January 18, 2025
The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star有你的梦境像流星(You Ni De Meng Jing Xiang Liu Xing) Unexpected Falling OST By Elvira Cai Wenjing蔡文静 & Peng Guanying彭冠英 & J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园

The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star有你的梦境像流星(You Ni De Meng Jing Xiang Liu Xing) Unexpected Falling OST By Elvira Cai Wenjing蔡文静 & Peng Guanying彭冠英 & J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园

Pinyin Lyrics, English Lyrics (Translation), Info/About, Background Story, Covers & Versions, Chords, Video, and Download/mp3 of The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star有你的梦境像流星(You Ni De Meng Jing Xiang Liu Xing) Unexpected Falling OST By Elvira Cai Wenjing蔡文静 & Peng Guanying彭冠英 & J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园

Info/About “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

Song NameThe Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star有你的梦境像流星(You Ni De Meng Jing Xiang Liu Xing)
Artist Elvira Cai Wenjing蔡文静 & Peng Guanying彭冠英 & J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园
LyricistGuan Zhiyun
ComposerChen Xiaoshu
Released 2022
Genre Pop/Soundtrack

Background Story of “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

This song was the theme song (performed by Elvira Cai Wenjing蔡文静 & Peng Guanying彭冠英)(leading actors in this drama) and the ending song (performed by J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园) of the TV Series “Unexpected Falling不期而至“, and it was released on November 1, 2022.

Lyrics in Pinyin/Mandarin/English of “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

zhēng kāi yǎn bú yuàn xǐng
睁 开 眼 不 愿 醒
Open my eyes, but I’m unwilling to wake up

nǐ chū xiàn de mèng jìng xiàng liú xīng
你 出 现 的 梦 境 像 流 星
The dream with you in it is like a shooting star

zhuā bú zhù ruò jí ruò lí de shēn yǐng
抓 不 住 若 即 若 离 的 身 影
I can’t grasp that erratic figure

míng zhī dào shì xiàn jǐng
明 知 道 是 陷 阱
Knowing clearly it’s a trap

rèn bīng lěng huǎng yán dòng jié xīn qíng
任 冰 冷 谎 言 冻 结 心 情
Let the cold lie to freeze my mood

dāng zuò nǐ kāng kǎi wú sī de dīng níng
当 作 你 慷 慨 无 私 的 叮 咛
Take it as you generous and selfless reminding

wǒ pīn mìng qù zhèng míng
我 拼 命 去 证 明
I try my best to prove

qiān shǒu jiù shì huí yīng
牵 手 就 是 回 应
Hand-holding is the response

tòng guò hòu cái qīng xǐng
痛 过 后 才 清 醒
Only after the pain did I wake up

tián mì zhī shì céng jīng
甜 蜜 只 是 曾 经
The sweetness was only the past

gù shì de jié jú fù gài ní nìng
故 事 的 结 局 覆 盖 泥 泞
The ending of the story is covered by mud

yuán liàng wǒ de rèn xìng
原 谅 我 的 任 性
Forgive me for my willfullness

lèi cóng lái bú huì qù wěi zhuāng lěng jìng
泪 从 来 不 会 去 伪 装 冷 静
Tears would never pretend to be calm

shú xī de jiù chǎng jǐng
熟 悉 的 旧 场 景
The familiar old scene

nǐ biān zhī de jù qíng yòu zhòng yìng
你 编 织 的 剧 情 又 重 映
The plot you weaved replayed again

shuāi suì le yáo bú kě jí de chōng jǐng
摔 碎 了 遥 不 可 及 的 憧 憬
Crushing the unreachable longing

nǎo hǎi zhōng zhuǎn bú tíng
脑 海 中 转 不 停
It keeps spinning in my mind

wéi nǐ fàng qì le suǒ wèi gōng píng
为 你 放 弃 了 所 谓 公 平
Give up the so-called fairness for you

pīn còu chū zhī lí pò suì de jiān dìng
拼 凑 出 支 离 破 碎 的 坚 定
Piece together the shattered firmness

wǒ pīn mìng qù zhèng míng
我 拼 命 去 证 明
I try my best to prove

qiān shǒu jiù shì huí yīng
牵 手 就 是 回 应
Hand-holding is the response

tòng guò hòu cái qīng xǐng
痛 过 后 才 清 醒
Only after the pain did I wake up

tián mì zhī shì céng jīng
甜 蜜 只 是 曾 经
The sweetness was only the past

gù shì de jié jú fù gài ní nìng
故 事 的 结 局 覆 盖 泥 泞
The ending of the story is covered by mud

yuán liàng wǒ de rèn xìng
原 谅 我 的 任 性
Forgive me for my willfullness

lèi cóng lái bú huì qù wěi zhuāng lěng jìng
泪 从 来 不 会 去 伪 装 冷 静
Tears would never pretend to be calm

wǒ rèn zhēn qù qīng tīng
我 认 真 去 倾 听
I carefully listen

wǎn fēng qīng fǔ fēng líng
晚 风 轻 抚 风 铃
The evening breeze caresses the wind chimes

yáo yè guò nán fēi háng
摇 曳 过 难 飞 行
Swayed, it’s hard to fly

lún wéi duàn chì qīng tíng
沦 为 断 翅 蜻 蜓
End up as a dragonfly with broken wings

cái míng bái ài qíng bú shì diàn yǐng
才 明 白 爱 情 不 是 电 影
Only then did I understand love is not a movie

tài rù xì bú huì yíng
太 入 戏 不 会 赢
Being too involved won’t make you win

wǒ huì jì dé hé zì jǐ de yuē dìng yuē dìng
我 会 记 得 和 自 己 的 约 定 约 定
I will remember the promise I made with myself, the promise


Covers & Versions of “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

MV Version

Ending Song Version (performed by J.SHU郑俊树 & Tian Yuan田园)

Chords of “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

Sorry, I can’t find any yet, but I’ll keep looking, please come back later.

Download/MP3 of “The Dream With You In It Is Like A Shooting Star”

Please support the artist by paying for the music, later I will add the legitimate download source of this song, please come back later, thank you

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