Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of To Youth致青春(Zhi Qing Chun) So Young OST By Faye Wong王菲
Info/About “To Youth”
Song Name | To Youth致青春(Zhi Qing Chun) |
Artist | Faye Wong王菲 |
Lyricist | Li Qiang |
Composer | Dou Peng |
Released | 2013 |
Genre | Pop/Soundtrack |
Language | Mandarin |
Background Story of “To Youth”
This song was the theme song of the Movie “So Young致我们终将逝去的青春“, and it was released on April 16, 2013.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “To Youth”
tā bú jī de liǎn xiàng tiān sè jiāng wǎn
他 不 羁 的 脸 像 天 色 将 晚
His unruly face was like the darkening sky
tā xǐ guò de fā xiàng xīn zhōng huǒ yàn
她 洗 过 的 发 像 心 中 火 焰
Her fragrant hair was like a heart of flames
duǎn zàn de kuáng huān yǐ wéi yī shēng mián yán
短 暂 的 狂 欢 以 为 一 生 绵 延
Mistaking a moment’s frenzy for a lifetime
màn zhǎng de gào bié shì qīng chūn shèng yàn
漫 长 的 告 别 是 青 春 盛 宴
The feast of youth is one long-winded goodbye
wǒ dōng yè de shǒu xiàng gǔn tàng de shì yán
我 冬 夜 的 手 像 滚 烫 的 誓 言
My freezing hand was like a burning oath
nǐ shǎn shuò de yǎn xiàng cuì ruò de xìn niàn
你 闪 烁 的 眼 像 脆 弱 的 信 念
Your twinkling eyes were like a feeble belief
tān liàn de suì yuè bèi wú qíng cháng hái
贪 恋 的 岁 月 被 无 情 偿 还
The possessive years are ruthlessly repaid
jiāo zòng de xīn xìng yǐ yān xiāo yún sàn
骄 纵 的 心 性 已 烟 消 云 散
Indulgent pride has since gone up in smoke
fēng le lèi le tòng le rén jiān xǐ jù
疯 了 累 了 痛 了 人 间 喜 剧
We’ve raved, tired, ached ‘Tis life’s comedy
xiào le jiào le zǒu le qīng chūn lí qí
笑 了 叫 了 走 了 青 春 离 奇
We’ve laughed, screamed, departed ‘Tis youth’s mystery
liáng chén měi jǐng nài hé tiān wéi shuí xīn kǔ wéi shuí tián
良 辰 美 景 奈 何 天 为 谁 辛 苦 为 谁 甜
Beautiful times come and go, they labor for no one
zhè nián huá qīng sè shì qù què bié yǒu dòng tiān
这 年 华 青 涩 逝 去 却 别 有 洞 天
The green years have passed away, Yet another pastime awaits
liáng chén měi jǐng nài hé tiān wéi shuí xīn kǔ wéi shuí tián
良 辰 美 景 奈 何 天 为 谁 辛 苦 为 谁 甜
Beautiful times come and go, they labor for no one
zhè nián huá qīng sè shì qù míng bái le shí jiān
这 年 华 青 涩 逝 去 明 白 了 时 间
The green years have passed away. We’ve learnt the meaning of time
fēng le lèi le tòng le rén jiān xǐ jù
疯 了 累 了 痛 了 人 间 喜 剧
We’ve raved, tired, ached ‘Tis life’s comedy
xiào le jiào le zǒu le qīng chūn lí qí
笑 了 叫 了 走 了 青 春 离 奇
We’ve laughed, screamed, departed ‘Tis youth’s mystery
Covers & Versions of “To Youth”
MV Version
English Lyrics Video
Spanish sub version
Cover by Gong Linna龚琳娜 (Live)
Guzheng Cover
Chords of “To Youth”
Download/MP3 of “To Youth”
Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you
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