June 29, 2024
Endless无涯(Wu Ya) Love Is All OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊 & Lai Meiyun赖美云

Endless无涯(Wu Ya) Love Is All OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊 & Lai Meiyun赖美云

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Endless无涯(Wu Ya) Love Is All OST By Ray Zhao Lei赵磊 & Lai Meiyun赖美云

Info/About “Endless”

Song NameEndless无涯(Wu Ya)
Artist Ray Zhao Lei赵磊 & Lai Meiyun赖美云
LyricistZhang Buer
ComposerDaryl K
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Endless”

This song was the ending song of the TV Series “Love Is All师爷请自重“, and it was released on April 28, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Endless”

yī yè chūn fēng tà jiāng hú yuàn bú fù
一 夜 春 风 踏 江 湖 愿 不 负
A night of spring breeze, walking through the rivers and lakes, a wish to live up to

làng jì tiān yá zhí cǐ niàn bǎi dù
浪 迹 天 涯 执 此 念 摆 渡
I’m wandering in the world and I’m holding on to this thought

bǎi dù dù bú jìn zhè guī tú
摆 渡 渡 不 尽 这 归 途
It’s a long way home

rèn hán shuǐ xié gū zhōu yī yè rù mù
任 寒 水 携 孤 舟 一 叶 入 目
Let the cold water and the lonely boat take a leaf into my eyes

yī zòng liè mǎ fù hóng chén hé chù
一 纵 烈 马 赴 红 尘 何 处
A horse on the red earth, where to go

hé chù kàn jìn xīng juàn yún yòu shū
何 处 看 尽 星 卷 云 又 舒
Where do you see all the stars and the clouds

gǔ dào bàn xié yáng wèn qīng zhú
古 道 伴 斜 阳 问 青 竹
Ancient road with setting sun and green bamboo

hé rì fù
何 日 复
When will I return

lái zhī wú yá shàng néng zuì yǐn yī hú
来 之 无 涯 尚 能 醉 饮 一 壶
There is no end to my journey, I can still get drunk

qù yì wú yá zòu yī shǒu jīng hóng
去 亦 无 涯 奏 一 首 惊 鸿
I’ll play a song that will amaze me

yī chǎng hǎo mèng shǎo nián yóu
一 场 好 梦 少 年 游
A good dream of a young man

rú dāng nián zhú yáo yǐng zhōng fú niàn yī jiù
如 当 年 烛 摇 影 中 浮 念 依 旧
As in the old days, in the shadows of the candle, the memory will remain

hé rén xián yuè xià kòu
何 人 闲 月 下 扣
Who is worried about the moon

bàn shàn chái mén kāi
半 扇 柴 门 开
Half of the door is open

jiǔ xǐng gù yuán zhōng
酒 醒 故 园 中
Waking up in the old garden

yī shù fán huā jīng yǔ hòu gèng méng lóng
一 树 繁 花 经 雨 后 更 朦 胧
A flowering tree after the rain is even more hazy

gū zhǎn dēng huǒ yìng zhǐ chuāng bú xiū
孤 盏 灯 火 映 纸 窗 不 休
A lone lamp reflects the paper window

bú xiū xiū bú jìn zhè chūn hóng
不 休 休 不 尽 这 春 红
I can’t stop, I can’t stop this spring red

jiàn kū téng tīng hán yā cōng cōng nán xiū
见 枯 藤 听 寒 鸦 匆 匆 难 休
Seeing the withered vines and listening to the cold crows in a hurry, it is hard to rest

yī zhèn xī fēng rù tú sū zhuī sù
一 阵 西 风 入 屠 苏 追 溯
Burst a Autumn wind go to trace a wine

zhuī sù sì jì zhú hàn hǎi chóu chú
追 溯 四 季 逐 瀚 海 踌 躇
Tracing the seasons, and following the sea hesitating

zhǐ bǐ fēng luò juàn kàn bú mián
止 笔 风 落 卷 看 不 眠
Desist to write, the wind is falling, the sleepless night

tiān yá lù
天 涯 路
The road to the end of the world

lái zhī wú yá shàng néng zuì yǐn yī hú
来 之 无 涯 尚 能 醉 饮 一 壶
There is no end to my journey, I can still get drunk

qù yì wú yá zòu yī shǒu jīng hóng
去 亦 无 涯 奏 一 首 惊 鸿
I’ll play a song that will amaze me

yī chǎng hǎo mèng shǎo nián yóu
一 场 好 梦 少 年 游
A good dream of a young man

rú dāng nián zhú yáo yǐng zhōng fú niàn yī jiù
如 当 年 烛 摇 影 中 浮 念 依 旧
As in the old days, in the shadows of the candle, the memory will remain

hé rén xián yuè xià kòu
何 人 闲 月 下 扣
Who is worried about the moon

bàn shàn chái mén kāi
半 扇 柴 门 开
Half of the door is open

jiǔ xǐng gù yuán zhōng
酒 醒 故 园 中
Waking up in the old garden

lái zhī wú yá shàng néng zuì yǐn yī hú
来 之 无 涯 尚 能 醉 饮 一 壶
There is no end to my journey, I can still get drunk

qù yì wú yá zòu yī shǒu jīng hóng
去 亦 无 涯 奏 一 首 惊 鸿
I’ll play a song that will amaze me

yī chǎng hǎo mèng shǎo nián yóu
一 场 好 梦 少 年 游
A good dream of a young man

rú dāng nián zhú yáo yǐng zhōng fú niàn yī jiù
如 当 年 烛 摇 影 中 浮 念 依 旧
As in the old days, in the shadows of the candle, the memory will remain

hé rén xián yuè xià kòu
何 人 闲 月 下 扣
Who is worried about the moon

bàn shàn chái mén kāi
半 扇 柴 门 开
Half of the door is open

jiǔ xǐng gù yuán zhōng
酒 醒 故 园 中
Waking up in the old garden

tīng fēng
听 风
Listening to the wind

lí huā bàn jiǔ zuì yòu yī zhōng
梨 花 伴 酒 醉 又 一 盅
Another cup of pear flower wine with drunkenness

Covers & Versions of “Endless”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Thaisub version

Chords of “Endless”


Download/MP3 of “Endless”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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