June 26, 2024
Hot Moonlight滚烫的月光(Gun Tang De Yue Guang) Shining Just for You OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Hot Moonlight滚烫的月光(Gun Tang De Yue Guang) Shining Just for You OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Hot Moonlight滚烫的月光(Gun Tang De Yue Guang) Shining Just for You OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Info/About “Hot Moonlight”

Song NameHot Moonlight滚烫的月光(Gun Tang De Yue Guang)
Artist Sunnee杨芸晴
LyricistWang Bo
ComposerJiang Haiwei
Released 2022
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Hot Moonlight”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Shining Just for You星河长明“, and it was released on December 21, 2022.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Hot Moonlight”

ruò shì dāng shí nǐ méi tíng bó ruò shì wǒ zhuǎn shēn chén méi
若 是 当 时 你 没 停 泊 若 是 我 转 身 沉 没
If you hadn’t anchored then, if I had turned around and sank

ruò yè sè bú yuàn jiè rù cǐ kè
若 夜 色 不 愿 介 入 此 刻
If the dark night didn’t want to intervene in this moment

huò xǔ wǒ jì xù zhè yī shēng huī huò cuō tuó
或 许 我 继 续 这 一 生 挥 霍 蹉 跎
Maybe I would go on with this life, squandering time

huò xǔ nǐ yuǎn qù méi xià luò
或 许 你 远 去 没 下 落
Maybe your whereabouts are unknow after going far away

yě céng kàn guò jǐ cì xuān huá de yān huǒ téng kōng shǎn shuò
也 曾 看 过 几 次 喧 哗 的 烟 火 腾 空 闪 烁
I have also seen noisy fireworks for a few times, which was flickering in the sky

mù sòng guò jǐ gè càn làn rì luò
目 送 过 几 个 灿 烂 日 落
I have watched several splendid sunsets pass

tóng kǒng zhòu rán wēn rè dāng nǐ jīng guò wǒ
瞳 孔 骤 然 温 热 当 你 经 过 我
My pupils suddenly warm up when you pass by me

jiù xiàng shī luò hǔ pò zhī děng zhe nǐ shí huò
就 像 失 落 琥 珀 只 等 着 你 拾 获
Just like a lost amber that is only waiting for you to find it

wǒ yuán shì nà yǐn jū shān hǎi de yī zhǎn qīng lěng yuè guāng
我 原 是 那 隐 居 山 海 的 一 盏 清 冷 月 光
I was originally the cold moonlight that lived in mountains and seas

chén fēng de lèi què wéi nǐ gǔn tàng
尘 封 的 泪 却 为 你 滚 烫
The dusty tears are hot for you

liú làng bàn shēng gū fāng qǐng kè dōu shèng fàng
流 浪 半 生 孤 芳 顷 刻 都 盛 放
Wandering for half of lifetime, the solitary fragrance blooms in an instant

jiù ràng wǒ yú shēng zhī yīn nǐ diē dàng
就 让 我 余 生 只 因 你 跌 宕
Just let the rest of my life fall only because of you

wǎn fēng zhī zhōng dú zì míng miè de yī zhǎn bīng liáng yuè guāng
晚 风 之 中 独 自 明 灭 的 一 盏 冰 凉 月 光
A cold moonlight that flickers alone in the evening wind

yě qíng yuàn zài nǐ huái lǐ gǔn tàng
也 情 愿 在 你 怀 里 滚 烫
I’d rather be hot in your arms

yuán lái wǒ de tiào wàng zuì jìn de yuǎn fāng
原 来 我 的 眺 望 最 近 的 远 方
It turns out that my gaze is the nearest distance

shēn qíng wàn zhàng dǎo yìng nǐ xīn shàng
深 情 万 丈 倒 映 你 心 上
Affectionately reflected in your heart

yě céng kàn guò jǐ cì xuān huá de yān huǒ téng kōng shǎn shuò
也 曾 看 过 几 次 喧 哗 的 烟 火 腾 空 闪 烁
I have also seen noisy fireworks for a few times, which was flickering in the sky

mù sòng guò jǐ gè càn làn rì luò
目 送 过 几 个 灿 烂 日 落
I have watched several splendid sunsets pass

tóng kǒng zhòu rán wēn rè dāng nǐ jīng guò wǒ
瞳 孔 骤 然 温 热 当 你 经 过 我
My pupils suddenly warm up when you pass by me

jiù xiàng shī luò hǔ pò zhī děng zhe nǐ shí huò
就 像 失 落 琥 珀 只 等 着 你 拾 获
Just like a lost amber that is only waiting for you to find it

wǒ yuán shì nà yǐn jū shān hǎi de yī zhǎn qīng lěng yuè guāng
我 原 是 那 隐 居 山 海 的 一 盏 清 冷 月 光
I was originally the cold moonlight that lived in mountains and seas

chén fēng de lèi què wéi nǐ gǔn tàng
尘 封 的 泪 却 为 你 滚 烫
The dusty tears are hot for you

liú làng bàn shēng gū fāng qǐng kè dōu shèng fàng
流 浪 半 生 孤 芳 顷 刻 都 盛 放
Wandering for half of lifetime, the solitary fragrance blooms in an instant

jiù ràng wǒ yú shēng zhī yīn nǐ diē dàng
就 让 我 余 生 只 因 你 跌 宕
Just let the rest of my life fall only because of you

wǎn fēng zhī zhōng dú zì míng miè de yī zhǎn bīng liáng yuè guāng
晚 风 之 中 独 自 明 灭 的 一 盏 冰 凉 月 光
A cold moonlight that flickers alone in the evening wind

yě qíng yuàn zài nǐ huái lǐ gǔn tàng
也 情 愿 在 你 怀 里 滚 烫
I’d rather be hot in your arms

yuán lái wǒ de tiào wàng zuì jìn de yuǎn fāng
原 来 我 的 眺 望 最 近 的 远 方
It turns out that my gaze is the nearest distance

shēn qíng wàn zhàng dǎo yìng nǐ xīn shàng
深 情 万 丈 倒 映 你 心 上
Affectionately reflected in your heart

wǎng hòu bú pà shí guāng màn zhǎng wǒ sòng nǐ xīng hé gǔn tàng
往 后 不 怕 时 光 漫 长 我 送 你 星 河 滚 烫
I’m not afraid that time will be long in the future, because I’ll send you the hot galaxy

jīng qǐ le bō lán fān yǒng chéng làng
惊 起 了 波 澜 翻 涌 成 浪
It startled the waves and turned into waves

jiù cǐ fú chén diē zhuàng wǒ niàn niàn bú wàng
就 此 浮 沉 跌 撞 我 念 念 不 忘
Ups and downs like this, I’ll never forget

mǎn xīn de rè wàng děng nǐ bài fǎng
满 心 的 热 望 等 你 拜 访
Full of eagerness, I am waiting for your visit

mǎn xīn de rè wàng děng nǐ bài fǎng
满 心 的 热 望 等 你 拜 访
Full of eagerness, I am waiting for your visit

Covers & Versions of “Hot Moonlight”

English sub version

Thai sub version

Chords of “Hot Moonlight”


Download/MP3 of “Hot Moonlight”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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