February 15, 2025
The Truth真相(Zhen Xiang) Guardian Angel OST By A-Lin黄丽玲

The Truth真相(Zhen Xiang) Guardian Angel OST By A-Lin黄丽玲

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Truth真相(Zhen Xiang) Guardian Angel OST By A-Lin黄丽玲

Info/About “The Truth”

Song NameThe Truth真相(Zhen Xiang)
Artist A-Lin黄丽玲
LyricistLin Qiao; Liu Enxun
ComposerJCY; Zhao Nanyu
Released 2018
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Truth”

This song was the opening song of the TV Series “Guardian Angel守护神之保险调查“, and it was released on November 20, 2018.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Truth”

mìng yùn rè zhōng shàng yǎn yōu mò
命 运 热 衷 上 演 幽 默
Fate loves playing humor

xū wěi de ài rú hé zhēn pò
虚 伪 的 爱 如 何 侦 破
How to detect the hypocritical love

huǎng yán zěn huì shàn bà gān xiū
谎 言 怎 会 善 罢 甘 休
How will lies ever stop

hóng zhe shuāng yǎn sī hǒu biàn bó
红 着 双 眼 嘶 吼 辩 驳
Yell and argue in red eyes

miàn jù bèi hòu shí jiān xiàng xiōng shǒu
面 具 背 后 时 间 像 凶 手
Behind the mask, time seems like a murderer

yī bù bù bǎ xìng fú tūn méi
一 步 步 把 幸 福 吞 没
Step by step, swallow the happiness

yuè mí liàn yuè mí huò
越 迷 恋 越 迷 惑
The more obsessed, the more confused

zhēn xiàng xǐ huān sì chù shǎn duǒ
真 相 喜 欢 四 处 闪 躲
The truth likes playing hide and seek

Love is in my memory

I know wherever you are

nǎ zhǒng jié guǒ
哪 种 结 果
Which result will it be

nǐ shì nà chǎng mí tiān fēng bō
你 是 那 场 弥 天 风 波
You are that ground-breaking scandal

xí juàn zhe wǒ bú míng xià luò
席 卷 着 我 不 明 下 落
Overwelming me, nowhere to be found

chì shǒu kōng quán wàng tú wǎn jiù
赤 手 空 拳 妄 图 挽 救
Try to save the day with bare hands

duō me cán kù cái suàn shēng huó
多 么 残 酷 才 算 生 活
How cruel it has to be to count as life

dá àn bèi hòu xiōng yǒng zhe xuán wō
答 案 背 后 汹 涌 着 漩 涡
Behind the answer, there is whirpool surging

yī diǎn diǎn tūn shì le nǐ wǒ
一 点 点 吞 噬 了 你 我
Bit by bit, swallowing you and me

yuè chén mí yuè chén mò
越 沉 迷 越 沉 默
The more obsessed, the more silent

zhēn xiàng chí zǎo zǒng yào kāi kǒu
真 相 迟 早 总 要 开 口
The truth will speak up sooner or later

Love is in my memory

No matter how far we go

No matter how far we go

I won’t give up


Covers & Versions of “The Truth”

Pinyin Lyrics version

Chords of “The Truth”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “The Truth”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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