February 12, 2025
Unrelated to Kindness无关善良(Wu Guan Shan Liang) Scarlet Heart Season 2 OST By Victor Wong品冠

Unrelated to Kindness无关善良(Wu Guan Shan Liang) Scarlet Heart Season 2 OST By Victor Wong品冠

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Unrelated to Kindness无关善良(Wu Guan Shan Liang) Scarlet Heart Season 2 OST By Victor Wong品冠

Info/About “Unrelated to Kindness”

Song NameUnrelated to Kindness无关善良(Wu Guan Shan Liang)
Artist Victor Wong品冠
LyricistChen Weiling/Huang Ting
ComposerChen Weiling
Released 2014
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “Unrelated to Kindness”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Scarlet Heart Season 2步步惊情“, and it was released on April 11, 2014.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Unrelated to Kindness”

zhěng gè fáng jiān ,xiǎn dé kōng kōng dàng dàng
整 个 房 间 ,显 得 空 空 荡 荡
The whole room feels empty

jìn guǎn nǐ jiù zài ,jiù zài wǒ shēn páng
尽 管 你 就 在 ,就 在 我 身 旁
Even though you’re here, right beside me

bàn kāi bàn yǎn de mén chuāng ,tòu jìn wēi ruò yī shù guāng
半 开 半 掩 的 门 窗 ,透 进 微 弱 一 束 光
The half-open windows let in a weak beam of light

zhào bú liàng nèi xīn àn dàn ,shuō bú chū yuán liàng
照 不 亮 内 心 黯 淡 ,说 不 出 原 谅
Unable to illuminate the darkness within, unable to utter forgiveness

zhōng jiū huǐ le ,zhè duàn měi hǎo shí guāng
终 究 毁 了 ,这 段 美 好 时 光
In the end, I ruined this beautiful time

zhōng jiū méi néng gòu ,yī lù dào tiān zhǎng
终 究 没 能 够 ,一 路 到 天 长
In the end, we were unable to go all the way to forever

shuí shuō rén shēng xiàng hǎi yáng ,róng dé xià wú jìn bēi shāng
谁 说 人 生 像 海 洋 ,容 得 下 无 尽 悲 伤
Who said life’s like an ocean, able to accommodate endless sorrow?

shuí de rén shēng shì yǒng héng de kuài lè tiān táng
谁 的 人 生 是 永 恒 的 快 乐 天 堂
Whose life is an eternal paradise of happiness?

ài yǔ bú ài ,wú guān shàn liáng
爱 与 不 爱 ,无 关 善 良
Love and not love, not related to kindness

shuí yòu huì kè yì bǎ duì fāng nòng shāng
谁 又 会 刻 意 把 对 方 弄 伤
Who would deliberately hurt the other?

kě xī wǒ men zǒng yǒu tài duō yù wàng
可 惜 我 们 总 有 太 多 欲 望
It’s a pity we always have too many desires

ràng chī kuáng biàn chāng kuáng
让 痴 狂 变 猖 狂
Making our obsession become a frenzy

hèn yǔ bú hèn wú guān shàn liáng
恨 与 不 恨 无 关 善 良
Hatred and not hatred, not related to kindness

wú guān shuí gèng lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
无 关 谁 更 理 直 气 壮
Not related to who is more justified

hái hěn tòng shì yīn wéi hái niàn niàn bú wàng
还 很 痛 是 因 为 还 念 念 不 忘
It still hurts because I can’t forget

néng gěi nǐ de ,cóng lái jiù méi lìn sè
能 给 你 的 ,从 来 就 没 吝 啬
What I could give you, I never held back

néng wéi nǐ zuò de ,yě dōu nǔ lì le
能 为 你 做 的 ,也 都 努 力 了
What I could do for you, I tried my best

fàng xià jiū jié hé lā chě ,huò xǔ cái néng gèng qīng chè
放 下 纠 结 和 拉 扯 ,或 许 才 能 更 清 澈
Letting go of the entanglement and pulling, perhaps only then can we be clearer

wǒ men yǐ jīng huí bú qù ,cóng qián de kuài lè
我 们 已 经 回 不 去 ,从 前 的 快 乐
We can no longer go back to the happiness of before

ài yǔ bú ài ,wú guān shàn liáng
爱 与 不 爱 ,无 关 善 良
Love and not love, not related to kindness

shuí yòu huì kè yì bǎ duì fāng nòng shāng
谁 又 会 刻 意 把 对 方 弄 伤
Who would deliberately hurt the other?

kě xī wǒ men zǒng yǒu tài duō yù wàng
可 惜 我 们 总 有 太 多 欲 望
It’s a pity we always have too many desires

ràng chī kuáng biàn chāng kuáng
让 痴 狂 变 猖 狂
Making our obsession become a frenzy

hèn yǔ bú hèn wú guān shàn liáng
恨 与 不 恨 无 关 善 良
Hatred and not hatred, not related to kindness

wú guān shuí gèng lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
无 关 谁 更 理 直 气 壮
Not related to who is more justified

hái hěn tòng shì yīn wéi hái niàn niàn bú wàng
还 很 痛 是 因 为 还 念 念 不 忘
It still hurts because I can’t forget

xiǎng dì jiǔ tiān zhǎng ,zǒng hǎo jǐng bú cháng
想 地 久 天 长 ,总 好 景 不 常
Wanting it to last forever, but good things never last

céng jīng wēn nuǎn bǐ cǐ de yǎn guāng ,biàn dé rú cǐ huāng liáng
曾 经 温 暖 彼 此 的 眼 光 ,变 得 如 此 荒 凉
The eyes that once warmed each other, have become so desolate

qīn shǒu wéi nǐ zhuāng yī shuāng huì fēi de chì bǎng
亲 手 为 你 装 一 双 会 飞 的 翅 膀
With my own hands, I fitted you with wings that could fly

shuí dài zhe nǐ shàn zì yuǎn yáng
谁 带 着 你 擅 自 远 洋
Who led you to sail far away without permission?

shuí dài wǒ táo lí zhè xiàn chǎng
谁 带 我 逃 离 这 现 场
Who brought me to escape this scene?

ài yǔ bú ài ,wú guān shàn liáng
爱 与 不 爱 ,无 关 善 良
Love and not love, not related to kindness

shuí yòu huì kè yì bǎ duì fāng nòng shāng
谁 又 会 刻 意 把 对 方 弄 伤
Who would deliberately hurt the other?

kě xī wǒ men zǒng yǒu tài duō yù wàng
可 惜 我 们 总 有 太 多 欲 望
It’s a pity we always have too many desires

ràng chī kuáng biàn chāng kuáng
让 痴 狂 变 猖 狂
Making our obsession become a frenzy

hèn yǔ bú hèn wú guān shàn liáng
恨 与 不 恨 无 关 善 良
Hatred and not hatred, not related to kindness

wú guān shuí gèng lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
无 关 谁 更 理 直 气 壮
Not related to who is more justified

hái hěn tòng shì yīn wéi hái niàn niàn bú wàng
还 很 痛 是 因 为 还 念 念 不 忘
It still hurts because I can’t forget


Covers & Versions of “Unrelated to Kindness”

Audio Version

MV Version

Live performance in 2014

Piano Cover

Chords of “Unrelated to Kindness”


Download/MP3 of “Unrelated to Kindness”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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