June 26, 2024
Galaxy Return Route星河归途(Xing He Gui Tu) I Am Nobody OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Galaxy Return Route星河归途(Xing He Gui Tu) I Am Nobody OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Galaxy Return Route星河归途(Xing He Gui Tu) I Am Nobody OST By Sunnee杨芸晴

Info/About “Galaxy Return Route”

Song NameGalaxy Return Route星河归途(Xing He Gui Tu)
Artist Sunnee杨芸晴
LyricistCao Qilang
ComposerCao Qilang
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Galaxy Return Route”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “I Am Nobody异人之下“, and it was released on September 22, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Galaxy Return Route”

màn màn zhǎng lù zhōng zǒu dào jìn tóu
漫 漫 长 路 终 走 到 尽 头
The long road finalyl comes to an end

hái chàng zhe zhè shǒu gē
还 唱 着 这 首 歌
and I still sing this song

yán tú fēng guāng shì fǒu dōu jì dé
沿 途 风 光 是 否 都 记 得
Do you remember all the scenery along the way

xǐ nù āi lè quán dōu bú shě
喜 怒 哀 乐 全 都 不 舍
Reluctant to let go of all the joy, anger and sorrow


fān yuè guò yī wàn zuò gāo shān
翻 越 过 一 万 座 高 山
Can you find an answer

néng bú néng zhǎo dào gè dá àn
能 不 能 找 到 个 答 案
after climbing over ten thousand mountains

ruò shēng mìng zhōng jiāng bēn xiàng dà hǎi
若 生 命 终 将 奔 向 大 海
If life will eventually run to the sea

xìng yùn yǔ nǐ huì rù tóng yī tiáo xīng hé
幸 运 与 你 汇 入 同 一 条 星 河
luck will merge into the same galaxy with you

yè mù xīng guāng jì dòng de gōu huǒ
夜 幕 星 光 悸 动 的 篝 火
The bonfire with the twinkling stars in the night

fú xiàn zhe nǐ xiào róng
浮 现 着 你 笑 容
reflects your smile

yǎng wàng xīng hé màn yán jié chéng hǎi
仰 望 星 河 漫 延 结 成 海
I gaze up at the galaxy spread out into an ocean

yǔ nǐ yáng qǐ guī tú de fān
与 你 扬 起 归 途 的 帆
and raise the sail of our return journey with you


fān yuè guò yī wàn zuò gāo shān
翻 越 过 一 万 座 高 山
Can you find an answer

néng bú néng zhǎo dào gè dá àn
能 不 能 找 到 个 答 案
after climbing over ten thousand mountains

ruò shēng mìng zhōng jiāng bēn xiàng dà hǎi
若 生 命 终 将 奔 向 大 海
If life will eventually run to the sea

xìng yùn yǔ nǐ huì rù tóng yī tiáo xīng hé
幸 运 与 你 汇 入 同 一 条 星 河
luck will merge into the same galaxy with you

nǐ wǒ céng shì miǎo xiǎo guāng cǎi
你 我 曾 是 渺 小 光 彩
You and I were once small brilliance

cù yōng chéng nà xīng huǒ càn làn
簇 拥 成 那 星 火 灿 烂
clustered together into that bright star

rán shāo ba jiāo xiàng huī yìng de ài
燃 烧 吧 交 相 辉 映 的 爱
Burn the mutual love

jiù ràng shì yán shǒu hù zhè mǎn tiān xīng hé
就 让 誓 言 守 护 这 满 天 星 河
and let the oath protect the galaxy

Covers & Versions of “Galaxy Return Route”

English sub version

Thai sub version

Chords of “Galaxy Return Route”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Galaxy Return Route”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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