June 27, 2024
The Heavenly Secret天机(Tian Ji) Luoyang OST By Li Changchao李常超

The Heavenly Secret天机(Tian Ji) Luoyang OST By Li Changchao李常超

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Heavenly Secret天机(Tian Ji) Luoyang OST By Li Changchao李常超

Info/About “The Heavenly Secret”

Song NameThe Heavenly Secret天机(Tian Ji)
Artist Li Changchao李常超
LyricistWang Yaoyang
ComposerWang Yaoyang
Released 2021
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Heavenly Secret”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Luoyang风起洛阳“, and it was released on December 2, 2021.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Heavenly Secret”

cuò jiē pán gēn luò yáng zhòu yǔ yī zhèn zhèn
错 节 盘 根 洛 阳 骤 雨 一 阵 阵
The wrong knot coiled roots, Luoyang suddenly bursts with rain

gǔn gǔn léi shēng zhōng pū shuò zhe cán rěn
滚 滚 雷 声 中 扑 朔 着 残 忍
There is a cruelty in the rolling thunder

bǐng zhú yè bēn yù kuī zhòng lóu fēi gé
秉 烛 夜 奔 欲 窥 重 楼 飞 阁
I run by candlelight at night to see the real bodies (of Buddha or God) that are hidden by

yǎn cáng de zhēn shēn
掩 藏 的 真 身
high-rise buildings and floating pavilions

wú yì zhōng guò fèn zhuī wèn
无 意 中 过 分 追 问
Inadvertently asking too many questions

qīng shǐ yǐn hèn suì yuè shé shà le dāo rèn
青 史 饮 恨 岁 月 折 煞 了 刀 刃
The annals of history drank the hatred of the years and bent the blade

bú liú fèn cùn dì mó hú le kè hén
不 留 分 寸 地 模 糊 了 刻 痕
It blurs the marks without leaving an inch

tān kàn zhǎng wén gù shì fēng qǐ yún yǒng
摊 看 掌 纹 故 事 风 起 云 涌
I look at the lines of my palm, the story to surge like a gathering storm

xì shù zhe ài hèn
细 数 着 爱 恨
and counting the love and hate

jìng hòu mìng yùn ēn zhǔn
静 候 命 运 恩 准
Quietly waiting for fate’s permission

xuè rǎn chéng nèi gōu hè huǎn màn liú tǎng zhe jiū gě
血 染 城 内 沟 壑 缓 慢 流 淌 着 纠 葛
Blood stained the ravines of the city, and slowly entanglement flowed

zhēn xiàng suì chéng fěn mò pīn còu bú chū nǐ wǒ
真 相 碎 成 粉 末 拼 凑 不 出 你 我
The truth is broken into powder and cannot be pieced together for you and me

chéng qiáng shàng yuán fèn bèi shuí bāo luò yòu bèi shuí bǔ huò
城 墙 上 缘 分 被 谁 剥 落 又 被 谁 捕 获
On the walls of the city, who stripped the destiny and who captured it

bú zhī hé rì zhōng néng jiě tuō
不 知 何 日 终 能 解 脱
I don’t know when I’ll finally be free

qīng shǐ yǐn hèn suì yuè shé shà le dāo rèn
青 史 饮 恨 岁 月 折 煞 了 刀 刃
The annals of history drank the hatred of the years and bent the blade

bú liú fèn cùn dì mó hú le kè hén
不 留 分 寸 地 模 糊 了 刻 痕
It blurs the marks without leaving an inch

tān kàn zhǎng wén gù shì fēng qǐ yún yǒng
摊 看 掌 纹 故 事 风 起 云 涌
I look at the lines of my palm, the story to surge like a gathering storm

xì shù zhe ài hèn
细 数 着 爱 恨
and counting the love and hate

jìng hòu mìng yùn ēn zhǔn
静 候 命 运 恩 准
Quietly waiting for fate’s permission

xuè rǎn chéng nèi gōu hè huǎn màn liú tǎng zhe jiū gě
血 染 城 内 沟 壑 缓 慢 流 淌 着 纠 葛
Blood stained the ravines of the city, and slowly entanglement flowed

zhēn xiàng suì chéng fěn mò pīn còu bú chū nǐ wǒ
真 相 碎 成 粉 末 拼 凑 不 出 你 我
The truth is broken into powder and cannot be pieced together for you and me

chéng qiáng shàng yuán fèn bèi shuí bāo luò yòu bèi shuí bǔ huò
城 墙 上 缘 分 被 谁 剥 落 又 被 谁 捕 获
On the walls of the city, who stripped the destiny and who captured it

bú zhī hé rì zhōng néng jiě tuō
不 知 何 日 终 能 解 脱
I don’t know when I’ll finally be free

wù sàn yú jiāo yě zhōng shēn yǐng què luè xiǎn méng lóng
雾 散 于 郊 野 中 身 影 却 略 显 朦 胧
The fog scatters in the countryside, but the sihouette is slightly hazy

ruò lùn shì fēi gōng guò jiāo yóu hé rén jiě tuō
若 论 是 非 功 过 交 由 何 人 解 脱
If talking about right and wrong, merit and demerit, who will be relieved

fú tú tǎ rú zuó xiàng mào bān bó
浮 屠 塔 如 昨 相 貌 斑 驳
The Buddha’s tower is as it was yesterday

jiě shì le shí me
解 释 了 什 么
what does the dull appearance explain

huǎng rán zhōng yī yǔ dào pò
恍 然 中 一 语 道 破
Suddenly, a word of wisdom says it all

Covers & Versions of “The Heavenly Secret”

English sub version

1 hour loop version

Vietsub version

Instrumental version

Chords of “The Heavenly Secret”


Download/MP3 of “The Heavenly Secret”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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