June 17, 2024
The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You风吹着我向你跑来(Feng Chui Zhe Wo Xiang Ni Pao Lai) Blowing in the Wind OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You风吹着我向你跑来(Feng Chui Zhe Wo Xiang Ni Pao Lai) Blowing in the Wind OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You风吹着我向你跑来(Feng Chui Zhe Wo Xiang Ni Pao Lai) Blowing in the Wind OST By Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇

Info/About “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”

Song NameThe Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You风吹着我向你跑来(Feng Chui Zhe Wo Xiang Ni Pao Lai)
Artist Mikey Jiao Maiqi焦迈奇
LyricistJiao Maiqi
ComposerJiao Maiqi
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Blowing in the Wind强风吹拂“, and it was released on June 14, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”

wǒ men cháng cháng xiǎng zhe míng tiān
我 们 常 常 想 着 明 天
We often think about tomorrow

shuí zǒu jìn lái shuí yòu zǒu yuǎn
谁 走 进 来 谁 又 走 远
Who walks in and who goes away

nǐ zài shān shàng cǎi xuě
你 在 山 上 采 雪
you are collecting snow on the mountain

wǒ zài shān xià zhuī zhe liù yuè de fēng
我 在 山 下 追 着 六 月 的 风
I am chasing the wind of June under the mountain

sòng dào nǐ shēn biān
送 到 你 身 边
sent to you

wǒ xiǎng wǒ men dōu hěn le jiě
我 想 我 们 都 很 了 解
I think we all know

nà xiē wù huàn xīng yí de rè liè
那 些 物 换 星 移 的 热 烈
those things change the warmth of the stars

wǒ yǒng gǎn duō yī diǎn
我 勇 敢 多 一 点
I am more brave

nǐ jiān dìng duō yī xiē
你 坚 定 多 一 些
You are more determined

ràng yān huǒ màn yán
让 烟 火 蔓 延
Let the fireworks spread

shí yuè de tiān
十 月 的 天
the days of October

wǎn fēng chuī qǐ lái
晚 风 吹 起 来
The evening wind blows up

chuī qǐ lái
吹 起 来
and blows up

wǒ jiǎo bù mài kāi
我 脚 步 迈 开
I walked in the wind

fēng chuī zhe wǒ xiàng nǐ pǎo lái
风 吹 着 我 向 你 跑 来
the wind blew me to run to you

wǒ qī dài wǒ qī dài
我 期 待 我 期 待
I look forward to my expectation

chéng wéi nǐ de qīng lài
成 为 你 的 青 睐
to be your favor

nǐ huì xiào qǐ lái
你 会 笑 起 来
You will laugh

xiào qǐ lái
笑 起 来

wǒ shuāng shǒu zhāng kāi
我 双 手 张 开
I open my arms

fēng yě chuī zhe nǐ xiàng wǒ pǎo lái
风 也 吹 着 你 向 我 跑 来
and the wind blows you to me

wǒ qī dài
我 期 待
I am looking forward to

qián háng yǒu sì yuè de hǎi
前 行 有 四 月 的 海
the sea in April

wǒ men cháng cháng xiǎng zhe míng tiān
我 们 常 常 想 着 明 天
We often think about tomorrow

shuí zǒu jìn lái shuí yòu zǒu yuǎn
谁 走 进 来 谁 又 走 远
Who walks in and who goes away

nǐ zài shān shàng cǎi xuě
你 在 山 上 采 雪
you are collecting snow on the mountain

wǒ zài shān xià zhuī zhe liù yuè de fēng
我 在 山 下 追 着 六 月 的 风
I am chasing the wind of June under the mountain

sòng dào nǐ shēn biān
送 到 你 身 边
sent to you

wǒ xiǎng wǒ men dōu hěn le jiě
我 想 我 们 都 很 了 解
I think we all know

nà xiē wù huàn xīng yí de rè liè
那 些 物 换 星 移 的 热 烈
those things change the warmth of the stars

wǒ yǒng gǎn duō yī diǎn
我 勇 敢 多 一 点
I am more brave

nǐ jiān dìng duō yī xiē
你 坚 定 多 一 些
You are more determined

ràng yān huǒ màn yán
让 烟 火 蔓 延
Let the fireworks spread

shí yuè de tiān
十 月 的 天
the days of October

wǎn fēng chuī qǐ lái
晚 风 吹 起 来
The evening wind blows up

chuī qǐ lái
吹 起 来
and blows up

wǒ jiǎo bù mài kāi
我 脚 步 迈 开
I walked in the wind

fēng chuī zhe wǒ xiàng nǐ pǎo lái
风 吹 着 我 向 你 跑 来
the wind blew me to run to you

wǒ qī dài wǒ qī dài
我 期 待 我 期 待
I look forward to my expectation

chéng wéi nǐ de qīng lài
成 为 你 的 青 睐
to be your favor

nǐ huì xiào qǐ lái
你 会 笑 起 来
You will laugh

xiào qǐ lái
笑 起 来

wǒ shuāng shǒu zhāng kāi
我 双 手 张 开
I open my arms

fēng yě chuī zhe nǐ xiàng wǒ pǎo lái
风 也 吹 着 你 向 我 跑 来
and the wind blows you to me

wǒ qī dài
我 期 待
I am looking forward to

qián háng yǒu sì yuè de hǎi
前 行 有 四 月 的 海
the sea in April

wǎn fēng chuī qǐ lái
晚 风 吹 起 来
The evening wind blows up

chuī qǐ lái
吹 起 来
and blows up

Covers & Versions of “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”

MV Version

English sub version

Cover by POKO

Vietsub version

Chords of “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”


Download/MP3 of “The Wind Is Blowing Me To Run To You”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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