June 21, 2024
Happiness (Everyone Wants to Meet You OST) By Nana Xu Yina许艺娜

Happiness (Everyone Wants to Meet You OST) By Nana Xu Yina许艺娜

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Happiness (Everyone Wants to Meet You OST) By Nana Xu Yina许艺娜

Info/About “Happiness”

Song NameHappiness
Artist Nana Xu Yina许艺娜
LyricistZheng Yijun; Hong Lu
ComposerZheng Yijun
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Happiness”

This song was the emotional theme song of the TV Series “Everyone Wants to Meet You谁都渴望遇见你“, and it was released on February 17, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Happiness”

sǎ mǎn yáng guāng de chuāng tái
洒 满 阳 光 的 窗 台
On the window sill full of sunshine

huān yíng guāng lín xīn dǎ kāi
欢 迎 光 临 心 打 开
Welcome, the heart has opened

shàng wèi bǎo hán zhe qī dài
尚 未 饱 含 着 期 待
Not yet saturated with expectations

ǒu rán yù jiàn nǐ de ài
偶 然 遇 见 你 的 爱
Accidentally met your love

fǎng fó yī shùn jiān shì jiè chūn nuǎn huā kāi
仿 佛 一 瞬 间 世 界 春 暖 花 开
As if the whole world comes to flowering spring in an instant

liú xīng huá guò yè kōng jīng xǐ yòu zì zài
流 星 划 过 夜 空 惊 喜 又 自 在
Shooting stars sweep through the night sky, surprising and free

zǒng huàn xiǎng jiā mén qián néng yǒu piàn dà hǎi
总 幻 想 家 门 前 能 有 片 大 海
Always fantasize that there’s a sea in front of my home

yuè liàng yìng zài hǎi miàn bèi hǎi làng yūn kāi
月 亮 映 在 海 面 被 海 浪 晕 开
The moon is reflected on the sea surface and scattered by the waves

Je suis si heureuse d’être avec toi

zǒng shì duì míng tiān chōng mǎn chōng jǐng
总 是 对 明 天 充 满 憧 憬
Always filled with longing for tomorrow

yě xiàng xìn cǐ kè jiù shì jié jú
也 相 信 此 刻 就 是 结 局
Also believe that this moment is the ending

mìng yùn lǐ de wéi yī
命 运 里 的 唯 一
The only thing in destiny

wú xū děng dài
无 需 等 待
There’s no need to wait

La vie est belle avec toi

zǒng yǒu xǔ duō làng màn zài yán xù
总 有 许 多 浪 漫 再 延 续
There are always many romances to be continued

dào wǒ shēn biān qián dōu lái bú jí
到 我 身 边 前 都 来 不 及
Return to my side, can’t wait to

xiǎng niàn nǐ
想 念 你
think about you

fǎng fó yī shùn jiān shì jiè chūn nuǎn huā kāi
仿 佛 一 瞬 间 世 界 春 暖 花 开
As if the whole world comes to flowering spring in an instant

liú xīng huá guò yè kōng jīng xǐ yòu zì zài
流 星 划 过 夜 空 惊 喜 又 自 在
Shooting stars sweep through the night sky, surprising and free

zǒng huàn xiǎng jiā mén qián néng yǒu piàn dà hǎi
总 幻 想 家 门 前 能 有 片 大 海
Always fantasize that there’s a sea in front of my home

yuè liàng yìng zài hǎi miàn bèi hǎi làng yūn kāi
月 亮 映 在 海 面 被 海 浪 晕 开
The moon is reflected on the sea surface and scattered by the waves

Je suis si heureuse d’être avec toi

zǒng shì duì míng tiān chōng mǎn chōng jǐng
总 是 对 明 天 充 满 憧 憬
Always filled with longing for tomorrow

yě xiàng xìn cǐ kè jiù shì jié jú
也 相 信 此 刻 就 是 结 局
Also believe that this moment is the ending

mìng yùn lǐ de wéi yī
命 运 里 的 唯 一
The only thing in destiny

wú xū děng dài
无 需 等 待
There’s no need to wait

La vie est belle avec toi

zǒng yǒu xǔ duō làng màn zài yán xù
总 有 许 多 浪 漫 再 延 续
There are always many romances to be continued

dào wǒ shēn biān qián dōu lái bú jí
到 我 身 边 前 都 来 不 及
Return to my side, can’t wait to

xiǎng niàn nǐ
想 念 你
think about you


Covers & Versions of “Happiness”

Indo sub version

MV Version

Chords of “Happiness”


Download/MP3 of “Happiness”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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