June 23, 2024
In the Name of the People以人民的名义(Yi Ren Min De Ming Yi) In the Name of the People OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉 & Han Lei韩磊

In the Name of the People以人民的名义(Yi Ren Min De Ming Yi) In the Name of the People OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉 & Han Lei韩磊

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of In the Name of the People以人民的名义(Yi Ren Min De Ming Yi) In the Name of the People OST By Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉 & Han Lei韩磊

Info/About “In the Name of the People”

Song NameIn the Name of the People以人民的名义(Yi Ren Min De Ming Yi)
Artist Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉 & Han Lei韩磊
LyricistChen Xi
ComposerDong Dongdong
Released 2017
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “In the Name of the People”

This song was the theme song and ending song of the TV Series “In the Name of the People人民的名义“, and it was released on March 28, 2017.

“In the Name of the People人民的名义” Soundtrack Listing

In the Name of the People以人民的名义Vivi Jiang Yingrong江映蓉 & Han Lei韩磊Theme Song/ Ending Song
Vow To Be As Before誓如当初Xu Hebin许鹤缤Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “In the Name of the People”

yǔ shuí tóng bó yǐ jiān shàng de zhí zé
与 谁 同 搏 以 肩 上 的 职 责
Struggling along with whom to share the responsibilities on the shoulder

tīng yī fān zhī fán yè luò
听 一 番 枝 繁 叶 落
Listen to the blooming and withering of flowers

kàn yī mò yān xiá jiāo cuò
看 一 抹 烟 霞 交 错
Watch a touch of dusk glow intertwined

cǐ shí cǐ kè qíng tóng shǒu zú zài cè
此 时 此 刻 情 同 手 足 在 侧
At this moment, my sworn brother is by my side

yǔ shuí tóng wò yǐ xīn zhōng de zhí zhe
与 谁 同 卧 以 心 中 的 执 着
Lie down with whom to share the persistent in heart

tīng yī shēng qīng méi yǒng lè
听 一 声 青 梅 永 乐
Listen to the green plum in permanent happiness

kàn yī piàn fán xīng shǎn shuò
看 一 片 繁 星 闪 烁
Watch the stars flickering

cǐ shí cǐ kè ài yì yǒng xù nǐ wǒ
此 时 此 刻 爱 意 永 续 你 我
At this moment, the love will sustain you and me forever

yǐ rén mín de míng yì fù yǔ nǐ
以 人 民 的 名 义 赋 予 你
In the name of the people, I shall bestow you

shēng mìng de zūn yán fèng xiàn de quán lì
生 命 的 尊 严 奉 献 的 权 利
The dignity of life, the right of contribution

dāng suǒ yǒu wàn mǎ bēn téng fú yáo shēng qǐ
当 所 有 万 马 奔 腾 扶 摇 升 起
When all the horses are running, rising above the sky

yī kǒu qì zhí dá xīn dǐ lǐn rán zhèng qì
一 口 气 直 达 心 底 凛 然 正 气
A breath will directly reach the heart as the awe-inspiring righteousness

yǐ rén mín de míng yì tuō fù nǐ
以 人 民 的 名 义 托 付 你
In the name of the people, I shall entrust to you

quán zhàng de zhòng liàng xūn zhāng de yì yì
权 杖 的 重 量 勋 章 的 意 义
The weight of the power and the meaning of the badge

dāng yī qiē chén āi luò dìng xuān xiāo guī yǐn
当 一 切 尘 埃 落 定 喧 嚣 归 隐
When everything settles, and the noises calm down

yī kē xīn qíng guī gù lǐ xiāo sǎ luò bǐ
一 颗 心 情 归 故 里 潇 洒 落 笔
A heart will return to the home town and write down the stories in carefree mood

yǔ shuí tóng chē yǐ dào yì de shǒu zé
与 谁 同 车 以 道 义 的 守 则
Ride the car with whom, in the code of marality and justice

tīng yī qǔ zhǎng hèn wú duō
听 一 曲 长 恨 无 多
Listen to a song about long regrets and short remaining life

kàn yī juàn bǎi nián píng shuō
看 一 卷 百 年 评 说
Read a volume of century review

cǐ shí cǐ kè lù yuǎn zhì tóng xīn hé
此 时 此 刻 路 远 志 同 心 合
At this moment, we share the same aspiration on this long journey

yǔ shuí tóng gē yǐ shēng mìng de qīng chè
与 谁 同 歌 以 生 命 的 清 澈
Singing with whom, with the clarity of life

tīng yī duàn qīng fēng míng yuè
听 一 段 清 风 明 月
Listen to a piece of clear wind and bright moon

kàn yī zhǐ méi lán jiā zuò
看 一 纸 梅 兰 佳 作
Watch a master piece of the drama

cǐ shí cǐ kè hē hù rén jiān yān huǒ
此 时 此 刻 呵 护 人 间 烟 火
At this moment, care for the common mortal lives

yǐ rén mín de míng yì fù yǔ nǐ
以 人 民 的 名 义 赋 予 你
In the name of the people, I shall bestow you

shēng mìng de zūn yán fèng xiàn de quán lì
生 命 的 尊 严 奉 献 的 权 利
The dignity of life, the right of contribution

dāng suǒ yǒu wàn mǎ bēn téng fú yáo shēng qǐ
当 所 有 万 马 奔 腾 扶 摇 升 起
When all the horses are running, rising above the sky

yī kǒu qì zhí dá xīn dǐ lǐn rán zhèng qì
一 口 气 直 达 心 底 凛 然 正 气
A breath will directly reach the heart as the awe-inspiring righteousness

yǐ rén mín de míng yì tuō fù nǐ
以 人 民 的 名 义 托 付 你
In the name of the people, I shall entrust to you

quán zhàng de zhòng liàng xūn zhāng de yì yì
权 杖 的 重 量 勋 章 的 意 义
The weight of the power and the meaning of the badge

dāng yī qiē chén āi luò dìng xuān xiāo guī yǐn
当 一 切 尘 埃 落 定 喧 嚣 归 隐
When everything settles, and the noises calm down

yī kē xīn qíng guī gù lǐ xiāo sǎ luò bǐ
一 颗 心 情 归 故 里 潇 洒 落 笔
A heart will return to the home town and write down the stories in carefree mood


Covers & Versions of “In the Name of the People”

MV Version

Live performance by Han Lei & Cecilia Han Xue韩雪

Chords of “In the Name of the People”


Download/MP3 of “In the Name of the People”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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