June 27, 2024
Partner伙伴(Huo Ban) Dungeon & Fighter OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Partner伙伴(Huo Ban) Dungeon & Fighter OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Partner伙伴(Huo Ban) Dungeon & Fighter OST By Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云

Info/About “Partner”

Song NamePartner伙伴(Huo Ban)
Artist Huang Xiaoyun (Wink XY)黄霄云
LyricistHua Tang; Irc; Deng Shuyue
ComposerDeng Shuyue
Released 2023
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “Partner”

This song was the promotional song of the game “Dungeon & Fighter地下城与勇士“, and it was released by Tencent on June 16, 2023.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Partner”

wǒ cóng wèi fàng qì xún zhǎo
我 从 未 放 弃 寻 找
I’ve never given up searching for

nǐ suǒ zài de shì jiè
你 所 在 的 世 界
the world with you in it

hēi yè jiāng bǐ cǐ fèn gé
黑 夜 将 彼 此 分 隔
The dark night separate us

mào xiǎn de shí kè
冒 险 的 时 刻
The moment of adventure

dú zì miàn duì qǔ shé
独 自 面 对 曲 折
We need to face the twists and turns alone

mìng yùn jiāo huì chéng yī shǒu gē
命 运 交 汇 成 一 首 歌
Our destiny converge into a song

chàng bú tóng xuǎn zé
唱 不 同 选 择
Singing about different choices

chàng huí yì yǒng héng chì rè
唱 回 忆 永 恒 炽 热
Singing about the eternalyl scorching hot memory

zài mí wù zhī xià
在 迷 雾 之 下
In the mist

wǒ de xīn wǒ de xīn shǐ zhōng wéi nǐ qiān guà
我 的 心 我 的 心 始 终 为 你 牵 挂
My heart, my heart, is always attached to you

ràng mèng jiào xǐng bìng jiān chū fā
让 梦 觉 醒 并 肩 出 发
Let dream wake up, let’s start the journey shoulder by shoulder

wǒ de ài wǒ de ài duō yuǎn dōu huì dào dá
我 的 爱 我 的 爱 多 远 都 会 到 达
My love, my love, will get there no matter how far is it

gōng jiàn shì fàng chū de jiān rèn
弓 箭 释 放 出 的 坚 韧
The firmness released by bow

shì zì yóu de líng hún
是 自 由 的 灵 魂
is the soul of freedom

shǎn zhe shǔ guāng de lèi hén
闪 着 曙 光 的 泪 痕
The tear stains shining the dawn light

nǐ wéi wǒ jiàn zhèng
你 为 我 见 证
You witness for me

You’ll be my partner

péi nǐ chōng chōng chōng
陪 你 冲 冲 冲
Accompany you, go, go, go

shè chuān lí bié de zǔ zhòu oh na na na
射 穿 离 别 的 诅 咒 oh na na na
Pierce through the curse of parting, oh na na na

xīn tiào pēng pēng pēng
心 跳 砰 砰 砰
The heart goes pit-a-pat

ài shì zhàn dòu de lǐ yóu oh na na na
爱 是 战 斗 的 理 由 oh na na na
Love is the reason to fight, oh na na na

xīn xián gǎn yīng jiā sù jiē tōng
心 弦 感 应 加 速 接 通
The heartstring quickly connects

píng háng shí kōng chū xiàn cǎi hóng oh na na na
平 行 时 空 出 现 彩 虹 oh na na na
Rainbow appears in the parallel universe, oh na na na

wǒ men zài shì jiè jìn tóu dìng huì xiè hòu oh na na na
我 们 在 世 界 尽 头 定 会 邂 逅 oh na na na
We will meet at the end of world, oh na na na

chuǎng rù mí wù mài kāi jiǎo bù
闯 入 迷 雾 迈 开 脚 步
Break into the mist, step forward

shì fàng wú xiàn kě néng
释 放 无 限 可 能
Release unlimited possibilities

jiàn yǔ pò zhèn yī jī zhì shèng
箭 雨 破 阵 一 击 制 胜
Break the battle formation with rain of arrows, win with one strike

wán měi luò dì zài zhuǎn shēn
完 美 落 地 再 转 身
Have a perfect landing, then turn around

yě yǒu wú zhù zhuì luò de shí fèn
也 有 无 助 坠 落 的 时 分
There’s also time when I was helpless and falling

yě céng jīng wú bǐ kě wàng nǐ yǎn shén
也 曾 经 无 比 渴 望 你 眼 神
I also used to long for your eye contact more than ever

gào sù wǒ bú shì yī gè rén
告 诉 我 不 是 一 个 人
Tell me I’m not alone

You you you are my partner

You are destined to be my partner

gōng jiàn shì fàng chū de jiān rèn
弓 箭 释 放 出 的 坚 韧
The firmness released by bow

shì zì yóu de líng hún
是 自 由 的 灵 魂
is the soul of freedom

měi gè yīn fú de kuì zèng
每 个 音 符 的 馈 赠
The gift of every note

wǒ wéi nǐ jiàn zhèng
我 为 你 见 证
I’ll witness for you

You are my partner

péi nǐ chōng chōng chōng
陪 你 冲 冲 冲
Accompany you, go, go, go

shè chuān lí bié de zǔ zhòu oh na na na
射 穿 离 别 的 诅 咒 oh na na na
Pierce through the curse of parting, oh na na na

xīn tiào pēng pēng pēng
心 跳 砰 砰 砰
The heart goes pit-a-pat

ài shì zhàn dòu de lǐ yóu oh na na na
爱 是 战 斗 的 理 由 oh na na na
Love is the reason to fight, oh na na na

xīn xián gǎn yīng jiā sù jiē tōng
心 弦 感 应 加 速 接 通
The heartstring quickly connects

píng háng shí kōng chū xiàn cǎi hóng oh na na na
平 行 时 空 出 现 彩 虹 oh na na na
Rainbow appears in the parallel universe, oh na na na

wǒ men zài shì jiè jìn tóu dìng huì xiè hòu oh na na na
我 们 在 世 界 尽 头 定 会 邂 逅 oh na na na
We will meet at the end of world, oh na na na

zhàn zài lǚ chéng zhōng zhāng huí móu
站 在 旅 程 终 章 回 眸
Look back at the final chapter of the journey

gǎn zhī dào nǐ zài shēn hòu
感 知 到 你 在 身 后
I sense you are behind me

yuán lái wǒ yī lù zhuī suí de
原 来 我 一 路 追 随 的
Turns out what I’ve been following all along

yě shì nǐ zuò de mèng
也 是 你 做 的 梦
is also your dream

You are my partner

You are destined to be my partner

péi nǐ chōng chōng chōng
陪 你 冲 冲 冲
Accompany you, go, go, go

chōng chū hēi yè de zhǎng kòng oh na na na
冲 出 黑 夜 的 掌 控 oh na na na
Break out the control of dark night

xīn tiào pēng pēng pēng
心 跳 砰 砰 砰
The heart goes pit-a-pat

ài shì shèng lì de zǒng gōng oh na na na
爱 是 胜 利 的 总 攻 oh na na na
Love is the general offensive of victory, oh na na na

xīn xián gǎn yīng zhào huàn zhòng féng
心 弦 感 应 召 唤 重 逢
Heartstring senses and calls for reunion

qíng jié lǜ dòng yǒu nǐ dú dǒng oh na na na
情 结 律 动 有 你 读 懂 oh na na na
The love beats in rhythm, you will understand, oh na na na

wǒ men zài shì jiè jìn tóu jǐn jǐn xiàng yōng oh na na na
我 们 在 世 界 尽 头 紧 紧 相 拥 oh na na na
We hug tightly at the end of world, oh na na na

wǒ yuàn wéi nǐ shǒu hòu
我 愿 为 你 守 候
I’m willing to wait for you


Covers & Versions of “Partner”

MV Version

Chords of “Partner”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Partner”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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