June 27, 2024
Think About The Rest of My Life思余生(Si Yu Sheng) Good and Evil OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Think About The Rest of My Life思余生(Si Yu Sheng) Good and Evil OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Think About The Rest of My Life思余生(Si Yu Sheng) Good and Evil OST By Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一

Info/About “Think About The Rest of My Life”

Song NameThink About The Rest of My Life思余生(Si Yu Sheng)
Artist Rex Li Xinyi李鑫一
LyricistMu Jingwen
ComposerLi Yazhou
Released 2021
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Think About The Rest of My Life”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Good and Evil百灵潭“, and it was released on August 22, 2021.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Think About The Rest of My Life”

yī chí yōu lián
一 池 幽 莲
A pond of secluded lotus

táo yǔ zhōng chán mián
桃 雨 中 缠 绵
Entangled in the peach blossom rain

jiàn nǐ jīng hóng yī piē
见 你 惊 鸿 一 瞥
After seeing you unexpectedly

cǐ shēng wú tā juàn liàn
此 生 无 他 眷 恋
I have no other yearning in this life

qīng sī niǎn chéng xiàn
青 丝 捻 成 线
Make threads out of my hair

zhū chāi bìn shàng juàn
珠 钗 鬓 上 卷
Put jwelery on my head

gù pàn zhe méi yǎn
顾 盼 着 眉 眼
Looking anxiously

zhī wéi liú zhù nǐ yī miàn
只 为 留 住 你 一 面
Just to see you one more time

chūn huā qiū yè xià chán dōng xuě
春 花 秋 叶 夏 蝉 冬 雪
Spring flowers, autumn leaves, summer cicadas and winter snow

xì shuǐ zhǔ liú nián
细 水 煮 流 年
Cooking the fleeting years with small stream of water

yǔ nǐ gòng dù bú guò fú shēng yī què
与 你 共 渡 不 过 浮 生 一 阙
The time I’ve spent with you is no more than just a moment in the floating life

sān shēng yǒu xìng yù jiàn nǐ
三 生 有 幸 遇 见 你
Yet it’s my luck in three lifetimes to meet you

qīng wǒ yī shì ài liàn
倾 我 一 世 爱 恋
I’ll devote my lifetime of love

wǒ yuàn hóng xiàn yǒng xiàng qiān
我 愿 红 线 永 相 牵
I’m willing to attach the red line with you forever

yú shēng zhī yōng nǐ rù mián
余 生 只 拥 你 入 眠
I want to fall asleep with you for the rest of my life

ài rú fēi huā juàn sì yān
爱 如 飞 花 眷 似 烟
Love is like flying flowers, yearning is like smoke

nán shě yī duàn chén yuán
难 舍 一 段 尘 缘
It’s so hard to give up this mortal fate

ruò nǐ huí móu liú liàn wǒ yī yǎn
若 你 回 眸 留 恋 我 一 眼
If you could look back at me

wǒ yuàn bàn nǐ cǐ shēng gòng zhǎng mián
我 愿 伴 你 此 生 共 长 眠
I willing to be by your side and sleep with you for a lifetime

mù qù cháo lái
暮 去 朝 来
Dusk goes and dawn comes

yuán qǐ yòu yuán miè
缘 起 又 缘 灭
Fate rises, then fades away

yī cì cā jiān cuò guò
一 次 擦 肩 错 过
We passed each other by for once

nǐ shēn yǐng zài bú jiàn
你 身 影 再 不 见
I can no longer see you anymore

fán huā rú xiào yè
繁 花 如 笑 靥
The blooming flowers are like smiling faces

kāi zài wǒ zhǐ jiān
开 在 我 指 间
blooming between my fingers

nǎ pà shí guò jìng qiān
哪 怕 时 过 境 迁
Even if the time has changed

yě wàng bú le nǐ róng yán
也 忘 不 了 你 容 颜
I can never forget your face

ruò shuǐ sān qiān
弱 水 三 千
For the endless water in the river

dú yǐn nán mián
独 饮 难 眠
I drink alone, can’t go to sleep

duì nǐ ài hèn chēn diān
对 你 爱 恨 嗔 癫
My love for you drives me crazy

shì wǒ cǐ shēng táo bú diào de jié
是 我 此 生 逃 不 掉 的 劫
It’s a calamity I can’t get away in this life

sān shēng yǒu xìng yù jiàn nǐ
三 生 有 幸 遇 见 你
Yet it’s my luck in three lifetimes to meet you

qīng wǒ yī shì ài liàn
倾 我 一 世 爱 恋
I’ll devote my lifetime of love

wǒ yuàn hóng xiàn yǒng xiàng qiān
我 愿 红 线 永 相 牵
I’m willing to attach the red line with you forever

yú shēng zhī yōng nǐ rù mián
余 生 只 拥 你 入 眠
I want to fall asleep with you for the rest of my life

ài rú fēi huā juàn sì yān
爱 如 飞 花 眷 似 烟
Love is like flying flowers, yearning is like smoke

nán shě yī duàn chén yuán
难 舍 一 段 尘 缘
It’s so hard to give up this mortal fate

ruò nǐ huí móu liú liàn wǒ yī yǎn
若 你 回 眸 留 恋 我 一 眼
If you could look back at me

wǒ yuàn bàn nǐ cǐ shēng gòng zhǎng mián
我 愿 伴 你 此 生 共 长 眠
I willing to be by your side and sleep with you for a lifetime

cǐ qíng wèi yāng cǐ yì nán wàng
此 情 未 央 此 意 难 忘
This love never ends, this yearning can never be forgotten

cǐ hèn mián mián wú jué
此 恨 绵 绵 无 绝
This regret will last forever

rén shēng jì chī chán shuí yòu néng bú mù bú xiàn
人 生 既 痴 缠 谁 又 能 不 慕 不 羡
Since people get obsessive, who can realize being not envious and jealous

sān shēng yǒu xìng yù jiàn nǐ
三 生 有 幸 遇 见 你
Yet it’s my luck in three lifetimes to meet you

qīng wǒ yī shì ài liàn
倾 我 一 世 爱 恋
I’ll devote my lifetime of love

wǒ yuàn hóng xiàn yǒng xiàng qiān
我 愿 红 线 永 相 牵
I’m willing to attach the red line with you forever

yú shēng zhī yōng nǐ rù mián
余 生 只 拥 你 入 眠
I want to fall asleep with you for the rest of my life

ài rú fēi huā juàn sì yān
爱 如 飞 花 眷 似 烟
Love is like flying flowers, yearning is like smoke

nán shě yī duàn chén yuán
难 舍 一 段 尘 缘
It’s so hard to give up this mortal fate

ruò nǐ huí móu liú liàn wǒ yī yǎn
若 你 回 眸 留 恋 我 一 眼
If you could look back at me

wǒ yuàn bàn nǐ cǐ shēng gòng zhǎng mián
我 愿 伴 你 此 生 共 长 眠
I willing to be by your side and sleep with you for a lifetime

Covers & Versions of “Think About The Rest of My Life”

Vietsub version

MV Version (with Thaisub)

Chords of “Think About The Rest of My Life”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Think About The Rest of My Life”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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