June 28, 2024
The Past过去(Guo Qu) Ash Is Purest White OST By Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文

The Past过去(Guo Qu) Ash Is Purest White OST By Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Past过去(Guo Qu) Ash Is Purest White OST By Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文

Info/About “The Past”

Song NameThe Past过去(Guo Qu)
Artist Kelly Yu Wenwen于文文
LyricistZhu Weijie
ComposerKelly Yu Wenwen
Released 2018
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Past”

This song was a promotional song of the movie with the same name “Ash Is Purest White江湖儿女“, and it was released on September 22, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Past”

jì dé wǒ wèn guò jiāng lái de nǐ wǒ
记 得 我 问 过 将 来 的 你 我
I remember I asked about you and me in the future

chéng nuò jìng rán méi kāi kǒu jiù guò
承 诺 竟 然 没 开 口 就 过
The promise passes without even speaking out

yǐ hòu de shēng huó zài zhuī wèn dōu duō
以 后 的 生 活 再 追 问 都 多
About the life from now on, there’s no need to keep asking

yǎn lèi lǐ de nǐ rú cǐ bān bó
眼 泪 里 的 你 如 此 斑 驳
You in my tears are so mottled

yǐ wéi de jié guǒ dōu shū gěi zhí zhe
以 为 的 结 果 都 输 给 执 着
All the supposed results have lost to persistence

fàng rèn suì yuè huī huò le bǎ wò
放 任 岁 月 挥 霍 了 把 握
Let the years squander the control

wú suǒ wèi sǎ tuō jiù dāng shì fàng guò
无 所 谓 洒 脱 就 当 是 放 过
It’s not so much about being carefree, just consider it as being let go

dà bú le huàn gè chéng shì lái huó
大 不 了 换 个 城 市 来 活
We can always live in another city, no big deal

guò qù de rèn tā qù bié zài lā chě
过 去 的 任 他 去 别 再 拉 扯
About the past, let it go, don’t drag anymore

yǒu shuí néng xīn gān qíng yuàn shuō suàn le
有 谁 能 心 甘 情 愿 说 算 了
Who can just voluntarily say, forget it

yuè wò zhe yuè xiàng shì bú tíng shé mó
越 握 着 越 像 是 不 停 折 磨
The control you try to hold it, the more it seems like a constant torture

hái jì jiào zhe duì cuò
还 计 较 着 对 错
Still argue about what’s right or wrong

nǐ gěi de shǒu hòu shì wǒ de piāo bó
你 给 的 守 候 是 我 的 漂 泊
The waiting you give is my wandering

cuò guò le zhì shǎo céng jīng kào jìn guò
错 过 了 至 少 曾 经 靠 近 过
Missed, at least we were so close

ruò qíng fèn dǐ bú guò bú gān jì mò
若 情 分 抵 不 过 不 甘 寂 寞
If love can’t beat relutance to be lonely

yào zěn me lái qǔ shě
要 怎 么 来 取 舍
Then how to make a choice

guò qù de rèn tā qù bié zài lā chě
过 去 的 任 他 去 别 再 拉 扯
About the past, let it go, don’t drag anymore

yǒu xiē rén xīn gān qíng yuàn hái ài zhe
有 些 人 心 甘 情 愿 还 爱 着
Some people are still voluntarily in love

ruò shí jiān huí dào guò qù mǒu yī kè
若 时 间 回 到 过 去 某 一 刻
If time goes back a moment in th epast

shì fǒu hái huì kuài lè
是 否 还 会 快 乐
Would we still be happy

rú guǒ shuō yǎn lèi shì zì jǐ cā de
如 果 说 眼 泪 是 自 己 擦 的
If I wipe off my own tears

shì bú shì jiù dāng tā cóng méi liú guò
是 不 是 就 当 它 从 没 流 过
Can I just assume that it never shed in the first place

ruò huí yì zòng róng zhe zhòng dǎo fù zhé
若 回 忆 纵 容 着 重 蹈 覆 辙
If memories indulge the repeated mistake

yòu yòng shí me gē shě
又 用 什 么 割 舍
What can be used to trade off

jì dé wǒ wèn guò jiāng lái de nǐ wǒ
记 得 我 问 过 将 来 的 你 我
I remember I asked about you and me in the future

huò zhě yǒu gè wèi zhì shǔ yú wǒ
或 者 有 个 位 置 属 于 我
or there’s a place for me

yě xǔ huì bēn bō bèi shēng huó mái méi
也 许 会 奔 波 被 生 活 埋 没
May be running around for livelihood, and get buried by life

dà bú le huí tóu nǐ hái yǒu wǒ
大 不 了 回 头 你 还 有 我
You can always turn around, you still have me


Covers & Versions of “The Past”

MV Version

Instrumental/KTV Version

Live performance version (from 3:03)

Piano Tutorial Version

Chords of “The Past”


Download/MP3 of “The Past”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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