February 12, 2025
Withdrawal Reaction戒断反应(Jie Duan Fan Ying) I Am Nobody OST By Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 & GANNIX曹其浪 & Jiang Peiyao姜珮瑶

Withdrawal Reaction戒断反应(Jie Duan Fan Ying) I Am Nobody OST By Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 & GANNIX曹其浪 & Jiang Peiyao姜珮瑶

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Withdrawal Reaction戒断反应(Jie Duan Fan Ying) I Am Nobody OST By Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 & GANNIX曹其浪 & Jiang Peiyao姜珮瑶

Info/About “Withdrawal Reaction”

Song NameWithdrawal Reaction戒断反应(Jie Duan Fan Ying)
Artist Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 & GANNIX曹其浪 & Jiang Peiyao姜珮瑶
Released 2023
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Withdrawal Reaction”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “I Am Nobody异人之下“, and it was released on September 19, 2023. There are three versions, one was performed by GANNIX曹其浪 (also the writer and composer of this song), one was performed by Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 (an actor in this drama) and the other duet version performed by Bi Wenjun毕雯珺 & Jiang Peiyao姜珮瑶.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Withdrawal Reaction”


yī zhěng yè
一 整 夜
An entire noisy night

xuān nào zhe wú liáo hé fá wèi
喧 闹 着 无 聊 和 乏 味
is full of boringness

cāi bú tòu de shì nǐ wēn róu hé chán mián
猜 不 透 的 是 你 温 柔 和 缠 绵
What I can’t guess is that you are gentle and lingering

xiǎng xiàng zhe nǐ lí kāi de shì jiè wǒ lí kāi de shì jiè
想 象 着 你 离 开 的 世 界 我 离 开 的 世 界
I think about the world you leave, the world I leave

yī zhěng yè
一 整 夜
For an entire night

dēng huǒ xī miè
灯 火 熄 灭
The lights go out

yòng kā fēi yíng zào de huàn jiào
用 咖 啡 营 造 的 幻 觉
using the illusion created by coffee

xiǎng niàn jiá zá yūn xuàn wǒ yǐ bú xiǎng zài le jiě
想 念 夹 杂 晕 眩 我 已 不 想 再 了 解
Yearning is mixed with dizziness, I no longer want to understand

táo lí chū wēi xiǎn biān yuán yòu zài lún xiàn
逃 离 出 危 险 边 缘 又 再 沦 陷
I flee from the edge of danger and fall again

fēi é pū huǒ de zī tài
飞 蛾 扑 火 的 姿 态
A moth flies into the flame

zhèn chì diǎn rán màn tiān chén āi
振 翅 点 燃 漫 天 尘 埃
fluttering its wings and igniting the dust int the sky

tiān xuán dì zhuǎn zhuì luò
天 旋 地 转 坠 落
The world spins and falls

jiè duàn fǎn yīng rú làng cháo pū xiàng wǒ
戒 断 反 应 如 浪 潮 扑 向 我
the withdrawal reaction rushes towards me like a wave

yù wàng chuān suō de shí dài shì fǒu yī rán
欲 望 穿 梭 的 时 代 是 否 依 然
In the era when desire travels

jiāng wǒ zhēn xīn dōu yōng yǒu
将 我 真 心 都 拥 有
will you still own my heart

néng fǒu jiù bǎ wǒ dài zǒu
能 否 就 把 我 带 走
Can you just take me away


yī zhěng yè
一 整 夜
An entire noisy night

fàng zhú le jì mò de zī wèi
放 逐 了 寂 寞 的 滋 味
The feeling of loneliness is banished

bú tíng wǎng hòu tuì shì wǒ wú zhǐ jìng dǐ xiàn
不 停 往 后 退 是 我 无 止 境 底 线
Continuously retreating is my bottom line

jì suàn zhe nǐ lí kāi de shí jiān
计 算 着 你 离 开 的 时 间
I calculate your leaving time

wǒ lí kāi de shí jiān
我 离 开 的 时 间
and my leaving time

gū zhù yī zhì jiāng wǒ qù làng fèi
孤 注 一 掷 将 我 去 浪 费
You put all your effort into wasting me

fēi é pū huǒ de zī tài
飞 蛾 扑 火 的 姿 态
A moth flies into the flame

zhèn chì diǎn rán màn tiān chén āi
振 翅 点 燃 漫 天 尘 埃
fluttering its wings and igniting the dust int the sky

tiān xuán dì zhuǎn zhuì luò
天 旋 地 转 坠 落
The world spins and falls

jiè duàn fǎn yīng rú làng cháo pū xiàng wǒ
戒 断 反 应 如 浪 潮 扑 向 我
the withdrawal reaction rushes towards me like a wave

yù wàng chuān suō de shí dài
欲 望 穿 梭 的 时 代
In the era when desire travels

shì fǒu yī rán jiāng wǒ zhēn xīn dōu yōng yǒu
是 否 依 然 将 我 真 心 都 拥 有
will you still own my heart

néng fǒu jiù bǎ wǒ dài zǒu
能 否 就 把 我 带 走
Can you just take me away

fēi é pū huǒ de zī tài
飞 蛾 扑 火 的 姿 态
A moth flies into the flame

zhèn chì diǎn rán màn tiān chén āi
振 翅 点 燃 漫 天 尘 埃
fluttering its wings and igniting the dust int the sky

tiān xuán dì zhuǎn zhuì luò
天 旋 地 转 坠 落
The world spins and falls

jiè duàn fǎn yīng
戒 断 反 应
the withdrawal reaction

rú làng cháo pū xiàng wǒ
如 浪 潮 扑 向 我
rushes towards me like a wave

yù wàng chuān suō de shí dài
欲 望 穿 梭 的 时 代
In the era when desire travels

shì fǒu yī rán jiāng wǒ zhēn xīn dōu yōng yǒu
是 否 依 然 将 我 真 心 都 拥 有
will you still own my heart

néng fǒu jiù bǎ wǒ dài zǒu
能 否 就 把 我 带 走
Can you just take me away

néng fǒu zài wéi wǒ tíng liú
能 否 再 为 我 停 留
Can you stay for me again

Covers & Versions of “Withdrawal Reaction”

MV Version (duet version)

Eng sub version

GANNIX Version

MM sub version

Live performance

Live performance of the duet version

Thai sub version

Chords of “Withdrawal Reaction”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “Withdrawal Reaction”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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