February 15, 2025
Trapped in a Circle画地为牢(Hua Di Wei Lao) By Ye Li叶里 & Yunno Qi云の泣

Trapped in a Circle画地为牢(Hua Di Wei Lao) By Ye Li叶里 & Yunno Qi云の泣

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Trapped in a Circle画地为牢(Hua Di Wei Lao) By Ye Li叶里 & Yunno Qi云の泣

Info/About “Trapped in a Circle”

Song NameTrapped in a Circle画地为牢(Hua Di Wei Lao)
Artist Ye Li叶里 & Yunno Qi云の泣
LyricistJin Yi Xiao Peng You
ComposerJin Yi Xiao Peng You
Released 2015
Genre Pop

Background Story of “Trapped in a Circle”

This song was released on November 19, 2015.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Trapped in a Circle”

xì yǔ piāo bó tiān dì yī shēn luò tuò
细 雨 漂 泊 天 地 一 身 落 拓
In drifting rains, between heaven and earth’s a world in desolation

xī yáng gōu lǚ zhào zhe tàng bú guò de hé
夕 阳 佝 偻 照 着 趟 不 过 的 河
The crippled sunset reflects upon an uncrossable river

fēng yè zǒu zài hóng chén wěi shēng yóu zhēn zhuó
枫 叶 走 在 红 尘 尾 声 犹 斟 酌
A maple leaf trails at the end of mortal’s dust

yú huī shēn jiān xuè sè chéng nuò
余 晖 深 缄 血 色 承 诺
Lingering rays of dusk seal this promise of blood

jiān shàng guān mù xī xū zhōu shēn shà qì jīng háng kè
肩 上 棺 木 唏 嘘 周 身 煞 气 惊 行 客
The coffin upon my shoulder a point of lament, the ghastly aura around me startles passerbys

lín hǎi huǎng hū chàng yī jīn wū yān jiù gē
林 海 恍 惚 唱 一 襟 呜 咽 旧 歌
The sea of forest seems to sing an old song in sobs

gū yún yì bù yì qū jǐ diǎn wū yā fēi guò
孤 云 亦 步 亦 趋 几 点 乌 鸦 飞 过
A lone cloud follows my pace, a few spots of crows soar by

jiā guǒ bú hé yǎn zhí zhe lún wéi xīn tóu chén kē
挟 裹 不 阖 眼 执 着 沦 为 心 头 沉 痾
Bringing with me this grievance I’ll hold unto death, a plague weighing upon my heart

xī shí táo rán cūn shě kōng shèng xiē guǐ mèi jiāo bó
昔 时 陶 然 村 舍 空 剩 些 鬼 魅 交 驳
A merry village in the past, left only with clashes between ghosts

lǐ dù cháo mù dìng gé zài wàn lài jìng mò
李 渡 朝 暮 定 格 在 万 籁 静 默
Night or day, the city stilled in perpetual silence

gòng yǐn yī wān jiāng shuǐ jìng shì yīn yáng xiàng gé
共 饮 一 弯 江 水 竟 是 阴 阳 相 隔
Drinking from the same bend of the river, yet separated by the realms of life and death

yíng huǒ jiāng mò de nà shùn kě yuàn rán gǔ bá shè
萤 火 将 殁 的 那 瞬 可 愿 燃 骨 跋 涉
When comes the moment of demise, I shall willingly embark on this excruciating journey

bō kāi hún dùn rén cháo pà tīng dé
拨 开 混 沌 人 潮 怕 听 得
Jostling through the indistinct crowd, I fear most to hear

lái zhě liàng qiāng sī yǎ kū zhe hǎn diē diē
来 者 踉 跄 嘶 哑 哭 着 喊 爹 爹
The one who comes stumbling, in a hoarse voice, with cries of “father”

tiān dì jiān má mù qū ké bàn shēng lí hé
天 地 间 麻 木 躯 壳 半 生 离 合
Between heaven and earth, this numb shell has seen half a lifetime of partings

yuǎn fāng bǎi jiā dēng huǒ nǎ zhǎn shǔ yú wǒ
远 方 百 家 灯 火 哪 盏 属 于 我
Hundreds of lantern lights from homes in the distance, which belongs to me?

ruò néng láo láo zuàn zhù nǐ hún pò
若 能 牢 牢 攥 住 你 魂 魄
If only I could tightly hold on to your soul

yā fā zuò jiān tóu chàng yún hé huā de gē
鸦 发 坐 肩 头 唱 云 和 花 的 歌
Have you, the young one with dark hair, sit upon my shoulders, singing of the clouds and flowers

ān rán zhǎng chū rú wǒ bān zhǎng xīn mò luò
安 然 长 出 如 我 般 掌 心 脉 络
And grow out the lines on your palm, ones like mine

tà biàn rì yuè xīng chén yǔ duō qíng shān hé
踏 遍 日 月 星 辰 与 多 情 山 河
I’ll go as far as the bodies of heaven, and the earth with all its sentimentality

mù jí lù biān fén zhǒng rú qiān wàn hún dēng cuò luò
目 极 路 边 坟 冢 如 千 万 魂 灯 错 落
To look upon graves by the roadside, like millions of soullights strewn

shǎo nián lǎo zhě bái gǔ biàn dì wèi tū jiù
少 年 老 者 白 骨 遍 地 喂 秃 鹫
Young and old, their scattered bones feed the vultures

bì jiāng yǐ shēn tuō bō dài nǐ shǒu rèn zuì è
必 将 以 身 托 钵 代 你 手 刃 罪 恶
I will offer up my body in devotion, and exterminate this evil in your place

huàn yī shēng wú hái wú cháng yǔ shān hé qīng miáo mó
唤 一 声 吾 孩 无 常 予 山 河 轻 描 摹
To call upon my child’s name, giving the world but the lightest regard

shì suì chén hūn diān dǎo qián kūn xǐ jiàn shā xiāo mó
是 岁 晨 昏 颠 倒 乾 坤 洗 剑 杀 消 磨
Dusk or dawn I give it no mind, my blade washed in murder to pass time

xuè qīn lù rén zǎo wǎn xiàng fù huáng quán yuē
血 亲 路 人 早 晚 相 赴 黄 泉 约
Blood relatives or passerbys, will someday fulfill the promise to meet in the afterlife

gān qiú huí yì zhī láo tiān yá běn wú jì suǒ
甘 囚 回 忆 之 牢 天 涯 本 无 寄 所
I’ll gladly be imprisoned in my memories, since there is no respite for me till the ends of the world

shì rén jiān dì yù wèi kōng píng shēng bú dé chéng fó
誓 人 间 地 狱 未 空 平 生 不 得 成 佛
To vow that as long as this hell upon earth have not been emptied, I’ll never transcend to godhood

bō kāi hún dùn rén cháo pà tīng dé
拨 开 混 沌 人 潮 怕 听 得
Jostling through the indistinct crowd, I fear most to hear

lái zhě liàng qiāng sī yǎ kū zhe hǎn diē diē
来 者 踉 跄 嘶 哑 哭 着 喊 爹 爹
The one who comes stumbling, in a hoarse voice, with cries of “father”

tiān dì jiān má mù qū ké bàn shēng lí hé
天 地 间 麻 木 躯 壳 半 生 离 合
Between heaven and earth, this numb shell has seen half a lifetime of partings

yuǎn fāng bǎi jiā dēng huǒ zài wú shǔ yú wǒ
远 方 百 家 灯 火 再 无 属 于 我
Hundreds of lantern lights from homes in the distance, will never again belong to me

ruò néng láo láo zuàn zhù nǐ hún pò
若 能 牢 牢 攥 住 你 魂 魄
If only I could tightly hold on to your soul

yā fā zuò jiān tóu chàng yún hé huā de gē
鸦 发 坐 肩 头 唱 云 和 花 的 歌
Have you, the young one with dark hair, sit upon my shoulders, singing of the clouds and flowers

ān rán zhǎng chū rú wǒ bān zhǎng xīn mò luò
安 然 长 出 如 我 般 掌 心 脉 络
And grow out the lines on your palm, ones like mine

ér jīn mù qián péng cǎo lì lì rú xīn yě
而 今 墓 前 蓬 草 历 历 如 新 也
Yet now the grasses before the grave, seem as fresh as new


Covers & Versions of “Trapped in a Circle”

Vietsub version

1 hour loop version

Instrumental version

Cover by 森森鈴蘭 Linglan Lily、烘嗓音樂 @homesoundmusic ​

Piano Cover

Chords of “Trapped in a Circle”


Download/MP3 of “Trapped in a Circle”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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