July 2, 2024
Blood River血河(Xue He) Justice OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Blood River血河(Xue He) Justice OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Blood River血河(Xue He) Justice OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Info/About “Blood River”

Song NameBlood River血河(Xue He)
Artist Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云
LyricistMu Qingming
ComposerJiu Yuan; Acid; Lin Huarui
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Blood River”

This song was a promotional song of the Mobile Game “Justice逆水寒“, and it was released on June 25, 2023.

“Justice逆水寒” Soundtrack Listing

Blood River血河Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云Promotional Song
Ask to Spirit问灵Sa Dingding萨顶顶Promotional Song
Broken Dream碎梦Tiger Hu Yanbin胡彦斌Promotional Song
Resonant Sounds鸿音 Sa Dingding萨顶顶Promotional Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Blood River”

nǐ wàng jì le hài pà zài shēng sǐ de shā nà
你 忘 记 了 害 怕 在 生 死 的 刹 那
You forgot to fear the moment of life and death

tǎng xuè de wǎn xiá tūn yān le yī qiē zhēn jiǎ
淌 血 的 晚 霞 吞 咽 了 一 切 真 假
The setting sun was blood red and swallowed up all truth and falsehood

nǐ bú xū yào huí dá běi fēng tì nǐ kū yǎ
你 不 需 要 回 答 北 风 替 你 哭 哑
You don’t have to answer because the north wind has been crying for you

rén zǒng yào chū fā xiàng mìng yùn zhēng fá
人 总 要 出 发 向 命 运 征 伐
People always have to fight against destiny

jué bú chuí xià tóu rèn fá
决 不 垂 下 头 认 罚
Never lower your head and accept fate

jué duàn qiān jun1 xuán yī fā kuáng yún zòng mǎ
决 断 千 军 悬 一 发 狂 云 纵 马
With firmness makes thousands of soldiers bow their heads and wild clouds ride their horses

zhù jiù shān hé fán huā shí wàn yīng hún fēng zhōng sǎ
铸 就 山 河 繁 花 十 万 英 魂 风 中 洒
Creating mountains, rivers and flowers makes a hundred thousand heroic souls blown away

tiān dì jiān chì zhà
天 地 间 叱 咤
Roaming between heaven and earth

qiě kàn gū yān mò shàng shì shuí cì pò le cán yáng
且 看 孤 烟 漠 上 是 谁 刺 破 了 残 阳
Let’s see who can break through the sunset in the lonely desert

hào qì xuè zhōng tàng
浩 气 血 中 烫
Burning in the blood

ruò wéi jiā guó ér zhàn gān yuàn mái gǔ yú tā xiāng
若 为 家 国 而 战 甘 愿 埋 骨 于 他 乡
If your fight for your country, you must be willing to bury your bones in another country

jiǔ sǐ yī shēng yě wú fáng
九 死 一 生 也 无 妨
It’s okay to have a slim chance of survival

nǐ shuāi suì le yuè huá rèn hán guāng sì dāo guā
你 摔 碎 了 月 华 任 寒 光 似 刀 刮
But you shattered the moonlight and allowed the cold light to cut like a knife

yǐn liè jiǔ xīn là jiù diǎn rán wàn zhàng shēng yá
饮 烈 酒 辛 辣 就 点 燃 万 丈 生 涯
Drinking hard spirit will raise the spirit of life

nǐ xīn shàng yī dào jiā shì shēng mìng de zhòng yā
你 心 上 一 道 痂 是 生 命 的 重 压
But the scab in your heart is a lifetime burden

tiān dì nà me dà jiāng yīng xióng zàng xià
天 地 那 么 大 将 英 雄 葬 下
This world is so big where heroes are buried

jué bú bēi wēi rú chén wǎ
决 不 卑 微 如 尘 瓦
Never be humble like dust on the tiles

jué duàn zhǎng fēng jī kū yá jiāng jun1 lìng xià
决 断 长 风 击 枯 崖 将 军 令 下
Resolute, under the command of the general, strong winds hit the barren cliffs

shēn hòu gù tǔ róng huá rén jiān wàn lǐ sòng yīng xiá
身 后 故 土 荣 华 人 间 万 里 送 英 侠
After death, the prosperity of the motherland will send the hero thousands of miles across the world

bái gǔ fù huáng shā
白 骨 赴 黄 沙
White bones are buried in yellow sands

qiě tīng suì yuè cāng mǎng shì shuí pī yī shēn cán yáng
且 听 岁 月 苍 莽 是 谁 披 一 身 残 阳
Let’s pay attention to time and age, who will die under the setting sun

tiān hán rèn shàng shuāng
天 寒 刃 上 霜
The sword felt frozen

yǎo jǐn yī piàn huāng yě pīn lì xiàng cāng qióng shēng zhǎng
咬 紧 一 片 荒 野 拼 力 向 苍 穹 生 长
Grasping a tree and trying to grow towards the sky

bàn zhe běi fēng gāo chàng
伴 着 北 风 高 唱
Sing loudly along with the north wind

zhè yī bēi jìng nǐ wǒ kǎi rán wú huǐ
这 一 杯 敬 你 我 慨 然 无 悔
This cup toasts to you so I have no regrets

zhè yī bēi shì guāng yīn wú shēng luò lèi
这 一 悲 是 光 阴 无 声 落 泪
This sorrow is the tears of silent time

zhè yī bēi yǐ mǎn qiāng chì rè xiě chéng yǒng bú hòu tuì
这 一 碑 以 满 腔 炽 热 写 成 永 不 后 退
This monument is written with passion and will never subside

zhè yī bēi jìng nǐ wǒ bú jù lín wēi
这 一 杯 敬 你 我 不 惧 临 危
This cup toasts you so that I will not be afraid of danger

zhè yī bēi shì shēng mìng zuì zhōng huí guī
这 一 悲 是 生 命 最 终 回 归
This tragedy is the return of a life

zhè yī bēi yǐ cāng liáng de mèng zuò péi
这 一 碑 以 苍 凉 的 梦 作 陪
This monument is accompanied by a silent dream

fàng xià suǒ yǒu qù zhuī
放 下 所 有 去 追
Leave everything and pursue

lìng zhǎng qiāng liè mǎ rú diàn rú fēi
令 长 枪 烈 马 如 电 如 飞
Let the spears and horses fly like lightning

zhè yī bēi jìng nǐ wǒ kǎi rán wú huǐ
这 一 杯 敬 你 我 慨 然 无 悔
This cup toasts to you so I have no regrets

zhè yī bēi shì guāng yīn wú shēng luò lèi
这 一 悲 是 光 阴 无 声 落 泪
This sorrow is the tears of silent time

zhè yī bēi yǐ mǎn qiāng chì rè xiě chéng yǒng bú hòu tuì
这 一 碑 以 满 腔 炽 热 写 成 永 不 后 退
This monument is written with passion and will never subside

zhè yī bēi jìng nǐ wǒ bú jù lín wēi
这 一 杯 敬 你 我 不 惧 临 危
This cup toasts you so that I will not be afraid of danger

zhè yī bēi shì shēng mìng zuì zhōng huí guī
这 一 悲 是 生 命 最 终 回 归
This tragedy is the return of a life

yòng jìn lì qì qù zhuī
用 尽 力 气 去 追
Try your best to catch up

cǐ shēng cǐ shì zài wú huǐ
此 生 此 世 再 无 悔
There will be no regrets in this life

qiě kàn gū yān mò shàng shì shuí cì pò le cán yáng
且 看 孤 烟 漠 上 是 谁 刺 破 了 残 阳
Let’s see who can break through the sunset in the lonely desert

hào qì xuè zhōng tàng
浩 气 血 中 烫
Burning in the blood

ruò wéi jiā guó ér zhàn gān yuàn mái gǔ yú tā xiāng
若 为 家 国 而 战 甘 愿 埋 骨 于 他 乡
If your fight for your country, you must be willing to bury your bones in another country

jiǔ sǐ yī shēng yě wú fáng
九 死 一 生 也 无 妨
It’s okay to have a slim chance of survival

Covers & Versions of “Blood River”

MV Version

English lyrics version

Slowed + Reverbed Version

Chords of “Blood River”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Blood River”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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