June 29, 2024
One Word For A Thousand Years一言千年(Yi Yan Qian Nian) Kill the Monster OST By Elvis Wang Xi王晰

One Word For A Thousand Years一言千年(Yi Yan Qian Nian) Kill the Monster OST By Elvis Wang Xi王晰

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of One Word For A Thousand Years一言千年(Yi Yan Qian Nian) Kill the Monster OST By Elvis Wang Xi王晰

Info/About “One Word For A Thousand Years”

Song NameOne Word For A Thousand Years一言千年(Yi Yan Qian Nian)
Artist Elvis Wang Xi王晰
LyricistYi Tong
ComposerYan Xiaonan
Released 2020
Genre Pop; Soundtrack

Background Story of “One Word For A Thousand Years”

This song was the ending song of the Movie “Kill the Monster长安伏妖“, and it was released on December 30, 2020.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “One Word For A Thousand Years”

yī shǒu xiě jìn fēng liú yī yán qiān nián
一 手 写 尽 风 流 一 言 千 年
Wrote down all the romances in one hand, one word for a thousand years

wǒ chù mō shí guāng yí luò de yī shùn jiān
我 触 摸 时 光 遗 落 的 一 瞬 间
I thouch a moment left by time

yī zì yī sī zhī pàn yǒu tiān nǐ zài shēn biān
一 字 一 思 只 盼 有 天 你 在 身 边
One word for one thought, only wishing that you will be by my side one day

wǔ zhù le shāng kǒu què chēng bú zhù nà liú nián
捂 住 了 伤 口 却 撑 不 住 那 流 年
Cover up the wound, but can’t stop those fleeting years

yī shēng xiàng xǔ xiàng wàng yī yán qiān nián
一 生 相 许 相 望 一 言 千 年
Promise each other for a lifetime, one word for a thousand years

ruò lún huí gāi zài nǐ shì xiàn de biàn qiān
若 轮 回 该 在 你 视 线 的 变 迁
If reincarnation should change before your eyes

yīn qíng yuán quē zhuǎn shēn hái shì nà yī zhāng liǎn
阴 晴 圆 缺 转 身 还 是 那 一 张 脸
Wane or wax, turn around, it’s still that face

táo guò nǐ zhǐ jiān què táo bú guò nà tiáo xiàn
逃 过 你 指 尖 却 逃 不 过 那 条 线
Escape from your fingertip, but can’t escape that line

wú yuán wú yán
无 缘 无 言
No fate and no words

xiǎng xiàng nǐ lún kuò fēng yìn yī qiān nián
想 象 你 轮 廓 封 印 一 千 年
Imagine your outline is sealed for a thousand years

wàn yǔ qiān yán
万 语 千 言
Thousands of words to say

dāng nǐ lì jié shí wǒ piān zǒu sàn
当 你 历 劫 时 我 偏 走 散
When you experienced calamity, I was lost

fàng zhú tiān biān
放 逐 天 边
Exiled to the edge of sky

fēi yào fù tāng dǎo huǒ nǐ cái xiàng jiàn
非 要 赴 汤 蹈 火 你 才 相 见
Only by going through toughness, you can meet me

yī shì píng fán dēng huǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī shī sàn
一 世 平 凡 灯 火 奄 奄 一 息 失 散
One lifetime of being ordinary, the lamp is dim and scattered

yī shēng xiàng xǔ xiàng wàng yī yán qiān nián
一 生 相 许 相 望 一 言 千 年
Promise each other for a lifetime, one word for a thousand years

ruò lún huí gāi zài nǐ shì xiàn de biàn qiān
若 轮 回 该 在 你 视 线 的 变 迁
If reincarnation should change before your eyes

yīn qíng yuán quē zhuǎn shēn hái shì nà yī zhāng liǎn
阴 晴 圆 缺 转 身 还 是 那 一 张 脸
Wane or wax, turn around, it’s still that face

táo guò nǐ zhǐ jiān què táo bú guò nà tiáo xiàn
逃 过 你 指 尖 却 逃 不 过 那 条 线
Escape from your fingertip, but can’t escape that line

wú yuán wú yán
无 缘 无 言
No fate and no words

xiǎng xiàng nǐ lún kuò fēng yìn yī qiān nián
想 象 你 轮 廓 封 印 一 千 年
Imagine your outline is sealed for a thousand years

wàn yǔ qiān yán
万 语 千 言
Thousands of words to say

dāng nǐ lì jié shí wǒ piān zǒu sàn
当 你 历 劫 时 我 偏 走 散
When you experienced calamity, I was lost

fàng zhú tiān biān
放 逐 天 边
Exiled to the edge of sky

fēi yào fù tāng dǎo huǒ nǐ cái xiàng jiàn
非 要 赴 汤 蹈 火 你 才 相 见
Only by going through toughness, you can meet me

yī shì píng fán dēng huǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī shī sàn
一 世 平 凡 灯 火 奄 奄 一 息 失 散
One lifetime of being ordinary, the lamp is dim and scattered

suí xīn liú zhuǎn
随 心 流 转
Flow with heart

nǎ pà yī niàn zhī shèng yī jù jiù suàn
哪 怕 一 念 只 剩 一 句 就 算
Even if a thought only has one sentence left, it still counts

wàn yǔ qiān yán
万 语 千 言
Thousands of words to say

dāng nǐ lì jié shí wǒ piān zǒu sàn
当 你 历 劫 时 我 偏 走 散
When you experienced calamity, I was lost

huā fēi mǎn tiān
花 飞 满 天
Flowers fly in the sky

tái tóu kàn xīng yún huàn huà wèn cāng tiān
抬 头 看 星 云 幻 化 问 苍 天
Look up to the changing clouds of stars, ask the heaven

wàng duàn tiān biān
望 断 天 边
Gaze upon the edge of sky

dēng huǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī shī sàn
灯 火 奄 奄 一 息 失 散
The lamp is dim and scattered

wàng duàn tiān biān
望 断 天 边
Gaze upon the edge of sky

dēng huǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī shī sàn
灯 火 奄 奄 一 息 失 散
The lamp is dim and scattered


Covers & Versions of “One Word For A Thousand Years”

Lyrics Version

Chords of “One Word For A Thousand Years”


Download/MP3 of “One Word For A Thousand Years”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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