Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of Tower of Happiness and Sorrow悲喜楼(Bei Xi Lou) Listening Snow Tower OST By Mickey He Shengming何晟铭
Info/About “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
Song Name | Tower of Happiness and Sorrow悲喜楼(Bei Xi Lou) |
Artist | Mickey He Shengming何晟铭 |
Lyricist | Duan Sisi |
Composer | Tan Xuan |
Released | 2019 |
Genre | Pop/Soundtrack |
Language | Mandarin |
Background Story of “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
This song was the ending song of the TV Series “Listening Snow Tower听雪楼“, and it was released on April 9, 2019.

“Listening Snow Tower听雪楼” Soundtrack Listing
Tower of Happiness and Sorrow悲喜楼 | Mickey He Shengming何晟铭 | Ending Song |
Because of Wind因风起 | Juno Su Shiding苏诗丁 | Interlude |
Embroidered Zither锦瑟 | Qin Junjie秦俊杰 & Yuan Bingyan袁冰妍 | Interlude |
Heartless Yet Considerate无情有思 | Jin Runji(A Run)金润吉 | Interlude |
Blood Rose血薇 | Ye Xuanqing叶炫清 | Interlude |
Shadow of Sunset夕影 | Alex Xiao萧忆情 | Interlude |
Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
rù le bēi xǐ de mén dāng le sú shì de rén
入 了 悲 喜 的 门 当 了 俗 世 的 人
Once I enter the gate of happiness and sorrow, this is the so-called mortal realm
diǎn zhe ēn yuàn de dēng wǒ shì tǔ shì chén
点 着 恩 怨 的 灯 我 是 土 是 尘
Just like lighting a lamp of gratitude and grudges, I am noting but a dust, a soil
lái shí jié rán yī shēn qù yě jié rán yī shēn
来 时 孑 然 一 身 去 也 孑 然 一 身
Came to the world alone, and leave this world alone
táng zhōng huí yì de dèng àn zì pù chén
堂 中 回 忆 的 凳 暗 自 铺 陈
Sitting in the center hall of memory, trying to arrange my pieces (of memory) in detail
liáng báo rén jiān yī zuò bēi xǐ lóu
凉 薄 人 间 一 座 悲 喜 楼
Among the cold-hearted people and one tower of happiness and sorrow
píng lán jìn chù qī qī bái yī shòu
凭 栏 尽 处 戚 戚 白 衣 瘦
Leaning on the last railing, wearing a thin white robe
shuí bù bù huí tóu què dào fú shēng yī jiù
谁 步 步 回 头 却 道 浮 生 依 旧
Step by step I turn back, but it’s still a road of illusion
xuè yǔ xīng fēng sī niàn zěn me tōu
血 雨 腥 风 思 念 怎 么 偷
Even under foul wind and bloody rain, I am still yearning for her
yǐn yī zhōng jiāng hú chuī de fēng wēi xián
饮 一 盅 江 湖 吹 的 风 微 咸
Tasted the miseries in this life
pǐn yī kǒu liú nián xià de xuě wēi tián
品 一 口 流 年 下 的 雪 微 甜
Savored the snowy sweetness in the fleeting time
mìng yùn tā rú dāo guāng rú lì jiàn bú mǐn fēng yuè
命 运 它 如 刀 光 如 利 剑 不 悯 风 月
My fate is like a stroke of blade, a sharp sword that mercilessly cut off all romances
jiào shí jiān yī yī dào pò le zhí niàn
叫 时 间 一 一 道 破 了 执 念
Let the time break my obsessions one by one
rù le bēi xǐ de mén dāng le sú shì de rén
入 了 悲 喜 的 门 当 了 俗 世 的 人
Once I enter the gate of happiness and sorrow, this is the so-called mortal realm
diǎn zhe ēn yuàn de dēng wǒ shì tǔ shì chén
点 着 恩 怨 的 灯 我 是 土 是 尘
Just like lighting a lamp of gratitude and grudges, I am noting but a dust, a soil
lái shí jié rán yī shēn qù yě jié rán yī shēn
来 时 孑 然 一 身 去 也 孑 然 一 身
Came to the world alone, and leave this world alone
táng zhōng huí yì de dèng àn zì pù chén
堂 中 回 忆 的 凳 暗 自 铺 陈
Sitting in the center hall of memory, trying to arrange my pieces (of memory) in detail
liáng báo rén jiān yī zuò bēi xǐ lóu
凉 薄 人 间 一 座 悲 喜 楼
Among the cold-hearted people and one tower of happiness and sorrow
píng lán jìn chù qī qī bái yī shòu
凭 栏 尽 处 戚 戚 白 衣 瘦
Leaning on the last railing, wearing a thin white robe
shuí bù bù huí tóu què dào fú shēng yī jiù
谁 步 步 回 头 却 道 浮 生 依 旧
Step by step I turn back, but it’s still a road of illusion
xuè yǔ xīng fēng sī niàn zěn me tōu
血 雨 腥 风 思 念 怎 么 偷
Even under foul wind and bloody rain, I am still yearning for her
yǐn yī zhōng jiāng hú chuī de fēng wēi xián
饮 一 盅 江 湖 吹 的 风 微 咸
Tasted the miseries in this life
pǐn yī kǒu liú nián xià de xuě wēi tián
品 一 口 流 年 下 的 雪 微 甜
Savored the snowy sweetness in the fleeting time
mìng yùn tā rú dāo guāng rú lì jiàn bú mǐn fēng yuè
命 运 它 如 刀 光 如 利 剑 不 悯 风 月
My fate is like a stroke of blade, a sharp sword that mercilessly cut off all romances
jiào shí jiān yī yī dào pò le zhí niàn
叫 时 间 一 一 道 破 了 执 念
Let the time break my obsessions one by one
zài tiān shàng luò guò lèi de yuè shì xuè
在 天 上 落 过 泪 的 月 嗜 血
The moon above ever cried, saw the bloodthirst under
zài xīn lǐ xià guò xuě de rén lǐn liè
在 心 里 下 过 雪 的 人 凛 冽
The heart of a person that ever endured winter, a biting cold
yuàn huà zuò jué liè dāo zhū xīn jiàn zhàn jì mò huāng yuán
愿 化 作 决 裂 刀 诛 心 剑 战 寂 寞 荒 原
Wish I could become a sharp blade with a will of sword to end the lonely wilderness
yě yào dù shì jiān chén lóu zhōng rén jiǎo jié
也 要 渡 世 间 尘 楼 中 人 皎 洁
Still, I have to cross the mundane world away from the people in the bright tower
Covers & Versions of “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
Audio Version
Eng sub version
Vietsub version
Thai sub version
MV Version
Chords of “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
Download/MP3 of “Tower of Happiness and Sorrow”
Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you
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