ wú fēi bǎ xìng fú ān lè
好 好 珍 惜 你 无 非 把 幸 福 安 乐
I treasured you well for nothing more than

liú gěi zì jǐ
留 给 自 己
leaving the happiness and peace to myself

wǒ zhè yàng bào zhe nǐ quán shì wéi le jiù shú zì jǐ
我 这 样 抱 着 你 全 是 为 了 救 赎 自 己
I hold onto you all just so I could redeem myself

hē zuì le yě xǔ xiǎng yào kàn qīng zì jǐ
喝 醉 了 也 许 想 要 看 清 自 己
Maybe I got drunk because I wanted to see myself clearly

ēn yuàn qíng chóu duì cuò dé shī dōu bú kě xī
恩 怨 情 仇 对 错 得 失 都 不 可 惜
Grudges and revenge, justice and loss, nothing is a waste

wǒ de chī ài méi shí me le bú qǐ
我 的 痴 爱 没 什 么 了 不 起
My foolish love isn’t anything impressive

yī wú suǒ yǒu què bú gān dàn bó
一 无 所 有 却 不 甘 淡 泊
I have nothing, yet I’m not content with the situation

yú shì pīn mìng le liè qǔ zuì fēng shèng shōu huò
于 是 拼 命 了 猎 取 最 丰 盛 收 获
So I try my best to hunt for the most harvest

tiān xià wú dí yòu nán nài jì mò
天 下 无 敌 又 难 耐 寂 寞
I’m unbeatable, but it’s also hard to withstand the loneliness

rén shēng gū dú le cái yuàn yì fèn xiǎng chéng guǒ
人 生 孤 独 了 才 愿 意 分 享 成 果
Only when life becomes lonely am I willing to share my harvest

tiān dì cāng máng méi yǒu yī gè rén mǎn zú
天 地 苍 茫 没 有 一 个 人 满 足
In all of heaven and earth, no one in this world is satisfied

zhù chéng xià yī gè cuò wù
铸 成 下 一 个 错 误
Pacing the way to the next mistake

xū qíng jiǎ yì fàn bú zhe nà me xīn kǔ
虚 情 假 意 犯 不 着 那 么 辛 苦
No need to work so hard being superficial and hypocritical

wǒ men de chū zhōng běn lái jiù hěn yōng sú
我 们 的 初 衷 本 来 就 很 庸 俗
My original intention was vulgar to begin with anyway

wǒ xuǎn zé xǐ huān nǐ
我 选 择 喜 欢 你
I choose to like you

zhī bú guò shì qǔ yuè zì jǐ
只 不 过 是 取 悦 自 己
merely to amuse myself

shǒu hù nǐ kě néng wéi le gǎn dòng zì jǐ
守 护 你 可 能 为 了 感 动 自 己
Maybe protecting you was to make myself feel touched

hǎo hǎo zhēn xī nǐ wú fēi bǎ xìng fú ān lè
好 好 珍 惜 你 无 非 把 幸 福 安 乐
I treasured you well for nothing more than

liú gěi zì jǐ
留 给 自 己
leaving the happiness and peace to myself

wǒ zhè yàng bào zhe nǐ quán shì wéi le jiù shú zì jǐ
我 这 样 抱 着 你 全 是 为 了 救 赎 自 己
I hold onto you all just so I could redeem myself

hē zuì le yě xǔ xiǎng yào kàn qīng zì jǐ
喝 醉 了 也 许 想 要 看 清 自 己
Maybe I got drunk because I wanted to see myself clearly

ēn yuàn qíng chóu duì cuò dé shī dōu bú kě xī
恩 怨 情 仇 对 错 得 失 都 不 可 惜
Grudges and revenge, justice and loss, nothing is a waste

wǒ de chī ài méi shí me le bú qǐ
我 的 痴 爱 没 什 么 了 不 起
My foolish love isn’t anything impressive

bú guò shì zhū duō qíng xù zài jiǎo lì
不 过 是 诸 多 情 绪 在 角 力
It’s nothing more than just emotions fighting each other

bié shǎ dào ná wǒ hé shèng rén xiàng bǐ
别 傻 到 拿 我 和 圣 人 相 比
Don’t be stupid enough to compare me with saint

wǒ huì cháo xiào zì jǐ
我 会 嘲 笑 自 己
I would laugh at myself

wǒ xuǎn zé xǐ huān nǐ zhī bú guò shì qǔ yuè zì jǐ
我 选 择 喜 欢 你 只 不 过 是 取 悦 自 己
I choose to like you merely to amuse myself

Covers & Versions of “I Choose to Like You”

MV Version

English sub version

Chords of “I Choose to Like You”


Download/MP3 of “I Choose to Like You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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