July 1, 2024
Regrets of Love憾情(Han Qing) 天涯幻梦 OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Regrets of Love憾情(Han Qing) 天涯幻梦 OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Regrets of Love憾情(Han Qing) 天涯幻梦 OST By A YueYue阿YueYue

Info/About “Regrets of Love”

Song NameRegrets of Love憾情(Han Qing)
Artist A YueYue阿YueYue
LyricistSan Shan
ComposerSan Shan
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Regrets of Love”

This song was the official theme song of the Mobile Game “天涯幻梦“, and it was released on July 11, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Regrets of Love”

fú lí zhōng qiū chū cì xiàng féng
符 离 中 秋 初 次 相 逢
We met for the first time on Mid Autumn Festival

yíng yíng xiào yè sì hàn dàn
盈 盈 笑 靥 似 菡 萏
Your gentle smiling face is like a lotus flower
pīng tíng shí wǔ qíng tóu yì nóng zhī lěng nuǎn
娉 婷 十 五 情 投 意 浓 知 冷 暖
A graceful fifteen-year-old girl who is loving and thoughtful

yú shēng zhī yuàn zhí zǐ zhī shǒu
余 生 只 愿 执 子 之 手
I only wish to hold your hand for the rest of my life

zuì kàn xié yáng děng xiá rǎn
醉 看 斜 阳 等 霞 染
Watching sunset glow while being drunk

xì yǔ chán chán jiàn hán bú jiàn gù rén hái
细 雨 潺 潺 渐 寒 不 见 故 人 还
It’s getting cold in the drizzling, yet still can’t see the old friend returning

jié rán dú zhuó yī hú jiǔ
孑 然 独 酌 一 壶 酒
Drinking a pot of wine all alone

wǎng shì lǚ lǚ shàng xīn tóu
往 事 缕 缕 上 心 头
Past memories flow in my mind piece by piece

yī shuāng qiān céng dǐ nán duàn xiàng sī chóu
一 双 千 层 底 难 断 相 思 愁
A pair of thousand-layer shoes can’t break the lovesickness

shuí zài yuè xià fú xiù fǔ qín xián
谁 在 月 下 拂 袖 抚 琴 弦
Who is playing zither in moonlight

dāng shí liǎng xīn xiàng tóng xīn qiǎn quǎn
当 时 两 心 相 同 心 缱 绻
Two hearts attach to each other at the same time back then

ér jīn huǎng rán rú mèng tiān gè yī biān
而 今 恍 然 如 梦 天 各 一 边
But now it feels like a dream, we are now a world apart

xiàng lái qíng shēn nài hé què yuán qiǎn
向 来 情 深 奈 何 却 缘 浅
It has always been like that deep love can’t beat shallow fate

zhǐ yuān fēn fēi yī jiù rén bú jiàn
纸 鸢 纷 飞 依 旧 人 不 见
Kites fly around, yet I still can’t see the old friend

hé shí zhòng féng wū péng chuán tóu tīng yǔ mián
何 时 重 逢 乌 篷 船 头 听 雨 眠
When can we meet again, sleeping on one side of boat while listening to the rain

zhī yuàn wéi nǐ ér gē qiǎn
只 愿 为 你 而 搁 浅
I only wish to be stranded for you

yī qǔ zhǎng hèn yōu yōu nán mián
一 曲 长 恨 幽 幽 难 眠
It’s hard to fall asleep while listening to the love song

fāng huá hào jìn luò chéng kōng
芳 华 耗 尽 落 成 空
The best years have been wasted in vain

hóng yán yī qù qiū shuǐ cóng cǐ wú fú róng
红 颜 一 去 秋 水 从 此 无 芙 蓉
After the beauty has gone, there will never be lotus flower again in the autumn river

zhòng féng bái fā gèng tiān xīn tòng
重 逢 白 发 更 添 新 痛
The white hair at reunion adds even more pain

mò yuàn láng jun1 bú yóu zhōng
莫 怨 郎 君 不 由 衷
Don’t blame the gentleman for being unable to control himself

huī bié zài mì jiā rén què le wú yǐng zōng
挥 别 再 觅 佳 人 却 了 无 影 踪
Want to find the beauty again, but there’s not even a trace

jié rán dú zhuó yī hú jiǔ
孑 然 独 酌 一 壶 酒
Drinking a pot of wine all alone

wǎng shì lǚ lǚ shàng xīn tóu
往 事 缕 缕 上 心 头
Past memories flow in my mind piece by piece

yī shuāng qiān céng dǐ nán duàn xiàng sī chóu
一 双 千 层 底 难 断 相 思 愁
A pair of thousand-layer shoes can’t break the lovesickness

shuí zài yuè xià fú xiù fǔ qín xián
谁 在 月 下 拂 袖 抚 琴 弦
Who is playing zither in moonlight

dāng shí liǎng xīn xiàng tóng xīn qiǎn quǎn
当 时 两 心 相 同 心 缱 绻
Two hearts attach to each other at the same time back then

ér jīn huǎng rán rú mèng tiān gè yī biān
而 今 恍 然 如 梦 天 各 一 边
But now it feels like a dream, we are now a world apart

xiàng lái qíng shēn nài hé què yuán qiǎn
向 来 情 深 奈 何 却 缘 浅
It has always been like that deep love can’t beat shallow fate

zhǐ yuān fēn fēi yī jiù rén bú jiàn
纸 鸢 纷 飞 依 旧 人 不 见
Kites fly around, yet I still can’t see the old friend

hé shí zhòng féng wū péng chuán tóu tīng yǔ mián
何 时 重 逢 乌 篷 船 头 听 雨 眠
When can we meet again, sleeping on one side of boat while listening to the rain

zhī yuàn wéi nǐ ér gē qiǎn
只 愿 为 你 而 搁 浅
I only wish to be stranded for you

jié rán dú zhuó yī hú jiǔ
孑 然 独 酌 一 壶 酒
Drinking a pot of wine all alone

wǎng shì lǚ lǚ shàng xīn tóu
往 事 缕 缕 上 心 头
Past memories flow in my mind piece by piece

tàn jiā rén miǎo yuǎn ài fù shuǐ nán shōu
叹 佳 人 渺 远 爱 覆 水 难 收
Sigh that the beauty is far away, the love can’t be recovered like water

sī hèn yōu yōu sān shí bái le tóu
思 恨 悠 悠 三 十 白 了 头
With the long-lasting yearning, hairs turn white at only thirty years old

měi jīng gāo chū píng lán bì huí shǒu
每 经 高 出 凭 栏 必 回 首
Turning head everytime at a rail

shēng lí bié lèi yǎn líng hán dòng bú liú
生 离 别 泪 眼 凌 寒 冻 不 流
The teary eyes are frozen by coldness for parting

xiàng sī rù mèng kě yù bú kě qiú
相 思 入 梦 可 遇 不 可 求
Lovesickness is in dream, it’s easy to meet, but hard to be together

nài hé mén hù bú chēng nán xiàng shǒu
奈 何 门 户 不 称 难 相 守
Unfortunately we can’t be together due to unmatched families

yī shēng wèi jià zhī wéi zhà xiàn de wēn róu
一 生 未 嫁 只 为 乍 现 的 温 柔
She’s never married again just for the short-lived tenderness

mí bú yǒu chū xiān yǒu zhōng
靡 不 有 初 鲜 有 终
There is no beginning, no end


Covers & Versions of “Regrets of Love”

Vietsub Version

Cantonese Version by Puinam佩男

Chords of “Regrets of Love”


Download/MP3 of “Regrets of Love”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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