January 18, 2025
The 'Take Care' I Forgot To Say漏说的珍重(Lou Shuo De Zhen Zhong) Heroes OST By Sha Lala莎啦啦

The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say漏说的珍重(Lou Shuo De Zhen Zhong) Heroes OST By Sha Lala莎啦啦

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say漏说的珍重(Lou Shuo De Zhen Zhong) Heroes OST By Sha Lala莎啦啦

Info/About “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

Song NameThe ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say漏说的珍重(Lou Shuo De Zhen Zhong)
Artist Sha Lala莎啦啦
LyricistYou Yaqi
ComposerYu Zishan
Released 2024
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

This song was an interlude of the TV Series “Heroes天行健“, and it was released on May 23, 2024.

“Heroes天行健” Soundtrack Listing

Heroes天行健Liu Yuning刘宇宁 & Jinna Fu傅菁Theme Song
The Universe乾坤Dai Quan戴荃Ending Song
Fate缘Jinna Fu傅菁Interlude
Gracilaria Confervoides Flower荼蘼花Qin Junjie秦俊杰Interlude
The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say漏说的珍重Sha Lala莎啦啦Interlude
Break Through破空 Zhang Ming’en张铭恩Promotional Song

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

rèn suí fēng piāo líng
任 随 风 飘 零
I let the winds blow me away

tàn lái lù qí qū
叹 来 路 崎 岖
and sigh for the rough road ahead

rán bàn shēng kōng zǒng
然 半 生 倥 偬
But I’ve spent half my life in crisis

zhè luàn shì yòu zěn chēng rén yì
这 乱 世 又 怎 称 人 意
How can this chaotic world satisfy anyone?

qíng shēn cáng yǎn dǐ
情 深 藏 眼 底
Love is hidden deep in my eyes

yǐ cán hén zhī qū
已 残 痕 之 躯
My body is full of scars

qìng xìng zhōng jiě tuō
庆 幸 终 解 脱
I’m glad to be free

zhī kě xī yǔ jun1 zài huì wú qī
只 可 惜 与 君 再 会 无 期
But it’s a shame we won’t see each other again

ruò néng piàn kè cún huó zài nǐ de yǎn móu
若 能 片 刻 存 活 在 你 的 眼 眸
If I could only live in your eyes for a moment

wǒ yuàn cóng cǐ xiāo sàn zài yún hǎi de jìn tóu
我 愿 从 此 消 散 在 云 海 的 尽 头
I’d like to be dispersed at the end of the sea of clouds

qiú jiè suì yuè de shǒu zài shí guāng lǐ cán liú
求 借 岁 月 的 手 在 时 光 里 残 留
I beg for the hand of the years to linger on in time

cáng yú nǐ xīn zhōng yě suàn gòng bái tóu
藏 于 你 心 中 也 算 共 白 头
Hidden in your heart can also be counted as growing old together with you

rèn suí fēng piāo líng
任 随 风 飘 零
I let the winds blow me away

tàn lái lù qí qū
叹 来 路 崎 岖
and sigh for the rough road ahead

rán bàn shēng kōng zǒng
然 半 生 倥 偬
But I’ve spent half my life in crisis

zhè luàn shì yòu zěn chēng rén yì
这 乱 世 又 怎 称 人 意
How can this chaotic world satisfy anyone?

qíng shēn cáng yǎn dǐ
情 深 藏 眼 底
Love is hidden deep in my eyes

yǐ cán hén zhī qū
已 残 痕 之 躯
My body is full of scars

qìng xìng zhōng jiě tuō
庆 幸 终 解 脱
I’m glad to be free

zhī kě xī yǔ jun1 zài huì wú qī
只 可 惜 与 君 再 会 无 期
But it’s a shame we won’t see each other again

ruò néng piàn kè cún huó zài nǐ de yǎn móu
若 能 片 刻 存 活 在 你 的 眼 眸
If I could only live in your eyes for a moment

wǒ yuàn cóng cǐ xiāo sàn zài yún hǎi de jìn tóu
我 愿 从 此 消 散 在 云 海 的 尽 头
I’d like to be dispersed at the end of the sea of clouds

qiú jiè suì yuè de shǒu zài shí guāng lǐ cán liú
求 借 岁 月 的 手 在 时 光 里 残 留
I beg for the hand of the years to linger on in time

cáng yú nǐ xīn zhōng yě suàn gòng bái tóu
藏 于 你 心 中 也 算 共 白 头
Hidden in your heart can also be counted as growing old together with you

ruò néng piàn kè cún huó zài nǐ de yǎn móu
若 能 片 刻 存 活 在 你 的 眼 眸
If I could only live in your eyes for a moment

wǒ yuàn cóng cǐ xiāo sàn zài yún hǎi de jìn tóu
我 愿 从 此 消 散 在 云 海 的 尽 头
I’d like to be dispersed at the end of the sea of clouds

qiú jiè suì yuè de shǒu zài shí guāng lǐ cán liú
求 借 岁 月 的 手 在 时 光 里 残 留
I beg for the hand of the years to linger on in time

cáng yú nǐ xīn zhōng yě suàn gòng bái tóu
藏 于 你 心 中 也 算 共 白 头
Hidden in your heart can also be counted as growing old together with you

Covers & Versions of “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

Lyrics Video

English sub version

Chords of “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “The ‘Take Care’ I Forgot To Say”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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