July 7, 2024
That Store听说有间店(Ting Shuo You Jian Dian) Yong Jiu Grocery Store OST By Young曹杨

That Store听说有间店(Ting Shuo You Jian Dian) Yong Jiu Grocery Store OST By Young曹杨

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of That Store听说有间店(Ting Shuo You Jian Dian) Yong Jiu Grocery Store OST By Young曹杨

Info/About “That Store”

Song NameThat Store听说有间店(Ting Shuo You Jian Dian)
Artist Young曹杨
LyricistVincent Fang
ComposerYoung; Li Wangzhe
Released 2019
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “That Store”

This song was the opening song of the TV Series “Yong Jiu Grocery Store用九柑仔店“, and it was released on November 13, 2019.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “That Store”

dào tián nà yī biān
稻 田 那 一 边
On the other side of rice field

tīng shuō yǒu jiān diàn
听 说 有 间 店
I heard there’s a store

wǒ xīn lǐ yǒu tiáo xiàn
我 心 里 有 条 线
There’s a thread in my heart

cháng qiān yǐn zhe tóng nián de huà miàn
常 牵 引 着 童 年 的 画 面
that always connects to the images from my childhood

zhè jiā zá huò diàn
这 家 杂 货 店
That store

rén qíng wèi shǐ zhōng méi biàn
人 情 味 始 终 没 变
The human touch has never changed

bú fáng xiān fàng xià sī niàn
不 妨 先 放 下 思 念
Why not just let go of the yearning

rì zǐ yào xiàng qián
日 子 要 向 前
One should always look forward in life

wǒ péi bàn shǒu hù
我 陪 伴 守 护
I’ll accompany you

shuō hǎo de dāng chū
说 好 的 当 初
We promised at the beginning

jué bú ràng gù shì qǐ wù
绝 不 让 故 事 起 雾
We will never let the stories be blurred

jiāng xīn wǎng zhè lǐ zhù
将 心 往 这 里 住
Let heart settle in here

wǒ rén shēng de jiǎo sè huó dé
我 人 生 的 角 色 活 得
My role in life

hěn qīng chǔ
很 清 楚
has been very clear

wǒ péi bàn shǒu hù
我 陪 伴 守 护
I’ll accompany you

shuō hǎo de dāng chū
说 好 的 当 初
We promised at the beginning

suǒ yǒu duì xìng fú de jiě dú
所 有 对 幸 福 的 解 读
All the interpretation of happiness

yǔ zì jǐ xiàng chù
与 自 己 相 处
is to get long with yourself

bú gū dú
不 孤 独
Never feel loneliness

xiàng kǒu de fēng shēng
巷 口 的 风 声
The whistling wind at the entrance of alley

hūn huáng de jiē dēng
昏 黄 的 街 灯
The yellow street lamps

zài jiāo tán gè zhǒng kě néng
在 交 谈 各 种 可 能
Talking about various possibilities

wǒ tīng chū hǎo duō de rén shēng
我 听 出 好 多 的 人 生
I’ve heard about many lives

níng jìng de xiǎo zhèn
宁 静 的 小 镇
In this peaceful small town

méi yǒu duō yú de xì fèn
没 有 多 余 的 戏 份
There isn’t too many drama

gěi xiǎng yǎn jì mò de rén
给 想 演 寂 寞 的 人
for the people who want to play loneliness

míng míng yǒu wǒ men
明 明 有 我 们
There are obviously us

wǒ péi bàn shǒu hù
我 陪 伴 守 护
I’ll accompany you

shuō hǎo de dāng chū
说 好 的 当 初
We promised at the beginning

jué bú ràng gù shì qǐ wù
绝 不 让 故 事 起 雾
We will never let the stories be blurred

měi yī zhāng jiē de kǔ
每 一 章 节 的 苦
The bitterness in every chapter

lào yìn chéng huí yì lǐ
烙 印 成 回 忆 里
is imprinted in memory

zuì měi de chā tú
最 美 的 插 图
The most beautiful illustration

wǒ péi bàn shǒu hù
我 陪 伴 守 护
I’ll accompany you

shuō hǎo de dāng chū
说 好 的 当 初
We promised at the beginning

suǒ yǒu duì xìng fú de jiě dú
所 有 对 幸 福 的 解 读
All the interpretation of happiness

wǒ yòng xīn miáo shù
我 用 心 描 述
I’ll describe it with heart

wǒ yòng xīn miáo shù
我 用 心 描 述
I’ll describe it with heart

wǒ yòng xīn miáo shù
我 用 心 描 述
I’ll describe it with heart

wǒ yòng xīn miáo shù
我 用 心 描 述
I’ll describe it with heart

děng xiè mù
等 谢 幕
Waiting for the curtain call


Covers & Versions of “That Store”

MV Version

Live streaming version

Live performance version

Guitar Cover

Cartoon Version

Chords of “That Store”


Download/MP3 of “That Store”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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