June 28, 2024
Flower Bloom花开(Hua Kai) General's Lady OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Flower Bloom花开(Hua Kai) General’s Lady OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Flower Bloom花开(Hua Kai) General’s Lady OST By Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵

Info/About “Flower Bloom”

Song NameFlower Bloom花开(Hua Kai)
Artist Koala Liu Sihan刘思涵
LyricistA Chu
ComposerSong Yang
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Flower Bloom”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “General’s Lady将军家的小娘子“, and it was released on October 14, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Flower Bloom”

yān yún zhōng huí wàng
烟 云 中 回 望
Looking back in the clouds of smoke

fēng qǐ xī yún fēi yáng
风 起 兮 云 飞 扬
When the wind blows, the clouds fly

jīn gē tiě mǎ xiǎng
金 戈 铁 马 响
It’s sound of gloden spear and iron horse

pǔ xiě zhe qiān zǎi xìng wáng
谱 写 着 千 载 兴 亡
The book writes the rise and fall of a thousand years

huà yī bǐ jiāng shān
画 一 笔 江 山
It draws a brush on the nation

rú dāng rì lín láng
如 当 日 琳 琅
As of that splendid day

mèng lǐ jìng bú jiào lái rì cāng huáng
梦 里 竟 不 觉 来 日 苍 徨
In my dream, I don’t even realize that the future is waning

wù shì yì rén fēi
物 是 亦 人 非
The things are still there, but men are no more the same ones

kàn jìn qǐ luò wú cháng
看 尽 起 落 无 常
I’ve watched all the ups and downs

xī fēng jìn xié yáng
西 风 尽 斜 阳
The west wind blows all the way to the slanting sun

hé róng wǒ yī jǐn hái xiāng
何 容 我 衣 锦 还 乡
How can I be allowed to return home with glory

wǎng shì rù chóu cháng
往 事 入 愁 肠
Memories sink into my sorrowful heart

shēng sǐ liǎng máng máng
生 死 两 茫 茫
Life and death are all in vague

xiàng wàng rén xīn shāng hèn wèi yāng
相 望 人 心 伤 恨 未 央
Looking at each other, the heart hurts, the hate never ends

kàn nà yī piàn cāng hǎi rú mèng yī chǎng
看 那 一 片 沧 海 如 梦 一 场
The sea looks like a dream

tàn nà yī niàn chī kuáng fēn fēi qíng zhǎng
叹 那 一 念 痴 狂 纷 飞 情 长
Sighing at the thought of the madness and the long flight of love

fú yáo kūn lún diān zhī shàng
扶 摇 昆 仑 巅 之 上
Ascend to the peak of Kunlun Mountain

zhī shēn yú qiáo yú sì fāng
只 身 渔 樵 于 四 方
Fishing alone everywhere

huí shǒu tú liú wǒ cāng sāng
回 首 徒 留 我 沧 桑
Looking back leaves me with nothing

wù shì yì rén fēi
物 是 亦 人 非
The things are still there, but men are no more the same ones

kàn jìn qǐ luò wú cháng
看 尽 起 落 无 常
I’ve watched all the ups and downs

xī fēng jìn xié yáng
西 风 尽 斜 阳
The west wind blows all the way to the slanting sun

hé róng wǒ yī jǐn hái xiāng
何 容 我 衣 锦 还 乡
How can I be allowed to return home with glory

wǎng shì rù chóu cháng
往 事 入 愁 肠
Memories sink into my sorrowful heart

shēng sǐ liǎng máng máng
生 死 两 茫 茫
Life and death are all in vague

xiàng wàng rén xīn shāng hèn wèi yāng
相 望 人 心 伤 恨 未 央
Looking at each other, the heart hurts, the hate never ends

kàn nà yī piàn cāng hǎi rú mèng yī chǎng
看 那 一 片 沧 海 如 梦 一 场
The sea looks like a dream

tàn nà yī niàn chī kuáng fēn fēi qíng zhǎng
叹 那 一 念 痴 狂 纷 飞 情 长
Sighing at the thought of the madness and the long flight of love

fú yáo kūn lún diān zhī shàng
扶 摇 昆 仑 巅 之 上
Ascend to the peak of Kunlun Mountain

zhī shēn yú qiáo yú sì fāng
只 身 渔 樵 于 四 方
Fishing alone everywhere

huí shǒu tú liú wǒ cāng sāng
回 首 徒 留 我 沧 桑
Looking back leaves me with nothing

yuàn nà yī shì hóng yán líng luò fēng shuāng
怨 那 一 世 红 颜 零 落 风 霜
Complain about that lifetime of beauty withering with wind

huàn nà yī shēng xiàng sī zěn sù lí shāng
唤 那 一 声 相 思 怎 诉 离 殇
Call that lovesickness to tell the parting sorrow

fú yáo kūn lún diān zhī shàng
扶 摇 昆 仑 巅 之 上
Ascend to the peak of Kunlun Mountain

zhī shēn yú qiáo yú sì fāng
只 身 渔 樵 于 四 方
Fishing alone everywhere

huí shǒu tú liú wǒ cāng sāng
回 首 徒 留 我 沧 桑
Looking back leaves me with nothing

jìn tiān yá yǔ nǐ liú làng
尽 天 涯 与 你 流 浪
Wander with you all over the world

Covers & Versions of “Flower Bloom”

English/Indo sub version

Piano Cover

Instrumental version

Chords of “Flower Bloom”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Flower Bloom”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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