February 12, 2025
Your Moon (Lie to Love OST) By Ariel Ann安唯绫

Your Moon (Lie to Love OST) By Ariel Ann安唯绫

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Your Moon (Lie to Love OST) By Ariel Ann安唯绫

Info/About “Your Moon”

Song NameYour Moon
Artist Ariel Ann安唯绫
LyricistChen Huan
ComposerQiu Yancheng
Released 2021
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Your Moon”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Lie to Love良言写意“, and it was released on November 30, 2021.

“Lie to Love良言写意” Soundtrack Listing

Memory of Last Life寂静之忆Curley G希林娜依·高Opening Song
How Have You Been Lately你最近好吗 Silence Wang汪苏泷Ending Song
Because of YouLuo Yunxi罗云熙Interlude
There is Light in the Tree Hole树洞有光Li Runqi李润祺Interlude
Circle of LoveTien Chong张天Interlude
Underestimate The Enemy轻敌Chen Qidong陈琪东Interlude
Your MoonAriel Ann安唯绫Interlude
My Sun我的太阳Si Nan司南Interlude
Mrs. Right Rio Wang Rui汪睿Interlude
I Promise YouWei Fan范薇Interlude

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Your Moon”

Will you love me forever

I will love you forever

mò mò shǒu zài nǐ shēn biān wēn rè de guāng
默 默 守 在 你 身 边 温 热 的 光
Quietly guard by your side, feeling your warm light

mó fǎng zhe nǐ de mó yàng
模 仿 着 你 的 模 样
Imitating your way

yī wǎn yī wǎn zhào liàng
一 晚 一 晚 照 亮
Light up night after night

zhè shì jiè yè de huāng liáng
这 世 界 夜 的 荒 凉
In this world with desolate and cold nights

wǒ diàn zhe jiǎo jiān zhāng wàng
我 垫 着 脚 尖 张 望
I stand on my toes and look around

cháo nǐ zhù lì de dì fāng
朝 你 伫 立 的 地 方
Towards the direction where you stand

liǎn shàng dǎo yìng shì nǐ yào yǎn de guāng máng
脸 上 倒 映 是 你 耀 眼 的 光 芒
Reflected on my face is your shinny light

kàn nǐ kàn guò de yán sè chàng nǐ chàng guò de gē
看 你 看 过 的 颜 色 唱 你 唱 过 的 歌
Look at the color you looked at, sing the song you sang

I love you

nǐ tīng jiàn ma
你 听 见 吗
Can you hear it

You are my everything my everything

duō xiǎng gào sù nǐ
多 想 告 诉 你
I really want to tell you

I wanna be your moon

Always shining through

shǒu hù nǐ měi gè mí tú
守 护 你 每 个 迷 途
Guard you in every lost way

nǐ shì wǒ de héng xīng
你 是 我 的 恒 星
You are my star

yǒu nǐ de guǐ jì shì wǒ de jiān dìng
有 你 的 轨 迹 是 我 的 坚 定
Having your track is the source of my firmness

I wanna be your moon

zuò wǒ de guī shǔ my love
做 我 的 归 属 my love
Be my last home, my love

Will you love me forever

I will love you forever

mò mò shǒu zài nǐ shēn biān wēn rè de guāng
默 默 守 在 你 身 边 温 热 的 光
Quietly guard by your side, feeling your warm light

mó fǎng zhe nǐ de mó yàng
模 仿 着 你 的 模 样
Imitating your way

yī wǎn yī wǎn zhào liàng
一 晚 一 晚 照 亮
Light up night after night

zhè shì jiè yè de huāng liáng
这 世 界 夜 的 荒 凉
In this world with desolate and cold nights

wǒ diàn zhe jiǎo jiān zhāng wàng
我 垫 着 脚 尖 张 望
I stand on my toes and look around

cháo nǐ zhù lì de dì fāng
朝 你 伫 立 的 地 方
Towards the direction where you stand

liǎn shàng dǎo yìng shì nǐ yào yǎn de guāng máng
脸 上 倒 映 是 你 耀 眼 的 光 芒
Reflected on my face is your shinny light

kàn nǐ kàn guò de yán sè chàng nǐ chàng guò de gē
看 你 看 过 的 颜 色 唱 你 唱 过 的 歌
Look at the color you looked at, sing the song you sang

I love you

nǐ tīng jiàn ma
你 听 见 吗
Can you here it

You are my everything my everything

duō xiǎng gào sù nǐ
多 想 告 诉 你
I really want to tell you

I wanna be your moon

Always shining through

shǒu hù nǐ měi gè mí tú
守 护 你 每 个 迷 途
Guard you in every lost way

nǐ shì wǒ de héng xīng
你 是 我 的 恒 星
You are my star

yǒu nǐ de guǐ jì shì wǒ de jiān dìng
有 你 的 轨 迹 是 我 的 坚 定
Having your track is the source of my firmness

I wanna be your moon

zuò wǒ de guī shǔ my love
做 我 的 归 属 my love
Be my last home, my love


Covers & Versions of “Your Moon”

Lyrics Video

Indo sub version

Chords of “Your Moon”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Your Moon”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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