June 21, 2024
Still Don't Want To Grow Up还不想长大(Hai Bu Xiang Zhang Da) My Strange Friend OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Still Don’t Want To Grow Up还不想长大(Hai Bu Xiang Zhang Da) My Strange Friend OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Still Don’t Want To Grow Up还不想长大(Hai Bu Xiang Zhang Da) My Strange Friend OST By Jeffrey Tung董又霖

Info/About “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

Song NameStill Don’t Want To Grow Up还不想长大(Hai Bu Xiang Zhang Da)
Artist Jeffrey Tung董又霖
LyricistDai Yuedong
ComposerLi Zhi Sheng Lin
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

This song was the opening song of the TV Series “My Strange Friend我的奇怪朋友“, and it was released on August 20, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

áo yè hòu wéi hé jì yì huì biàn chà
熬 夜 后 为 何 记 忆 会 变 差
Why I have trouble remembering things after staying up all night

wǒ zhī xiǎng yī zhěng tiān dōu zhái zài jiā
我 只 想 一 整 天 都 宅 在 家
I just want to stay at home all day long

lā shàng chuāng lián zài shuì gè lǎn jiào
拉 上 窗 帘 再 睡 个 懒 觉
Close the curtain and take a nap

bié gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà
别 给 我 打 电 话
Don’t call me

māo hé gǒu wéi hé zǒng xǐ huān chǎo jià
猫 和 狗 为 何 总 喜 欢 吵 架
Why cats and dogs like fight each other

dì qiú shàng shì fǒu zhù zhe wài xīng rén
地 球 上 是 否 住 着 外 星 人
Are there aliens living on Planet Earth

tài duō xiǎng fǎ zài kùn rǎo zhe wǒ
太 多 想 法 在 困 扰 着 我
Too many thoughts are troubling me

méi yǒu rén lái gěi wǒ jiě dá
没 有 人 来 给 我 解 答
No one gives me an answer

yě xǔ wǒ men
也 许 我 们
Perhaps we

dōu hái bú xiǎng zhǎng dà
都 还 不 想 长 大
all still don’t want to grow up

zhī shì wú fǎ
只 是 无 法
It’s just that we are unable to

huí dān chún de lè yuán
回 单 纯 的 乐 园
return to the innocent paradise

chǎng kāi huái bào
敞 开 怀 抱
Open your arms

bié bèi qíng xù bǎng jià
别 被 情 绪 绑 架
Don’t be kidnapped by your emotions

ruò gǎn jiào wú liáo bǎ fán nǎo diū diào
若 感 觉 无 聊 把 烦 恼 丢 掉
If feeling boring, then throw all the worries away

zài chū fā
再 出 发
Then start all over

áo yè hòu wéi hé jì yì huì biàn chà
熬 夜 后 为 何 记 忆 会 变 差
Why I have trouble remembering things after staying up all night

wǒ zhī xiǎng yī zhěng tiān dōu zhái zài jiā
我 只 想 一 整 天 都 宅 在 家
I just want to stay at home all day long

lā shàng chuāng lián zài shuì gè lǎn jiào
拉 上 窗 帘 再 睡 个 懒 觉
Close the curtain and take a nap

bié gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà
别 给 我 打 电 话
Don’t call me

māo hé gǒu wéi hé zǒng xǐ huān chǎo jià
猫 和 狗 为 何 总 喜 欢 吵 架
Why cats and dogs like fight each other

dì qiú shàng shì fǒu zhù zhe wài xīng rén
地 球 上 是 否 住 着 外 星 人
Are there aliens living on Planet Earth

tài duō xiǎng fǎ zài kùn rǎo zhe wǒ
太 多 想 法 在 困 扰 着 我
Too many thoughts are troubling me

méi yǒu rén lái gěi wǒ jiě dá
没 有 人 来 给 我 解 答
No one gives me an answer

yě xǔ wǒ men
也 许 我 们
Perhaps we

dōu hái bú xiǎng zhǎng dà
都 还 不 想 长 大
all still don’t want to grow up

zhī shì wú fǎ
只 是 无 法
It’s just that we are unable to

huí dān chún de lè yuán
回 单 纯 的 乐 园
return to the innocent paradise

chǎng kāi huái bào
敞 开 怀 抱
Open your arms

bié bèi qíng xù bǎng jià
别 被 情 绪 绑 架
Don’t be kidnapped by your emotions

ruò gǎn jiào wú liáo bǎ fán nǎo diū diào
若 感 觉 无 聊 把 烦 恼 丢 掉
If feeling boring, then throw all the worries away

zài chū fā
再 出 发
Then start all over

yě xǔ wǒ men
也 许 我 们
Perhaps we

dōu hái bú xiǎng zhǎng dà
都 还 不 想 长 大
all still don’t want to grow up

zhī shì wú fǎ
只 是 无 法
It’s just that we are unable to

huí dān chún de lè yuán
回 单 纯 的 乐 园
return to the innocent paradise

chǎng kāi huái bào
敞 开 怀 抱
Open your arms

bié bèi qíng xù bǎng jià
别 被 情 绪 绑 架
Don’t be kidnapped by your emotions

ruò gǎn jiào wú liáo bǎ fán nǎo diū diào
若 感 觉 无 聊 把 烦 恼 丢 掉
If feeling boring, then throw all the worries away

zài chū fā
再 出 发
Then start all over


Covers & Versions of “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

Official Audio Version

Chords of “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Still Don’t Want To Grow Up”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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